Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5 Tips to Surviving the Holidays

Thanksgiving is right around the corner & it is only inevitable that we all will be confronted with temptations everywhere we go. Instead of trying to deprive yourself of all of the wonderful food that comes with the holiday, be smart and remember everything in moderation.

Here are 5 tips to help you through.
1. Watch you portion sizes. This is where the new My Plate will come in handy. Fill half of your plate with fruits & veggies. Just be careful of things like green bean casserole. This is not a vegetable any more. Fill the other half with ¼ protein & ¼ starches. As a rule of thumb. If it is high calorie take smaller serving sizes. If it is healthy & low calorie you can take a larger serving size. Turkey breast alone is a low calorie low fat food.

2. Stay away from the food table. When you are at a party eat a small snack before hand and don’t stand around the food. This is when mindless eating takes place. You’re your calories for dinner. I you are at a party where there is only appetizers being served, you the same rules at #1.

3. When you really crave something unhealthy, eat apple slices first. Cutting it up into pieces makes it feel more like a treat. The ask yourself, “Do I really want that piece of cake still?” If you decide you really do, they cut a small slice & enjoy every bite. Make it worth it. Studies have shown that the enjoyment of the taste is actually gone after the 3rd bite.

4. Remember you are human, we all are. If you slip up you will live and it is not the end of the world. So don’t go crazy. Just get back on track right away, not tomorrow. If you feel a little sluggish the next day pump up your cardio a bit and you will feel great.

5. Enjoy your holiday. This is a time to be with family & enjoy their company & laugh. Get them involved. Why not get everyone together for a post meal walk instead of passing out on the couch for the afternoon. Better yet get everyone to sign upyou’re your local Turkey Trot.

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