Monday, October 10, 2011

Goals Step 2

When we have reached that goal we are at the ending point, but we are also at the beginning. The ending point has been defined with a finish-line. During a race it is a distance or when setting a goal for achievement it is a date.

It is so important to give your goals an end date! How many times have you said you were going to do something but yet have put it off and put it off so long that there almost seems no point in doing it?
Here is a great example. In July 2009 Quad and I were married. I hired my cousin to take our pictures and she did a wonderful job. She sent me a proof book to choose the pics that I wanted. I went out and bought gorgeous frames to put our pictures in. It is now October 2011 & I still have not ordered my wedding pictures!! The frames are empty in my closet as is the really cool scrap book I started working on while I was pregnant in 2010.

I am the world’s best procrastinator. If I don’t set a deadline or a finish line, I don’t do it. I also need a daily reminder of what I am supposed to be doing. I am going to film a video for you so you can see how ridiculous I am. I have lists and reminders everywhere. I even have lists and reminders for my reminders. You think I am kidding. You just wait.

When setting your goal, no matter what it is, give it a finish-line. When you reach that finish-line, set new goals. To stick with the scrapbook example, I will finish my Wedding scrapbook and get my pictures hung by the end of the week. Next I am going to work on my Hawaii scrapbook from July 2007. Yeah… I know.

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