Saturday, October 8, 2011

Setting Goals Step 1

1. A goal is the result we are looking to achieve. It tells us what decisions we need to make and what direction we need to go.

It is important to set and define our goals. Goals should be SMART Goals. They need to have a destination, a direction and a time-line; Much like a boat race. If you don’t have a destination in mind or directions on how to get there or a time to get there by you end up floating out in the water which is nice for a while but can get pretty rough.

So what are SMART Goals?

Specific: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Measurable: How much? How often? How many?
Attainable: Achievable & realistic
Relevant: Is this in line with your priorities and your ultimate goal?
Time Base: By when?

Here is an example:

Specific: I (who) will commit to doing yoga (what) 3 times a week before my daughter wakes up (when) at home (where) because I know that the chronic pain in my back can be alleviated by doing yoga consistently.
Measurable: I will practice 3 days a week for an minimum of an hour
Attainable: Yes
Relevant: My heath and my family’s health is in my top 3 life priorities, so yes. Plus, I am being a healthy role model for my daughter.
Time: I will commit to doing this for 90 days then at which time I will re-evaluate my goals.

What are your goals? What would you like to accomplish by the end of 2012? I would love to hear from you. Head on over to my Facebook Page and Share!

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