Thursday, December 1, 2011

Water: The Wonder Drug

What if you could have one food that was magic and it could cure you off all your aliments? Well ok it’s not a food and it can’t cure everything. But it is pretty amazing stuff…water. We already know from science class that our bodies are made of 75% water. We can live without water longer than we can live without food. Not getting enough water can lead to excessive thirst, fatigue, dehydration, headaches, dizziness, muscle failure, and a build-up of toxin in the body due to lack of urination and well can cause constipation.

So how much water do you need? Well it depends on who you talk to. Honestly it really depends on you and what your body needs. I am a dry person, I have dry skin, dry hair, dry nails; I need the water. I crave it. I drink about a gallon every day. I am also very possessive of my water. My daughter is the same way. Forget juice or milk, she wants water. The girl would drink the bathtub if I let her. The general rule is no less that 8-10oz glasses a day and more if you exercise, or live hot or dry climates. If you drink coffee, soda, tea or alcohol you need to add additional water equal to the amount you are drinking. For instance for a 16 oz coffee you need to add 16 oz of water on top of your 8 glasses. Other influences on you water needs are medications, illness, and pregnancy. All three require more water.

This week try to add more water my drinking a glass every hour. You will be amazed on how great you feel!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Finish Strong

As the end of the year approaches, instead of planning what you will accomplish in 2012 look at what you can still accomplish THIS year. Plan to finish the year strong! Is your goal to lose 10 pounds? Why wait until next year when you can lose it this year? I want you to get out a piece of paper and list 10 goals you want to achieve this year, even if they seem a little out of reach. Make sure one of those includes your health & fitness goals. Once you have made you list put them in order of importance. Which one is the most important to you? Then choose 2 more you can work on simultaneously. These will be where you will start. Create a master to do list for each. Try to think of everything and then some. Each item should take no more than 15 minutes if possible. If it takes longer try to break I down. Choose 3 small things from your number one item that you can get done today. Then choose one from each of your other lists. Do this every day until you meet your number one goal. Then move up the next goal & add your next to the list & repeat. Make sense?

Action: In the comments below share your top 3 goals. The more people you share with the more likely they will happen.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Home cooking for Thankgiving

When cooking this Thanksgiving choose whole and real foods over processed and fake foods. Yes it is much easier & quicker to make mashed potatoes out of a box but it is healthier both physically and mentally for you and your family. Putting your heart into the food you prepare for your family fills the need for your Primary Foods or the food that feed your soul rather than your stomach.

Here is a quick & yummy recipe for you to try this holiday.

Ginger Maple Turkey Breast

1/4 c. reduced sodium soy sauce
2 Tbsp. canola oil
2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. ginger root, minced
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 7 to 8 lb. bone - in, skin - on turkey breast
Olive oil

Whisk together the soy sauce, oil, maple syrup, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, black pepper, cloves and cayenne pepper in a glass or porcelain dish large enough to hold the turkey. Place turkey in marinade and turn to coat thoroughly. Marinate in refrigerator for 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a heavy rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly coat with olive oil. Remove turkey from marinade and place skin side up on baking sheet. Discard remaining marinade. Roast turkey for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. The temperature should read 170 degrees on a meat thermometer. Remove turkey breast from oven and let rest for 15 minutes before carving and serving. Remove skin before eating.

Nutritional information (per 4 oz. serving) Calories: 212, Fat: 8 g., Carbs: 9 g., Protein: 25 g.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Egg Nog without the Fat

This is a recipe that I found on I am a big fan of raw & vegan. There are just certain foods that weren’t meat to be cooked & many foods lose their nutrients when cooked. Also, many raw vegan alternative recipes are lower calorie lower fat than the original versions.

Vegan Eggnog (dairy free, egg free, gluten free)
3 cups almonds
4 cups water
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons agave nectar
2 tablespoons yacon syrup
2 teaspoons nutmeg, ground
¼ teaspoon cinnamon, ground
pinch cloves, ground

Soak almonds overnight
Discard soaking water and rinse almonds in a deep bowl of water, repeat until water is clear
Place soaked almonds and 4 cups of water in a Vitamix
Blend on highest speed for 90 seconds
Strain milk through a fine mesh paint bag, discarding solids
Place almond milk in a half gallon mason jar
Add vanilla, agave, yacon, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, then shake well
Refrigerate until cold and serve
Serves 6

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5 Tips to Surviving the Holidays

Thanksgiving is right around the corner & it is only inevitable that we all will be confronted with temptations everywhere we go. Instead of trying to deprive yourself of all of the wonderful food that comes with the holiday, be smart and remember everything in moderation.

Here are 5 tips to help you through.
1. Watch you portion sizes. This is where the new My Plate will come in handy. Fill half of your plate with fruits & veggies. Just be careful of things like green bean casserole. This is not a vegetable any more. Fill the other half with ¼ protein & ¼ starches. As a rule of thumb. If it is high calorie take smaller serving sizes. If it is healthy & low calorie you can take a larger serving size. Turkey breast alone is a low calorie low fat food.

2. Stay away from the food table. When you are at a party eat a small snack before hand and don’t stand around the food. This is when mindless eating takes place. You’re your calories for dinner. I you are at a party where there is only appetizers being served, you the same rules at #1.

3. When you really crave something unhealthy, eat apple slices first. Cutting it up into pieces makes it feel more like a treat. The ask yourself, “Do I really want that piece of cake still?” If you decide you really do, they cut a small slice & enjoy every bite. Make it worth it. Studies have shown that the enjoyment of the taste is actually gone after the 3rd bite.

4. Remember you are human, we all are. If you slip up you will live and it is not the end of the world. So don’t go crazy. Just get back on track right away, not tomorrow. If you feel a little sluggish the next day pump up your cardio a bit and you will feel great.

5. Enjoy your holiday. This is a time to be with family & enjoy their company & laugh. Get them involved. Why not get everyone together for a post meal walk instead of passing out on the couch for the afternoon. Better yet get everyone to sign upyou’re your local Turkey Trot.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Herbal Decongestant Steam

So I woke up Friday morning with a terrible head & chest cold. Since I am not one for medicine I decided to try to kick it myself. I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat but I am good to go.
(***Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & cannot diagnose or heal this is just what works for me)
Wonder drug
#1: WATER!! And lots of it. Like a gallon.
#2: A herbal decongestant before upon waking & before bed. See my recipe below
#3- Ricola All natural lemon lozenges
#4 My daily vitamin pack of CoQ10, Vitamin C, Calcium, a Multi & Product B
#5 Simply OJ
#6 Sleep!

Herbal Decongestant Steam:
(not for those with weepy acne, rosacea, sunburn, sensitive skin or asthma)
3-4 c distilled or purified water
2 tsp peppermint or eucalyptus leaves
1 tsp comfrey or marshmallow root
1 tsp rosemary leaves
1 tsp thyme leaves
** mix as needed. In a med size pot, bring water to a boil. Remove from heat & add the herbs, cover & let seep 5 min. Place pan somewhere safe where you can sit comfortably for 10 min. Remove cover from pan. Drape a large bath towel over your head & shoulders & the steaming herbs to create a tent. With your eyes closed and your face 10-12 inches from the edge of the pot, breathe deeply & relax as you all the steam to reach deep into the sinus cavities, lung & throat.

To read more articles like this, check out my sister blog. DIY Trophy Wife

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's not a Jack-o-Lantern, It's lunch!

I am on a pumpkin kick. I am not a fan of pumpkin pie but, oooh do I love roasted pumpkin & roasted pumpkin seeds. I am actually sitting here eating a bowl of pumpkin seeds as I type this.

Pumpkin seeds:
Every year I look forward to Halloween, not for the candy but for the seeds. Well and I like to dress up too but whatever. I clean them off, spray them with some EVOO (Better yet pumpkin seed oil) & Sea Salt bake ‘em. The best part is that they are a great nutrition source as well. Studies show that they fight cancer & boost immune levels. They are also a great source of manganese, which is needed to help keep bones strong, normalize blood sugar and regulate cholesterol. This is why they are perfect to eat for a night time snack. It is recommended to eat a handful of shelled pumpkin seeds three times a week.

Pumpkin Seed Oil:
Pumpkin seed oil works to reduce inflammation that causes arthritis. The oil is also shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower triglycerides and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Studies show it reduces blood pressure levels as well.

Pumpkin itself is rich in Beta carotene which is why it is such a bright orange color. People who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene are less likely to develop certain cancers. Instead of a banana for potassium try eating pumpkin. Zinc another nutrient which not only is a major boost for your immune system but it also aids in bone density support for people at risk for osteoporosis. Best of all, anti-oxidant vitamins A and C which are found in pumpkin, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids help to reduce the signs of aging.

Try Some apple & pumkine soup. Click here

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another killer workout

So many of you on my 90 Day Holiday Challenge loved you Halloween workout I thought why not give you another. I am sharing this one with everyone so they can all share in your pain.

warm up 5 min blaistic stretching

Everything is for 1 minute. Repeat each circuit twice

Circuit 1:
tricep pushups
plie squat & bicep curl
double crunch

Circuit 2
Side lying tricep pushup
Over head shoulder press with alt squat to knee raise
side lunge & bicep curl while holding lunge
high knees
butt kickers
side plank hip lift (30 sec each side)

Circuit 3
lateral raise with side leg lift (don't let foot touch)
front raise with rear leg lift (don't let foot touch)
plant row to side plank
squat jump clicking heels in the air
alt jump lunges
plank knee drops

cool down 5 min

My Vision of my Future

A little while back I did a blog series on setting goals. So I wanted to touch back really quickly on what I do to set my goals. First at the beginning of the year I write down all the goals I would like to achieve that year. I Dream Big no goals is too big or out of my reach. I ask myself, “What would a perfect year look like?” From there I categorize them into groups. Then I choose my number 1 goal from each category. This way I ensure to myself that I am staying balanced. These groups include:
1. School
2. Emily’s Fitness Training
3. Philanthropy projects
4. Personal growth
5. Personal Fitness
6. Competition
7. Family
8. Fun
9. Spirituality
10. Friends
Once I have picked my top 10 I purge everything I will need to do to see that goal come to fruition. I then break it into 12 blocks (or less).
Then every month I reevaluate my goals for the year to see where I am and what I need to work on next so I can reach each goal. I set my goals for that month then I break them down once more by week. If I get done with that list I go back & add more to it. Sometimes things take longer sometimes they go a lot faster. Some are complicated (starting a charity to work with the Wounded Warrior Project) some are simple (read a novel for leisure). I keep my list everywhere and look at it several times a day. That way I am reminded of what I need to and I am not wasting time. Something very important for a busy mom.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Black Bean Brownie Recipe

I found this recipe for brownies that I am really excited to try. A few months ago on Dr. Oz the did a segment on mystery ingredients & a woman presented a Brownie using Black Beans & Avocado. The woman trying it said that it was even better than regular brownies. How cool is that?!
Black Bean Brownie Recipe

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What About Coconut water

One of my favorite drinks is coconut water. I was introduced to it by a friend when I lived in California a few years ago. Since it has become a staple of my fridge. Not only is it extremely refreshing but it is beneficial for your health.

Coconut water is the liquid that is from inside young coconuts before it solidifies to form the flesh of the coconut that we normally eat. Though it is safe to drink it directly from freshly harvested fruit, the coconut water that you find in the grocery store is pasteurized and may have added pulp. Coconut water is naturally low in calories and fat-free. It is a great source of Potassium and has about the same amount as a banana. This is why it is an athlete’s friend. Fruit-flavored coconut water is usually sweetened with juice or cane juice. While it does add a few extra calories, they are from cane juice which is a natural sugar. The added sugar also makes it a great post workout drink. So what are other benefits? For one, is has been shown to help lower high blood pressure. (this does not mean it will cure high blood pressure) So when should you drink coconut water? During and after a workout is a perfect time. It is a superior source of hydration. Instead of reaching for a Gatorade which is loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners and coloring.

Here’s a fun little article to check out.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Take time for you

I hope you got some rest today. With all the hectiveness (yes I know it’s not a word) in life it is important to take some time for ourselves. This morning I was at a BeachBody conference until 3, after that I laid on the floor with McKalyn for 6 hours straight, well other than dinner. This is the first time I have done that in I don’t know how long. I loved every minute of it. So I didn’t get my workout in today, I didn’t get a single item on my to-do list done. I sat on my butt & enjoyed my daughter. Sometimes we get so caught up in life and forget to stop and lick the tulips as my husband says. Enjoy life!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back Yard workout

As a busy mom I understand that going and spending hours in the gym is not always feasible. Not to mention the time it takes to commute to the gym & back. As a busy mom my workouts either involves my 18 month old daughter or take place during her naps. I need to be efficient and get done what needs to be done because my shower needs to be done before she wakes as well. This is a back yard workout I created that she enjoys to try to do as well.

Set a marker at each end of your yard or about 30 feet apart.

Jog laps around the perimeter for 5 minutes

Stretch major muscle groups 5 min

Circuit 1: Do each exercise the number of reps specified at each end of the yard & sprint to the other side & repeat for the same number of reps.
15 pushups, 15 sit-ups, 15 jump squats
14 pushups, 14 sit ups, 15 jump squats
Repeat down to 5 then go back up increasing by 1.
Rest 2 minutes

Circuit 2: Same idea only this time we are adding a new exercise at each end. Each exercise is for 16 reps. The cardio in the middle will change each time.
Dips/bear crawl/dips
Add reverse lunges& dips/crab walk/add reverse lunges & dips
Add Russian twists/skip/add Russian twists
Add Plank jacks/skip backwards/ add plank jacks
Add alt jump lunges/sprint/add alt jump lunges
So the last pass will look like this dips, reverse lunges, Russian twists, plank jacks, jump lunges, run to the other side & repeat.
Rest 2 minutes & repeat.

Jog 5 minutes

Cool down stretch 10 minutes

Join my Push Team

I want you to join my team!

I am starting a team to participate in a life-changing experience.

In celebration of Chalene Johnson's new book, PUSH: 30 Days to a Turbo-Charged Habits, A Banging Body, and The Life You Deserve, Chalene has created a pre-launch Push Jump Start program. We'll get all the content of the book with the nutrition tips, exercises, and life-changing tips. Plus, she's going to send us a free copy of her book! Chalene links together life-skills with fitness goals and makes it easy to achieve success in all areas of your life.

I'm already signed up, and I really want you to join me.

We start 11/11/11, but sign up now, because space is limited!

Push Jump Start: A revolutionary 30-day system that will allow you to transform your body, your diet and your life!

Our team name is: Kage Fit
I'm listed as team leader: Emily Dunn

I am really excited about this Challenge. I have done Chalene's 30 Day Push twice thourgh now & read her blog for motivation. I am looking forward to what she will be offering. So I hope you will join me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Night Football workout

Remember in college how you had drinking games for everything? Well why not make it a workout game. So tonight instead of sitting on the couch while the game is on try this workout instead.
1st down- 10 pushups
2nd down- 15 tricep dip
3rd down- 20 floor jacks
4th down- 20 Russian
Touch-down-15 burpees
Time out home team crunches or Russian twists
Time out away team Hold plank
Commercial-alternate these cardio options; jumping jacks, Jump rope, high knees, butt kickers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Goals Step 5

Step 5-This one is more metaphorical. “The act of carrying…” No one can achieve their goals completely alone. Yes they can pursue them alone, but everyone needs a support system of some kind. A mentor, a teacher, a trainer, a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a child…

It is important to surround ourselves with people who are there to help us up when we call, carry us and sometimes “kick” us to get us to that goal.

There is not of explanation that needs to go into this. Everyone needs a support system. For some this is not easy. Not everyone is blessed with a good support system. I supposed that is why there are so many groups out there for this reason. You can find one on your area or find one on-line. I am excited to announce that I will have my own community on my website that will launch after the New Year. Until then find me on my Facebook Fan page or you can request to be added to my private Facebook Fitness Group as well.!/groups/giterdunn/

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goals Step 4

Goals should have rewards. Yes just achieving a goal is a reward itself that is true. However, we need motivation to keep us going and we deserve rewards for the little milestones. Think about it. We have Preschool graduation, kindergarten graduation, Junior High graduation, High School graduation then finally college graduation. How long and drawn out would school be without those milestones?

When setting a big goal, it is just as important to break it down into milestones & reward yourself for each one. A reward can be small or big but needs to be there. So say your goal is to lose 30 pounds, then reward yourself every 5, 10 or 15 or any combination of. If your goal is to loose weight I suggest you not reward yourself with food or clothes. Jewelry maybe, but not clothes. They reason being: 1. you are trying to leave your bad eating habits behind & one day of bad eating can completely send you in a tail spin. 2. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose if you go out & buy some nice clothes you will only have to buy new ones later.

Need some ideas? Here is my list:
1. Jewelry
2. Mani/pedi
3. Facial
4. Massage
5. Shoes
6. Makeup
7. New movie (I love movies!)
8. A new book
9. A day off from everything
10. New music (especially workout music)

Need some help breaking your goals down? Post them below or email me at & I would be glad to help!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goals Step 3

How do we know we have reached that goal? We have a marker telling us exactly where it is because we can see it.

It is so important to have a very specific measurable goal. Without an end point how will we know we are done? Can you imagine running a race and being told that the finish line is where ever? How would you know you finished the race? What if the next guy thinks the finish-line should be farther ahead that you do? Or even worse what if it was the other direction? Well then you just went 5k in the wrong direction as fast as you could!

Having a direction when you set your goals is just as important as having a pre-determined finish line at the end of a race. It gives you a direction and a purpose. It gives you motivation. When you feel like giving up, if you can look up to see the finish line you know you can push yourself just that much more. When I ran track I used to tell myself just 10 more steps, just 10 more steps. Even if I had 200 more. But breaking it down into 10 steps I was able to complete my race, but that is a whole nother (yes I know that is not a word) blog entry.
Set your goal and give it an end date and also a set finish line. So for instance, I will read 3 books by the end of the year. So I have a choice, I can read them all as fast as I can between now and December 31st, or I can read one a month, or if I am feeling crazy I can exceed my goal and read 5 once I am done with my 3. That goes back to step 2, re-evaluating my goals once I have finished one.

Today sit down make a list of goals you want to accomplish. It can be 5, 10, 100 whatever then give them a finish line and a deadline. What are the top 3 goals you want to accomplish now?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Goals Step 2

When we have reached that goal we are at the ending point, but we are also at the beginning. The ending point has been defined with a finish-line. During a race it is a distance or when setting a goal for achievement it is a date.

It is so important to give your goals an end date! How many times have you said you were going to do something but yet have put it off and put it off so long that there almost seems no point in doing it?
Here is a great example. In July 2009 Quad and I were married. I hired my cousin to take our pictures and she did a wonderful job. She sent me a proof book to choose the pics that I wanted. I went out and bought gorgeous frames to put our pictures in. It is now October 2011 & I still have not ordered my wedding pictures!! The frames are empty in my closet as is the really cool scrap book I started working on while I was pregnant in 2010.

I am the world’s best procrastinator. If I don’t set a deadline or a finish line, I don’t do it. I also need a daily reminder of what I am supposed to be doing. I am going to film a video for you so you can see how ridiculous I am. I have lists and reminders everywhere. I even have lists and reminders for my reminders. You think I am kidding. You just wait.

When setting your goal, no matter what it is, give it a finish-line. When you reach that finish-line, set new goals. To stick with the scrapbook example, I will finish my Wedding scrapbook and get my pictures hung by the end of the week. Next I am going to work on my Hawaii scrapbook from July 2007. Yeah… I know.

Grilled Turkey with Avocado Chili Salsa

I found this recipe that I had cut out of a magazine this summer & thought I would share. I loooove avocado!

Turkey Ingredients:
1 chili pepper chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
Zest of 1 lime
8 oz skinless turkey breast

Salsa Ingredients:
1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped
1 avocado, diced
2 T finely diced red onion
2 T diced tomato
1 T lime juice
Cilantro, chopped
Salt & pepper to taste

1. In a small bowl, mix together chili, garlic, & lime zest. Pour mixture over turkey and let marinate in fridge 30 min to overnight.
2. Meanwhile, in another bowl mix together salsa ingredients & set aside.
3. Grill turkey breast over high heat, using BBQ or indoor contact grill, for 4-5 min per side or unil cooked through. Serve with Avocado Salsa.

Serves 2
390 calories, 23g fat, 0 trans fat, 95 mg cholesterol, 70 mg sodium, 12g carbohydrates, 7 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 37 g protein

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Setting Goals Step 1

1. A goal is the result we are looking to achieve. It tells us what decisions we need to make and what direction we need to go.

It is important to set and define our goals. Goals should be SMART Goals. They need to have a destination, a direction and a time-line; Much like a boat race. If you don’t have a destination in mind or directions on how to get there or a time to get there by you end up floating out in the water which is nice for a while but can get pretty rough.

So what are SMART Goals?

Specific: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Measurable: How much? How often? How many?
Attainable: Achievable & realistic
Relevant: Is this in line with your priorities and your ultimate goal?
Time Base: By when?

Here is an example:

Specific: I (who) will commit to doing yoga (what) 3 times a week before my daughter wakes up (when) at home (where) because I know that the chronic pain in my back can be alleviated by doing yoga consistently.
Measurable: I will practice 3 days a week for an minimum of an hour
Attainable: Yes
Relevant: My heath and my family’s health is in my top 3 life priorities, so yes. Plus, I am being a healthy role model for my daughter.
Time: I will commit to doing this for 90 days then at which time I will re-evaluate my goals.

What are your goals? What would you like to accomplish by the end of 2012? I would love to hear from you. Head on over to my Facebook Page and Share!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Weeks Challenge Due Saturday October 8th

This week's challenge.
Post an update on your facebook page tagging my Emily's Fitness Training Fan page and mentioning the 90 Day Holiday Challenge a minimum of 3 times between now and Saturday and you will be entered in a drawing for 1 month of my MBB Level one training.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tabata Workout

What is Tabata? Tabata is a type of High Intensity Interval Training. It involves performing a particular exercise (or exercises) at high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times for a total training time of 4 minutes.

Here is your Full Body Tabata Training for you to try. Do each exercise for one Tabata round. Take a 1-2 minute reset between each round. This is meant to kick your butt so beware. It should take about 30 minutes.

Start with a 5 minute warm-up with a full-body stretch.
Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Alternate pushups & situps
Round 3: Jump rope
Round 4: Alternate push-up jacks & Russian twists
Round 5: Mountain climbers on the floor or standing
End with a 5 minutes cooldown & stretch


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Setting Goals is as easy as 1-2-3!

What are goals exactly?
This is the definition according to Webster.
goal noun
1. the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
2.the terminal point in a race.
3. a pole, line, or other marker by which such a point is indicated.
4. an area, basket, cage, or other object or structure toward or into which players of various games attempt to throw, carry, kick, hit, or drive a ball, puck, etc., to score a point or points.
5. the act of throwing, carrying, kicking, driving, etc., a ball or puck into such an area or object.

To be honest I think all 5 are accurate.
Here is my interpretation:
1. A goal is the result we are looking to achieve. It tells us what decisions we need to make and what direction we need to go.
2. When we have reached that goal we are at the ending point, but we are also at the beginning. The ending point has been defined with a finish-line. During a race it is a distance or when setting a goal for achievement it is a date.
3. How do we know we have reached that goal? We have a marker telling us exactly where it is because we can see it.
4. Goals should have rewards. Why else would we stick without plan to reach them? It is important to set milestones and give rewards. Can you imagine if the Major League only had one big game to decide who won the World Series and no season? How much fun would that be? Instead they play a game, they win, they celebrate, they play another they win, they celebrate, they play a game, they lose and they reevaluate so they can improve and win again. Every year they keep trying over and over again.
5. This one is more metaphorical. “The act of carrying…” No one can achieve their goals completely alone. Yes they can pursue them alone, but everyone needs a support system of some kind. A mentor, a teacher, a trainer, a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a child… It is important to surround ourselves with people who are there to help us up when we call, carry us and sometimes “kick” us to get us to that goal.

What I want you to do is think about what you want to achieve. Make a list of everything you want to accomplish in your life.
Then decide what your top 3 goals are. Post them below.
More on Goals tomorrow.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Living Room Cardio Workout.

Don't have time to get to the gym? No problmem! Here a kick butt workout you can do right in your living room.

Warm up 3-5 minutes by running in place or jumping rope
15 pushups
15 situps
1 min cardio option from below.
14 pushups
14 situps
repeat counting down all the way to 5 each then work your way back up to 15 of each.

Cardio options: Juming jacks, burpees, Pushup/floor jacks, mountain climbers, high knee runs or butt kickers.

Brown Rice with Chick Peas and Spinach

In case you haven't noticed I am a big fan of quick and easy meals that are also healthy. As a busy mom I just don't have hours to spend in the kitchen. Whenever possible I try to stick to dishes that take about 30 minutes or so to prepare. I am also a fan of one dish dishes. This is a great for lunch as a side dish with a salad or even better over a bed of fresh spinach. Just prepare the night before and take it with you. The recipe says 4 servings but because the carbohydrates amount is so high I would cut the servings in half. To add extra protein use Non-fat Greek yogurt like Fage.

1 C finely chopped yellow onion
1 clove garlic, minced
¾ c red pepper, cored seeded & finely chopped
2 T lemon juice
1 C chopped cooked spinach, squeezed dry
1 T minced fresh mint or 1 t mint flakes
1 t ground cumin
¼ t salt
1/8 t ground red pepper
1 c brown rice
2 c cooked chickpeas (canned are fine)
¾ c raisins
2 ¾ C low sodium chicken stock
1 C plain low-fat yogurt
4 springs parsley

1. Preheat oven to 350. In a 4-quart flameproof casserole, heat oil over moderately high heat. Add the onion, garlic, and red pepper; stir to coat with the oil. Stir in lemon juice, reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for 5 min. or until onion is softened.

2. Add the spinach, mint, cumin, salt, ground red pepper, cracked wheat, chickpeas, raisins, and stock. Raise the heat to high and bring liquid to a boil. Cover, transfer the casserole dish to the oven, am bake on high 35 min. or until the mixture has absorbed the liquid. Top each portion with ¼ c yogurt and garnish with parsley if desired.

Serves 4
Per serving: 494 calories; Saturated fat 2g; total fat 12g; Protein 21g; Carbohydrate 85g; Fiber 13g; Sodium 371 mg; Cholesterol 4 mg

I am making this dish for McKalyn and I for lunch. Try it for your family and let me know what you think. Leave your comments below.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Easy Egg Scramble Saves the Day!

So today I lost track of time and before I knew it, it was lunch time and I had one very upset little girl. I put her in her highchair handed her a spoon and a Stonyfield Organic Yogurt. I knew this would not last her long so I had to think fast. I whipped open the fridge realizing that the only leftovers I had was the vegetarian tacos that we had for lunch yesterday. “What else did I have?” A little girl’s voice in the background repeating mom over & over again, made me think fast. I quickly heated up some Smart Balance Butter in a skillet, diced half an onion and a few mushrooms and added them to the skillet. I cooked them until the onions were clear. I added 1 cup of leftover Brown rice and 1 cup of Egg Beaters that Quad brought home from work. A quick scramble and added some Organic shredded cheddar. Voila! Lunch is saved and I have a very happy little girl and a healthy lunch for me too!

Friday, September 30, 2011

90 Day Holiday Challenge Day 1

It is day 1 of our 90 Day Holiday Challenge. Thank you for joining me! I am so excited to have so many people want to be a part of this.
Here is a reminder of what will be happening in the next 90 Days.
What do I get?

• Daily motivational emails
• Nutrition and workout tips
• Recipes
• Workouts you can do at home or in the gym
• Videos
• Emily’s Daily Journal log
• Emily’s Healthy Eating grocery list
• Monthly Calendar to help keep you on track
• Lifetime membership to my Mind, Body, Beauty Newsletter normally
exclusive to my clients

What do I have to do?

• Keep a daily journal of your nutrition and workouts
• Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
• Avoid artificial sweeteners
• Avoid processed food and preservatives (if you’re grandmother doesn’t know what it is you probably shouldn’t be eating it)
• Avoid all fast food
• Avoid soda and energy drinks; diet and regular
• Limit coffee to 2-8 oz cups per day
• Commit to 30 minutes of exercise a day (your choice)
• Plan your fun meals ahead of time and limit them to 2 a week
• Have Fun! Get your family involved.

If you registered before midnight September 30 you will receive a separate email with instructions on setting up your 30 minute consultation.

Your first challenge will be announced tomorrow.

Share your thoughts below.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Video Challenge Day 2

Here are the books I am reading this month. I have also added a page to my blog where I will share what I am reading and what I thought.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Whey?

It has been determined that athletes may have a higher need for protein than the average person because of the muscle damage that is induced during exercise. This is due to the deamination of amino acids for gluconeogenese during training that requires high energy output. According to the RDA, the upper limit of recommended protein intake is 2.0g per kg of bodyweight per day, which is less than the 2.2g per kg of body weight that many believe is needed. Too much protein can actually cause one to store fat due to excess caloric intake.

However, protein supplementation can be necessary when one does not consume enough protein their daily diet. This is especially true of those on a vegetarian diet. Popular protein supplements include dairy sources (whey and casein), egg, and soy. Whey protein is the most popular and highest recommended form due to its completeness, high bioavailability and rapid absorption. It is ideal for both pre and post workout because it enters the bloodstream much quicker than any other protein. It also has a tendency to reduce hunger which also makes it a great aid in weight loss. Athletes who are looking to improve their performance should make sure they are taking in enough carbohydrates as well.

Casein is also recommended post-exercise to help manage the second stage of protein synthesis. It is recommended that those with low blood sugar consume some at night because it can take several hours to digest and will maintain blood sugar levels.

So where can you get your daily source of whey and casein. Cottage Cheese and milk are some of the best. I encourage that when consuming dairy products choose those that are organic. If choosing a supplement I recommend either BeachBody Whey Protein or IsaLean or IsaPro Vanilla .

Monday, July 18, 2011

What I will be doing for the next 30 days I have failed the pencil test!!! Beachbody's Brazil Butt Lift claims to give you that perfect Brazilian Bum Bum in 30 days. The 30 day program provides you with a 6 Day Jump Start, a customized workout plan based on our Bum Bum type and an eating plan that is easy to follow. I have decided to put Beachbody's Brazil Butt Lift to the test and see what it can do for me. While I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I apparently am a little saggy where I don't want to be. I will be using Beachbody's Brazil Butt Lift to whip my BUTT into shape over the next 30 days. Today marks Day 1 (I had to start over). I will be posting my progress pictures as well as more videos so stay tuned. Follow my blog at for my daily feedback. Read more about fitness and nutrition at

What should I eat after I workout?

Athletes and competitors often ask me when and what they should eat before and after a workout. When you work out your body under goes stress and releases stress hormones. These hormones reduce the release of insulin to promote the circulation of glucose. Basically, your body forces itself to use stored sugar for energy. It also promotes the release of amino acids from the proteins in the muscle tissues and converts them into glucose for energy. After a heavy training session this continues and is known as a catabolic state. (I like to think of it as your body eating itself for fuel) This is why what you eat before and after exercise if so important.
In order to recover quickly from intense exercise, you need replenish your body’s fuel storage and restore insulin levels to combat loss of amino acids from the muscle tissue. After a heavy training session, such as weight lifting or and intense cardio session such as HIIT or plyometrics. However, it can take up to 2-hours for insulin levels to peak post exercise. This is why researchers suggest that you should consume simple carbohydrates within 30 minutes of completing your session. Simple carbohydrates are fast acting carbohydrates, such as simple sugar. They also suggest that you consume amino acids from whey protein source so that protein synthesis is increased over the 2 hour period of time. This provides the body with the necessary amino acids needed for protein synthesis or muscle repair. In addition researchers have found that when whey protein is added to a carbohydrate beverage, it increased muscle recovery significantly, delayed on-set muscle soreness. Therefore, the ratio of 4:1 simple carbohydrates to protein is suggested for optimal muscle recovery.
So what should you drink? One study showed that low fat chocolate milk was an effective recovery drink. The sugar provides the simple carbohydrates needed and the milk provides the whey protein. Gatorade now has their recovery drink created for this very purpose. What do I drink? Depending on the training session I either drink my BeachBody Recovery Drink or I will treat myself with a StonyField organic yogurt. It really depends on my mood and where I am. I find the recovery drink is much more convenient than the yogurt. It is hard to keep yogurt cold while working out in a sweaty gym.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beach Body is recognized as an Advocate of the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award

From Beach Body Corporate Offices:
We're proud to announce that starting this Friday, we have a very cool new opportunity for your business! As you may have heard on the July 11th Coach Call, Beachbody has been recognized as an advocate of the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA), created by the Presidential Council on Fitness.

How it works:
Between July 15th and August 17th, the Presidential Council will recognize:

■All customers who buy a Beachbody fitness program or order Shakeology®
■All current Coaches
■All new Coach signups
Each of these Coaches and customers will receive a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award issued by the Presidential Council.

Presidential Perks:

■Conversation starter. Let your contacts know through email, Facebook®, Twitter®, and in person: If they buy through you between July 15th and August 17th, they'll also receive a signed award.
■Credential booster. Once you receive YOUR digital award, proudly display it on your blog and other social media accounts to exude professionalism.
■Sales fuel. During the dates mentioned above, make sure to let your customers know they too can be a part of this program if they purchase Shakeology or a fitness program from you.
We hope you'll join the mission by spreading the news and inspiring as many people as you can to get healthy and fit. Stay tuned for more info to come over the next couple of weeks.

Let's do our part to get America moving!

P.S. To learn more about the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award, go to Please note that you're not required to follow their sign-up instructions. Beachbody will be taking care of everything for you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Plate

I was going to write my own article on this but found one I liked so I thought I would share.

Say Goodbye to the Food Pyramid!
By Denis Faye

In their continued quest to be a relevant source of information regarding the American diet, the USDA retired their food pyramid earlier this month, replacing it with MyPlate, the new, improved—not to mention circular—representation of how they think the general public should eat. The recommendations really didn't change from the 2010 food pyramid revamp, but it's progress nonetheless, I suppose. It may have taken them 19 years, but the government has finally figured out that average Americans tend to eat on round plates, as opposed to triangular ones.

The new graphic features a plate filled with equal portions of veggies and grains, smaller but still substantial portions of fruits and proteins, and a small(ish) serving of dairy. While these portion sizes haven't changed, MyPlate is an improvement on the old recommendations based primarily on the plain, clear language featured front and center on the main page of the Web site, right below the graphic:

Balancing Calories

•Enjoy your food, but eat less.
•Avoid oversized portions.
Foods to Increase

•Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
•Make at least half your grains whole grains.
•Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
Foods to Reduce

•Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals—and choose the foods with lower numbers.
•Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
For you Beachbody® types, this is all no-brainer intel, but if you walk down to your local mega-box store and have a look at all the folks pulling elastic-waisted pants off the plus-size racks, you'll see visual evidence that Americans just don't know how to eat. So good for the USDA for using simple, basic language to point out universal truths.

In defense of the USDA
If you spend much time in the food blogosphere, you know that the USDA's latest educational effort has many detractors. Complaints are probably best summed up by the blog Fooducate:

"With all due respect, the USDA should not be the government body dishing out (pun intended) nutrition advice . . . It's not a good idea to have the same organization that promotes agricultural and food production and sales be the one telling us what's healthy to eat."

While this is a valid point, I think we should save the conspiracy theories for Elvis, JFK, and the UFOs. Big Agra might have played a role in making MyPlate closer to McPlate, but I think a far more oppressive special interest group at play here is the American people in general. For example, let's look at the USDA's continued insistence that we need up to 8 servings of grains a day. In truth, while grains are a perfectly acceptable source of carbs, fiber, and other nutrients for 90 percent of the population, they pale nutritionally when compared to vegetables. However, if the government came out and told consumers they'd be better off with more salads and fewer sandwiches, Americans just wouldn't have it. We love our bread, so my guess is that the USDA keeps the grain numbers up in order to keep us from ignoring the recommendations completely. A telling sign of this is the bright red italic, large-font message plastered all over the MyPlate Web site: "Key Consumer Message: Make at least half your grains whole grains."

Half? Really? I haven't had a refined grain in about 2 weeks. There's no need for refined grain in a healthy diet—and I don't think the USDA put this plea in there to appease Big Agra, which profits from grain sales whether consumers eat the bran and husk or not. This "Key Consumer Message" has the distinct ring of a negotiation you have with a 6-year-old when you're trying to get him to eat his broccoli. It was put in there to appease those Americans who refuse to accept that Pop-Tarts® aren't a complete nutritional source.

Another complaint a lot of people have is the continued importance placed on dairy in the recommendations. I'm prone to agree, but in defense of the USDA, the site does plainly feature the section, "For those who choose not to consume milk products."

Where they screwed up
Warm fuzzies aside, I do think the USDA could have done a few things differently. As I mentioned earlier, their treatment of grains was a little off. Also, their handling of protein leaves a lot to be desired. It assumes that consumers eat meat. While there is an informative section on the vegetarian diet, I'd rather see a more integrated approach to plant-based nutrition. For people who regularly eat meat and just want a few nonmeat protein options, MyPlate offhandedly recommends beans and nuts, and that's about it. In a way, this is decent advice, because combining these two foods with all the grain you're supposed to eat will give you all the amino acids you need to have complete proteins, but a more effective path would have been to create a whole separate nut-and-bean portion equal to the grain portion. With the guaranteed complete proteins this approach would introduce into the user's diet, he or she could reduce the meat protein portion to a healthier level.

Another notable absence from MyPlate is education on healthy fats vs. unhealthy fats, save a vague message stating, "Oils are NOT a food group, but they provide essential nutrients. Therefore, oils are included in USDA food patterns." Given the vast amount of research that indicates the health benefits of good fats, not to mention the fact that some fatty acids are ESSENTIAL to human health, the USDA might want to think about giving fat its own food group. Under this umbrella, they could stress the importance of foods like olive oil, avocados, and, most of all, super-nutritious nuts and seeds.

Some of you might note that I've just suggested adding two additional food groups to MyPlate, thus further complicating an already complex topic to educate people on. I concede that I understand why the USDA sugar-coats (literally!) their nutritional advice, with a little refined flour here and a little ham there, but that doesn't mean they need to dumb down their message. As long as information is presented clearly to them, humans are capable of understanding remarkably complex issues, be they delivered via circle or triangle.

Case in point? The University of Michigan's Healing Foods Pyramid (, which offers the nut/bean and fat portion changes I suggested, plus several others, in a concise, understandable way. It breaks down food choices into weekly and daily needs; stresses the importance of hydration; and even includes space for "accompaniments," a euphemism for "junk food."

The USDA could learn a thing or two from these college kids. They should certainly spend a little time on the Healing Foods Pyramid before coming out with their next round of nutritional suggestions. I applaud the USDA for trying to do the right thing by the American public, but maybe it's time to step up the game a little and assume we can handle a little tough nutritional love. Next time, let's spend a little less time worrying about the shape of the plate and a little more time figuring out what should go on it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Easy Summer Salad

Summer is filled with BBQ's and family get togethers. This also means Beer and Brats if you live in Michigan. While very yummy, they are FAR from healthy. So why not bring some healthy options. If you are unsure if there will be healthy options then create one. There are so many wonderful summer salad ideas. Why not take advantage of them. Here is one of my favorites.

1 bag Organic pre-washed Spinach
1 apple, scrubbed well, cored and sliced thin
1/2 pint organic blueberries
1 oz crushed walnuts or slived almonts
1 oz low fat organic goat cheese
2 T Balsamic Vinegar
2 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Add all ingredients to a large bowl and toss.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Day Challange coming to an end

My 30 Day Personal Challenge is coming to an end and I am so excited with the results. Even though I was not able to follow the workouts as planned, in fact not even close I still saw tremendous results. I am really kicking myself for not taking before pictures because I really want people to see! I drank my Shakeology every day, tried to get my Insanity workout in about 5 days a week, Ageless Actives daily and drank my IsaLean and Want More Energy about every other day. I did lose any weight, which was not the intention anyways. However, the abs I had before giving birth have FINALLY returned!! I thought for a while they might not and I was ok with that. So when I noticed the difference I was pretty excited!! For about a year now I have been sharing the benefits I have experienced from drinking Shakeology. My skin has cleared up; my Psoriasis is not gone but has been reduced tremendously. My skin is not as dry as it used to be. Most excitedly, my hair is growing back in!! I had lost a lot of it during college then even more after having McKalyn. My hair is actually thicker than it was when I was pregnant. I noticed today that I have another row of new growth coming in. So when I was approached to try Isagenix I wasn’t sure it would really make a difference. There is no argument about what these products have done for my physique. Even without making a commitment to the nutrition plan I used to follow or the training that I usually endure to compete, I have seen improvement! I can’t wait to see what happens when I actually start training consistently and eating the way I am supposed to!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 2 of 30

Sunday was day two of my 30 Day Experiment.  Sunday is normally my day off and yesteday was no exception.  Morning was family time then church.  We followed with Sunday Brunch. I practiced portion control and made wise choices; salad, roast beef, steamed veggies and a small piece of cheese cake.  Oh and a Virgin Bloody Mary.  For my mid-afternoon snack I had Greenberry Shakeology and Isagenix Want More Energy. Uh! Love that stuff! My evening Insanity workout was Max Cardio Conditioning which just may be my favorite workout.  Again, Shawn T kicked my ass but I loved every minute of it!  No yoga today but I did take time to stretch my poor little body. Then I replensihed with a baked potato and some lean ground beef and a salad. I know it has only been two days but I can already feel a difference.

If you want to be a part of my 30 Day Experiment email me at

Learn more at

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 1 of 30

Yesterday was the first day of my Experiment. Weekends are not always the most structured for me, but that
ok. I started my day at 4am and worked until noon. Of course I forgot to pack food so I was way off for the day. When I got home I had a healthy lunch of a salad with fish.  Pre-workout I had my Want More Energy. Then I proceeded to kill myself. I did my at home weight workout of chest, back and legs followed by Insanity Max Interval Plyos.  OMG!!!! Well, all I can say is thank goodness McKalyn was fussy and needed a bath before bed because it allowed me to take a 15 minute break at about the 50 minute mark.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My 30 Day Experiment

What is my 30 Day Expermiment?  Well I am trying to see exactly what I can do with my body in 30 days.  You see in a month from this weekend I will be in California and I will be working out with Tony Horton, Shawn T, Chalene Johnson and oh, a couple hundered Beach Body Coaches.  The problem you see is, I have not commited to my own fitness for about....7 months.  Once my competition on Las Vegas was over in Novemeber I jumped into mommy and business mode 100% leaving very little time for fitness mode.  Now I am not saying I am out of shape, I eat healthy so I am able to maintain a certain level of my fitness.  Do I think it is enough to "Bring It!"? Not exactly. I have put together a little experiment to see just what I can accomlish in 30 days.

Here is the plan:

I do not have access to a gym so all of my training will be done at home with Dumbbells that go up to 15 pounds. My workouts will consist of:
   A weight workout 4 days a week dividing all of the body parts lasting about 30 minutes, provided by my 
       coach in the morning
   Month 2 of Insanity (I have never gone past month 1) done in the evenings I don't have to teach Hip      
      Hop Hustle in the evening
  Yoga mid day 4 days a week

Supplements and and sample nutritional plan:
Upon waking usually 5 am 1 c coffee, 1 T creamer, Isagenix Ageless Actives
5:30 Meal 1: 1/2 c oatmeal, 3 egg whites, 1 T peanut butter, 1/4 c mixed berries, 1/2c snap peas
8:30 Meal 2: Shakeology, 1/4 c berries, 1 scoop Beach Body Vanilla protein
12:00 Meal 3: 3 oz chicken, 1/4 c brown rice, 1 c green beans,  1 T flax oil, 1/2 apple
3:00  Meal 4: Isagenix IsaLean Meal Replacement, Isagenix Want More Emergy drink
6:00 Meal 5: Large salad, 3 oz grilled fish, 1 T Ken Steakhouse Northern Italian
9:00 Meal 6: 1 c Cottage Cheese
Before bed Usually 10 pm Isagenix Calcium
Drink 1 Gallon H20 daily
*** Learn more about Shakeology at
*** order Insanity at
*** Want to learn where to get Isagenix email me at

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Try something new this week

This week I want you to try something new every day. I am a firm believer that the TV is the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic in the United States. I remember when I was a child, we weren’t even allowed in the house if the sun was out. We played from sun up to sun down. If we were hungry we could have any piece of fruit we wanted. We didn’t even have to ask. TV time was family time. It was a rare privilege. My mom would pop some air popped popcorn and we would sit down together to watch as a family. This week I want you to take it back to when you were a child and see you feel a little younger and carefree.

Monday- Most of us have the day off so let’s take advantage of it. Get outside and play. If you live in a warmer environment then go outside. Got to the park. Take the kids and ride bikes. Better yet. Play freeze tag. If you are in the North then use that snow for something. Make a snowman, go sledding have some fun.

Tuesday- Curb your fruit cravings by eating a piece of raw fruit every time you want something sweet. Apples, kiwi, oranges and berries are your best choices.

Wednesday- Turn off the TV and don’t turn it back on for 24 hours. Play a board game. Remember Monopoly? How about the Game of Life? Heck play charades.

Thursday- Go to and choose a recipe to try for dinner.

Friday- Instead of ordering pizza for pizza night, make your own. Load up on veggies and lean meats such as turkey sausage or even tofu.

Saturday- Get out of the house and go to a movie. Only instead of buying that nasty popcorn covered in lard pop your own and take it with you. I personally love steamed edamame.

Sunday- Plan your meals for the week. Get your grocery shopping done and prep your food. Being prepared and having a plan helps keep you on track to your goals.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What does 2011 mean for you?

You know that feeling you get when you just know something great is about to happen?  Well is the feeling I have every day. I just KNOW that 2011 is going to be a great year.  On a personal level I have decided to stop procrastinating and make things happen. My visions board is done and I am putting plans into motion to make my dreams a reality.  So what does that mean for you, my customers?  It means more personalized service. It means working with each and every customers to make sure all of their needs are being met.

I will also be putting together a team of people to walk in the AVON 3 Day walk.  Anyone who signs up will receive free nutrition and training as they prepare for their walk.  More news to follow soon.