Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goals Step 3

How do we know we have reached that goal? We have a marker telling us exactly where it is because we can see it.

It is so important to have a very specific measurable goal. Without an end point how will we know we are done? Can you imagine running a race and being told that the finish line is where ever? How would you know you finished the race? What if the next guy thinks the finish-line should be farther ahead that you do? Or even worse what if it was the other direction? Well then you just went 5k in the wrong direction as fast as you could!

Having a direction when you set your goals is just as important as having a pre-determined finish line at the end of a race. It gives you a direction and a purpose. It gives you motivation. When you feel like giving up, if you can look up to see the finish line you know you can push yourself just that much more. When I ran track I used to tell myself just 10 more steps, just 10 more steps. Even if I had 200 more. But breaking it down into 10 steps I was able to complete my race, but that is a whole nother (yes I know that is not a word) blog entry.
Set your goal and give it an end date and also a set finish line. So for instance, I will read 3 books by the end of the year. So I have a choice, I can read them all as fast as I can between now and December 31st, or I can read one a month, or if I am feeling crazy I can exceed my goal and read 5 once I am done with my 3. That goes back to step 2, re-evaluating my goals once I have finished one.

Today sit down make a list of goals you want to accomplish. It can be 5, 10, 100 whatever then give them a finish line and a deadline. What are the top 3 goals you want to accomplish now?

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