Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How to survive the Holidays

We have all heard before how the average American gains 10-15 pounds over the Holidays.  Those who have set a goal to get back into shape or lose weight, gaining 15 pounds is not exactly ideal.  You don't have to avoid Thanksgiving and lock yourself in your house eating lettuce.  Here are some simple ways to stay in control and a little added challenge to get you though the weekend.

1. Save your splurge for your holiday meal.  Offices are packed with treats in the break room. Instead stick to your plan. If you are on an EFT Plan you know what you are allowed.
2. Be selective. When filling your plat at Thanksgiving dinner think about when you are putting on your plate and ask yourself, "Do I really want this?" Have you ever eaten something you really didn't care for just because it was being served and you felt like you should.  If you want to be polite have a bite & leave the rest. Last year I found myself eating pumpkin pie. Why? I don't even like pumpkin pie!
3. Drink water.  Aim to get in at least 10 glasses of water a day.  I carry around a liter bottle and try to drink 3 a day.  I add a few scoops of Want More Energy to keep me going and add a little favor. Fresh lemon is another favorite.
4. Exercise every morning. Even if you are not a morning person, make an exception over the holidays.  With so much going on in our lives and stress levels at an all time high, we often run out of time by the end of the day or we are just plain too tired.  Taking an hour every morning to get it done will help you feel accomplished and energize your day.
5. Stress less.  Ha! I know.  This is the most stressful time of year for most which is why it is most important to make a conscious effort not to stress.  Take 10 minutes to drop and meditate when ever you feel overwhelmed.  You don't have to do anything fancy. Just think of your happy place and take yourself there.  How does it feel?  How does it smell? What sounds do you hear?  Who is there with you?  What do you see?  A quick trip to Tahiti is so much better than a pastry you really didn't want anyways.

Thanksgiving Challenge:
Wednesday: Write your New Years Goals early.  Get started on your vision board for 2013.  You have the weekend off and it is a great time to relax and dream big. Why wait six more weeks to start accomplishing what you can do today?  Post pictures of your Vision Board at or tweet me @emfitchic.

Don't forget to order your Nutritional Cleansing kit so that it arrives in time for our group cleanse Monday.   If you need to order email me.

Thursday: Get out and sweat for 60 minutes. Be sure to include some HIIT.  Keep those calories burning right through your meal.  Check out for my Thanksgiving HIIT challenge

Friday: Break your workout in two. 30 minutes of cardio in the morning and 30 minutes of sculpting in the evening.

Saturday: Instead of leftovers with all the fixings try turkey meatballs or another healthy dish.  Combine it with a big salad.

Sunday: Make is a meatless Sunday. Going for healthy veggie options all day.  To prep your body for our Cleanse.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beat the Winter Blues

Even though I am in Florida this winter, I have spent most of my life in the cold Michigan winters.  The days get shorter, the temps get colder and often the cloud cover lingers and we don't see sun for days. This can cause a depression in many people, also known as Seasonal Affection Disorder commonly and appropriately  known as SAD. This past winter I was amazed that some how I beat the winter blues. and here is how I did it.  

Get outside – Make a point to bundle up and get outside daily. 3 times a week I made it outside for a short run while the sun was out. other days I simply found a warm spot in the sun to sit and relax or took a simple walk.  The fresh, crisp air was refreshing and invigorating.  The sun is also the most efficient way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.
Get regular exercise – I don't know about you but when I get cold, the last thing I want to do is get out of bed especially to workout. However, once up and moving I felt amazing. Working out releases endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy, and will do wonders for your energy levels.
Get out of the house and mingle – Friends and family play a crucial role in our lives. They provide support and help balance our lives. Sharing stories and laughing with friends can lift our spirits and give us a fresh perspective. Make plans to go to lunch with friends, host a dinner party, or schedule a phone call to keep in touch.
Journal for gratitude –  I started doing this a little over a year ago following the lead of a friend. Each morning when I wake up and each evening before bed I take time to write down three things I am grateful for. When I am feeling down I look over my list and I am reminded of what is really important.
Play with new recipes – Incorporate a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables into your meals to boost your mood, and experiment with new recipes or comforting family favorites.
Embrace the season – Rather than spending your time and energy complaining about the weather, or longing for a different time of year, find beauty in the present moment. Boost your health through a spiritual practice, catch up on your reading, or bundle up in your favorite sweater and have a cup of hot cocoa, cider, or tea.
Buy a full spectrum lamp – If you find yourself feeling really blue during the winter months, talk to your doctor about investing in a light box that mimics the spectrum of the sun. Light therapy can be a very effective treatment for SAD!
What are some ways you stay cheerful during the winter months?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Healthy for the Holidays

With only 2 weeks until Thanksgiving and less that 7 weeks until Christmas we are smack in the middle of Holiday season.  Halloween has passed and many of us our eating our kids' left over candy more than they are.  Our co-workers are bringing in tempting treats. Holiday parties are in full swing.  The wine is pouring and the the food in wonderfully unhealthy.  To top it off we are short on time and our stress levels are high. Over the next few weeks I will be posting some lifestyle, health and fitness tips to help us survive the holidays.

I am continuing to run my 10 week detox on a rolling schedule as well as the shorter monthly 30 day Nutritional Re-balancing program. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Meal Planning tools

It is so important to plan your meals ahead of time. It not only saves money it saves time and calories. Here is a copy a simple meal plan sheet that I use. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Yummy Brussles Sprout Stirfry

Last night I was at a lost for what to make for dinner. I had the chicken the oven and rice in the cooker but just could not come up with a veggie....Then it came to me....
- handful Garlic quartered
- 1 small sweet onion, diced
- 2 c mushrooms
- 4 c Brussels sprouts, halved
- 1/2 c slivered almonds
- Chili powder to taste
- 1 lime
- Extra Virgin Olive oil for cooking

In a large saute pan add just enough oil to coat. Toss in garlic, then onion cook on level 7 until slightly browned. Add Brussels sprouts & allow to cook a few minutes before adding mushrooms. May need a tad more oil.  Cover & cook until sprouts are tender.  Is a separate pan heat slivered almonds in oil until warm & toasty. Remove sprouts from heat. Squeeze on lime juice and sprinkle with chili pepper to taste.  Top with slivered almonds. Yumminess!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What the heck is Kombucha & is it good for me?

Kombucha tea is a Japanese fermented drink made with tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast.  Though it is sometimes referred to as kombucha mushroom tea, it does not contain mushrooms. The resulting liquid contains vinegar, B vitamins and a number of other chemical compounds.

Several health benefits have been attributed to kombucha tea including stimulating the immune system, preventing cancer, and improving digestion and liver function. Kombucha is claimed to be an effective metabolic balancer , probiotic, adaptogen and detoxifier. The probiotic encourages healthier intestinal fd flora by introducing lactic acid-producing bacteria. These work in a similar way to acidophilus bacteria, the active ingredient in live yogurt.

On the flip side, there has been some evidence from small case studies has shown kombucha to aggravate symptoms of ulcerative colitis in patients taking remicade, potentially causing life-threatening side effects, such as causing the appendix to burst.  Other health claims may be due to the simple acidity of the drink, possibly influencing the production of stomach acids or modifying the communities of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the Mayo clinic, there's no scientific evidence to support stated health claims. There have, however, been reports of adverse effects such as stomach upset, infections and allergic reactions in kombucha tea drinkers. When brewed at home, it is often brewed in non-sterile conditions, making contamination likely. If ceramic pots are used for brewing, lead poisoning could be a concern. The Mayo Clinic suggests to avoid kombucha tea until more definitive information is available.

My thoughts (and I am not a doctor or RD)....There does not seem to be enough evidence to really stand behind the health claims. I know that may grocery store chains such as Whole Foods and Fresh Market carry various brands of Kambucha. The US requires that food sold for consumption through mass markets meet FDA criteria. If you choose to drink Kombucha I suggest only purchasing though a commercial market to be on the safe side.

Friday, August 17, 2012

DIY Trophy Wife and What to Expect Give Away

The birth of McKalyn was a a long awaited blessing for my husband and I.  However, the duration of my pregnancy was filled with many ups and downs.  After several miscarriages,  I was considered a high risk pregnancy.   Knowing that I only had a 25% chance of carrying to term, I found that I was constantly worried about every twitch and hiccup.  I was given several books on pregnancy by friends and family with the hopes of helping me calm my nerves.  I read several though not all. Some helped ease my nerves, some only made it worse.  It wasn't until I picked up What to Expect When Your Expecting that I started to enjoy my pregnancy.  On the first of every month I read the entire chapter for that month.  I highlighted important information, dog-eared pages to refer to again, and even wrote in the margins. I would go back to that chapter several times over the month to check my progress and to learn what to expect.

A few weeks before I went on maternity leave I walked over to our local bookstore and picked up What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Second Year.  I knew I would want these books on hand and did not know if I would be able to get out and purchase them once Mak was born.  I was right, I referred to them daily.  Every month I was excited to learn what milestones McKalyn would reach. It was exciting to see how she was ahead in many areas and behind on others.  I swore she would never crawl since she refused to do tummy time, but to my surprise she learned to crawl and stand at 6 months. I read those books religiously for 2 years, right up until her second birthday in April.

We are now on our third year and loving every minute of it.  We have an amazing little girl who makes everyday a blessing.  I never knew my heart had the ability to love so much.  I am so grateful for these books and how they have helped me.

I am honored to announce that I have been asked to team up with What to Expect!  To celebrate this union, What to Expect has given me the opportunity to give away two sets of the series to two lucky readers!
Each lucky follower will receive:
  • What to Expect When Expecting
  • What to Expect the First Year
  • What to Expect the Second Year
To enter this giveaway you must follow DIY Trophy Wife publicly, and leave a comment telling me which book you will enjoy the most. Please include your email. You must do this before you complete any of the extra entries! Even of you are entering for yourself and your little one is almost a year, or your little ones are grown, fell free to give them away to someone who is expecting. Enter for yourself and a girlfriend!
Extra requirements  – leave a comment telling me you have done each of these:
  1. Like DIY Trophy Wife on Facebook
  2. Follow Emfitchic on Twitter 
  3. Follow what to Expect on Facebook
  4. Follow What to Expect on Twitter 
  5. Mention this give away on Facebook or Twitter tagging both DIY & What to Expect  in your post.
You can also follow my What to Expect Blog at

If you like you can also friend me on my personal page on Facebook I would love to get to know you! 

This giveaway will end August 31 at 11pm EST. Good luck to everyone! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Track work out

I love track workouts because I can take McKalyn. She plays while I run.  It is a great way for a busy mom to get in a killer workout in a short amount of time. This is a sample of the workouts I send to my Monthly Members

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Home Gym Essentials

As a busy mom, most of my workouts take place at home and are based on the HIIT training principle. There are many days that I just do not have time to drive to the gym and workout. I find that many of my workouts take place before my daughter wakes up or at nap time. In the last 2 years I have become very fond of my living room workouts. Unlike some, I do not have the space in my apartment to dedicate to as a workout area. Everything I have fits right under my T.V. Here is a list of what I suggest: Basic in Home Gym:
Yoga MattA yoga mat is not a must but it is great to have especially when you are covered in sweat and you need to lay on the floor to do sit-ups. When you doing yoga is really helps keep your hands and feet from slipping.
Hand weightsI love my hands weights. Even in the gym I tend to gravitate towards the hand weights. I just like to have the control over what I am lifting. I have 3, 5 & 8 lb weights at my house.
Exercise bandsExercise bands are also necessity. I have a couple different levels which works perfectly when I need extra resistance for back exercise. I can also get creative with exercises.
MP3 player. Music is a must for me. No matter what kind of day I am having, music will get me through. I CAN NOT live with out my shuffle.
Jump RopeA jump rope is great for a quick cardio workout HIIT training and it is portable.
Training shoes Intermediate in Home Gym:
Exercise tubesExercise tubes are great. You can use as an alternative to your bands.
Squishy BallThey squishy ball is one of my favorite. Add this as resistance to your ab exercises for a little inner thigh boost.
Ankle weightsAnkles weights are not a necessity but they are great for at home workouts. I use these as an alternative to my tubes sometimes or even in combination for some thing burning.
Stability Ball I have found that the stability ball is the only real piece of equipment that will really work all directions of my core.
Weighted Gloves Weighted gloves are great to wear during cario kickbox workouts for an additional arm workout. Advanced in Home Gym:
Chin up barThis is actually something on my shopping list. My sister-in-law bought one for her home workouts and I have realized this is the one piece of equipment I really need.
Foam RollerSkip the massage (though I love my massage) and buy a foam roller. If you are a runner this is a must.
Medicine BallA medicine ball is great for functional workouts. I actually end up using my had weights a lot instead of a ball, but there are some exercises that really would be better with a medi ball.
Agility LadderThe agility ladder is just a fun item to have. Whenever I use it I feel like a real athlete.
Before you begin your festivities for the day, get out and blast your metabolism to keep it revved up all day.
4th of July Power Parfait Layer Blueberries, Fage, Strawberries and honey. Top with a dollop of whip cream. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Great run and saved a life

Just thought I would share a little bit of happiness. I was out for my run the other day and cruising right along when I about stepped on this little guy. Even Bleed it Out by Linkin Park could not distract me enough from stopping to help him across the street. On that note, my running has not been going as planned. I had hoped to run a half-marathon on the 4th of July but with my trip to Florida coming up and all the work that goes in to studying, running a business, being a mom and packing, well... my training has taken a back seat to everything else. I do have a new goal how ever. Rock & Roll Full Marathon Dublin Ireland August 5, 2013. I am thinking a year and a half will be plenty f time to get ready! Enjoy your run today!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Under Armour Split II Women's Running Shoe

About a year ago I started working with Under Armour and I have been impressed with everything I own so far. My most recent purchase, the Women's Split II has lived up to my expectations. I have been training (not so successfully) to run a half-marathon since January. Due to the damage in my knees and chronic back pain, training can be very difficult. I need to be very careful not to over train and rest when I need to. I also need to make sure I replace my shoes often and only train in the correct type of shoes. Receiving 4.5 stars out of 5 for being on the of the best high mileage shoes I thought it best that I give them a try. These incredibly light shoes were comfortable even when I first put them on. I have high arches and was pleasantly surprised that the soles not only reached my arch but hit it in the right spot. When I first started my run I did notice some slipping in my heels that worried me some. I have very thin feet so blisters can often be a problem. However, everything turned out ok. Through my 5-mile run I had very little pain in my knees or back which was wonderful! I could actually feel their claim of the "Revolutionary Micro G® foam mid-sole delivers light, low, ultra-responsive performance cushioning for enhanced stability and comfort". My heels felt as if they had a spring propelling me forward. My only complaint was the claim of Heatgear, though I did get the dark grey pictured. It was about 90 degrees and my feet were ob fire when I got home. I am thinking the white or a brighter color would have been a better choice. Over all I give these shoes a 9 out of 10 and am happy with my purchase!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why I Chose Isagenix

About a year ago I was introduced to Isagenix by fellow competitor and teammate Lori Harder and coach Cathy Savage. At the time I was addicted to sugar and caffeine. I struggled daily with my energy levels and always seemed to be crashing. I have a little one at home and I found I was always tired & irritable. Not to mention, I never had the energy or the time to keep up with my training regimen. When Cathy suggested that I speak with Lori about which Isagenix products she would suggest I was willing to do what ever it took. Much to my amazement within a month I saw a huge change. My cravings for sugar came to a halt, my energy levels stabilized. I was able to cut out coffee. I even lost 10 pounds just before the holidays and did not gain any back. All while maintaining my muscle mass! Best yet I was able to cut my workouts down to a 3rd of what I was doing. I am spending less time working out which means more time for my family. I am so excited about what this has done for me that I am not sharing with others so that they too can improve their quality of life physically and financially. I invite you to check out more by going to and watch the video on my home page.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Kick Your Sugar Habit

According to a USDA report in 1999 the average American consumes more that twice the maximum recommended amount of sugar of 40 prams per day. We already know that consuming too much sugar can be detrimental to your health. Additional calories that can not be used for energy will be stored for later as fat. Too much sugar can lead to Type II diabetes. Am I saying all sugar is bad? No absolutely not. As I write this I am drinking my coffee with my Natural Creamer that has 5 grams of sugar per T and let's be honest, who really uses only 1T of creamer. However I make sure that my sugar is limited for the rest of the day and only comes from natural sources. 1. Read labels! Look for items with no added sugar or better yet gain control by adding your own. I buy plain organic yogurt & add a tsp of honey. 2. Beware of hidden sugars! Other names for sugar: Maltose, dextrose, glucose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, corn sweetener, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, malt syrup, brown rice syrup (notice the key word here!) 3. Avoid fat free! When they take something out they have to put something in. Nine times out of ten it will be replaced by sugar or some other random filler that can not be pronounced. What exactly is fat free cheese? 4. Lay off the sauce or make your own. Most spaghetti sauces will have added sugars. Watch out for ketchup, the "fat-free" condiment. How many people dump on the ketchup? Again 4 grams of sugar per tablespoon. Imagine what that half of bottle you just put on your baked fries contains! 5. All-natural does not mean "sugar free". Sugar is natural in it's raw form. I eat only all natural and organic but that does not mean that it is sugar free. Swap it out! - 2 T d honey mustard salad dressing with lemon juice (yum!) - 1 T ketchup for 2 tomato slices - brown sugar on your oatmeal and make with apple sauces - jarred pasta sauce with homemade tomato sauce

Friday, June 1, 2012

Contest starts June 11 and runs until July 11. Prizes to be announced!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring Cleanse Your Way to Swimsuit Season and Better Health

It’s that time of year where many people are sprucing up their home or wardrobe, but it’s also the perfect time to spruce up your health and body by cleansing with Isagenix. More than just a way to get your body toned for swimsuit season, cleansing with Isagenix offers a surefire way to recharge, gain energy, and improve your overall health. Depending on the type of Isagenix system you’re embarking on, Cleanse Days will involve one or two days a week, or every other week, where you’ll abstain from food and in its place will be the drink Cleanse for Life, plenty of purified water, and other little nutrient-packed “tools” to get you through. Ask anyone who’s lost weight on Isagenix and they will surely tell you that these Cleanse Days are what gave them the “jump start” to results and benefits that are seen from the overall system. It’s not just other people too—as with anything else made by Isagenix—Cleanse Days encompass the benefits seen in well-designed, published studies. Here are five reasons why Cleanse Days will bring you results: “Jump Starts” Fat Burning: The reduction of calories on Cleanse Days stimulates the body’s fat burning furnaces by increasing human growth hormone while suppressing proteins responsible for fat synthesis and storage. Notably, the surge in human growth hormone also helps protect against muscle breakdown as long as followed with intake of quality protein (as on Shake Days). Triggers Detoxification: The abstinence of food on Cleanse Days gives the digestion processes a break, allowing the liver to kick into detox high gear. Also, with the reduction of fat deposits on Cleanse Days comes the release of stored fat-soluble toxins. By drinking Cleanse for Life on Cleanse Days, this helps encourage even deeper detoxification. Cleanse for Life provides several significant advantages over traditional fasting: The drink contains B vitamins, which are depleted during normal fasting. These vitamins are essential for normal body metabolism and energy production. It also contains bioactive herbal ingredients demonstrated to stimulate antioxidative and detoxification enzyme pathways including glutathione transferases, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. And, finally, Cleanse for Life contains potent antioxidative complexes that directly contribute to the body’s antioxidant defense system. Improves Insulin Sensitivity: A review of animal and human studies involving intermittent or alternate-day fasting, or abstaining from food for one or two days in between normal calorie consumption days, found that fasting resets cellular sensitivity to glucose and insulin (1). This in itself can bring better health—allowing the body to better control blood sugar. The opposite of being insulin sensitive is insulin resistant, which is related to metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Recently, research has shown that periodic intermittent fasting was associated with reduced risk in type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (2). Reduces oxidative stress and inflammation: As fat cells shrink, they release fewer pro-inflammatory cytokines (signaling molecules) that cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Less total body fat also helps improve antioxidant status in the body. The end result is improved health overall and lower risk of chronic disease. Oxidative stress, in particular, plays a heavy toll on telomeres (related to aging). The lower the oxidative stress, the better for healthy aging. Activates Your “Longevity Genes”: Studies in animals suggest that intermittent fasting on Cleanse Days can activate genetic expression of SIRT1, dubbed the “longevity gene” (3). The scientific interest in sirtuins, the family of proteins that SIRT1 is a part of, has grown since the early 2000s because of findings that stimulation of them—via calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and compounds such as resveratrol—may slow aging and increase lifespan. So what the about other parts of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System that are so great? For one, Shake Days on an Isagenix system can also be considered “calorie restricted” days. Two meals replaced with an IsaLean Shake and one 400- to 600-calorie well-balanced meal will most likely equate to consuming fewer calories than normal. If followed consistently, this in itself can lead to weight loss. On top of weight loss, calorie restriction has shown in both animal and human studies to elongate life and protect against chronic disease (1). What’s more, the biggest component of an Isagenix system is IsaLean Shake, a nutrient-dense meal that feeds the body whey protein, which has consistently shown in studies to be the top choice (compared to other sources of protein like soy) for: Reducing muscle loss, which is usually associated with most weight-loss plans (4;6) Reducing total body fat and visceral fat by increasing fat burning (oxidation) (5;6) Increasing thermogenesis, which increases the amount of calories burned (5) On top of this, Isagenix systems promote the regular use of Ionix Supreme, an adaptogen-rich tonic that helps reduce the stress associated with weight loss and helps with the “feel good” effects of the program. The beauty of a Cleansing and Fat Burning System from Isagenix lies in the combination of its individual parts. Not a system that involves restricting yourself to drinking plain juices, or worse yet, taking laxatives, Isagenix offers a lifestyle plan that supports weight and fat loss, will get you into swimsuit-shape, and supports muscle maintenance, supreme nutrition, and maximum detoxification. References: 1. Varady KA, Hellerstein MK. Alternate-day fasting and chronic disease prevention: a review of human and animal trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;86-13. 2. Horne BD, et al. Usefulness of routine periodic fasting to lower risk of coronary artery disease among patients undergoing coronary angiography. Am J Cardiol 2008.2008 Oct 1;102(7):814-81. 3. Walker AK, et al. Conserved role of SIRT1 orthologs in fasting-dependent inhibition of the lipid/cholesterol regulator SREBP. Genes Dev 2010;24:1403-17. 4. Baer DJ, Stote KS, Paul DR, et al. Whey Protein but Not Soy Protein Supplementation Alters Body Weight and Composition in Free-Living Overweight and Obese Adults. J Nutr July 2011, 141. 5. Acheson KJ. Protein choices targeting thermogenesis and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 93: 525-34 6. Josse AR, Atkinson SA, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Increased Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and Exercise-Induced Weight Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in Overweight and Obese Premenopausal Women. J Nutr 2011;141:1626-34

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Say Yum for Mango!

I always know when summer is here because I start craving Mango. Mango on everything. Salads, smoothies, yogurt (esp. Fage with honey), relish, salsa, fish, a fork.... and the list goes on. Not only is mango super yummy but it is good for you too. Mango helps in the fight against cancer: Mango is loaded with antioxidants. I read an analogy that antioxidants are like the bottom feeders that eat all the gook out of a fish tank. They keep your body cleaned out so it can run efficiently. Women are at a higher risk for cancer than ever before. Mango Helps Lower Cholesterol: Filled with fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower cholesterol. Great for Your Skin: What is with being a mom that can make you look so "old" some times. Where is that awesome mommy glow? Dr Apratim Goel, dermatologist says, "Mangoes are a rich source of beta carotene (vitamin A), which is a strong antioxidant. Apart from the rejuvenation effect, vitamin A also has dramatic effects on acne / pimples. Beta-carotene is the nutrient that's supposed to help you see in the dark, and it's crucial for your skin. It's converted by your body into vitamin A and is so important that it's often prescribed as a topical treatment (one that's applied directly on to the skin) for acne." (from the Times of India) Good for Eye Health: One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A. Vitamin A from fruit is a provitamin. It is used by the body to protect the surface of the eye. Mangoes also help prevent night blindness and softening of the cornea. Great for eye development in babies and retaining eye strength on moms. Mango Alkalizes the Body: As we know an acidic body is breading grounds for all kinds of free-radicals which cause cancer, premature aging and fatigue. Keeping the body in a more alkaline state allows in to function properly. There are also studies that show children who have been diagnosed with learning differences will show improved symptoms over time when on a high antioxidant diet due to a clean intestinal wall. Mango Aids in Digestion: The enzymes in mangoes help break down protein when eaten together. The high fiber content helps keep natural digestive function regular. Great for backed up babies. The alkalizing properties will also help with acid reflux. Mango Helps with your Sex Life The Vitamin E in mangoes boosts one’s sex drive by regulating the sex hormones in one’s body. Yeah ok who doesn't want that. Mango Boosts Memory What mom out there doesn't suffer from permanent baby brain. Seriously what is that? I will take what ever help I can get! Mangoes contain Glutamine acid which is known to be beneficial to children by boosting their memory. My favorite Mango recipe: In a parfait glass layer 1/4 c greek yogurt, 1/4 c mango, 1/4 c greek yogurt,1/4 c organic granola, 1/4 c greek yogurt & top with 1/4 c mango and 1T raw honey. No idea on the calories but it does taste yummy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stay Motivated!

The hardest part about a workout out plan and the quest to get in shape is sticking with it. There are so many reasons we need and should workout. It lowers our BMI, keeps our cholesterol in check, we live longer, we can play easier with our children/grandchildren, heck it makes us look good! I can go on forever. How many excuses can you think of to not workout? Too busy, too tired, good TV show on, too hard, I have to wash my hair. There are so many I have heard over the years. So how do you stay motivated? Here are my top 5 ways to stay on track: 1. Set a goal Give yourself a reason to workout. Sign up for a local race, buy yourself a photo-shoot, plan a party. Mark your calendar and set mini goals to get you there. Put those on your calendar too. 2. Schedule your workouts Make an appointment with yourself and keep it. Block out the time in your planner as you time. Don't move it or cancel unless it is an absolute emergency. 3. Get an accountability partner This can be done 2 ways. You can get a workout buddy who is waiting for you at the gym. If you don't show you let them down. I personally like to workout alone but I have a coach. I check in with her weekly with my food journal & workouts & she holds me accountable. If I go off my nutrition or training plan she gets on me. 4. Try something new There are so many new and fun workouts out there. Zumba, ariel yoga, surfing, kickboxing, whatever intrigues you. When I join a new gym I like to grab a schedule I highlight all the classes I want to try then work through the list till I find the ones I really like. 5. Give yourself rewards I have a list of treats that I like to give myself. A new polish, a pair of shoes, heck how about a trip to the beach to show off your new bod?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

90 Day Clean Health Challenge

Over the next 90 days I will be following my 90 Day Health Challenge. I have noticed that over the course of the winter my skin an hair have become very parched. I have also not been following my own advise of putting myself first. My eating patterns and workout program has been taking a hit and over all I just do not feel like myself. Especially in the last 3-4 weeks I have been fatigued. My digestive system is also not working properly. Overall I just feel like crap! I have created a 3 phase 90 Day Detox and Cleanse program that includes clean eating, taking in the right nutrients, drinking enough water and doing a minimum of yoga every day. Over the 90 day I will be focusing on a spiritual cleanse as well. Here is a quick summary of what I will be doing for Month 1: Nutritional Cleansing: - 3-4 liters of water daily - Taking my Ageless Actives Daily Essentials for Women with Product B - Fish oil supplement an additional 2 times daily - Limit coffee to one cup of organic fresh ground coffee in the morning - Drink Green tea 2 times daily - Drink IsaCleanse and Ionix supreme every a morning before I eat or drink anything and IsaCleanse before bed 2 hours after my last meal - 2 IsaLean shakes daily or IsaLean mixed with IsaPro - At some point in the month do a 2 day deep cleanse - Go meatless on Monday

Friday, April 20, 2012

My New Addiction!

Every day at 3pm I sit down and have my afternoon snack. Usually it is my Vanilla Isalean Shake and Citrus Want More Energy, which I ran out of a week ago. I always buy my daughter Rice Crackers and hummus for her afternoon snack. This week she decided she wanted an apple instead so I ate her snack. HOLY YUM!!! I picked up these World Table Soy Wasabi Crackers and I am ADDICTED!!! They are a Walmart brand to I need to give kudos to them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Digging Deeper

“Dig Deeper” –Shawn T
Once or twice a week I hear these words being screamed at me through my T.V. by none other than Shawn Thompson, otherwise known as Shawn T. I try to do his Insanity and Asylum workouts at least once a week to help with my training. I also do it to see if maybe, one day I will be able to complete a workout without stopping. A few weeks ago I turned 36 and decided that this would be the year that I would test my physical limits. For over a decade I went to the gym with a set plan: lift, cardio, stretch then home. I could not stay from my workout because the type of competitions I did required a certain regimen. Every year I would hit a wall where I no longer wanted to workout. I would loathe going to the gym. Then I rediscovered my love of dance and running. In 3 weeks I will step on stage to perform for me in almost 10 years. I am pulling out all the stops and suffering from a banged up, bruised body. It is all worth it. In 5 weeks I will be running my first half-marathon. The training is killing me but I am digging deeper.
Often I train alone so it is up to me to push myself. I do what it takes to dig inside and find that inner strength and drive to get me through. The people who drive by me when I am running, I am sure, think I am crazy. I sing out loud. I talk to myself. I yell at myself. I even sometimes scream. Randomly enough, I often cry. Every session I ask myself, have I given it everything? Did I dance with all my heart? Did I run as fast as my legs would take me? Next time you train listen to yourself. Are you telling yourself you can’t do it or are you digging deeper and finding that inner voice to scream at yourself to push harder?

Monday, March 19, 2012

This is what it is like to have a coach

"If you believe you can or you can't you are always right"

The is so true! Watch this video and tell me if you have ever been Brock. Have you ever thought for sure that you were going to fail so why bother trying? Everyday I talk with clients who doubt their ability to succeed. When I ask them why they often don't know or they tell me, "Because so-and-so failed" or "I tried that once". However, no one call tell me "why". You failed or you think you failed because you had already predetermined that you would so why bother trying. This happens to everyone. That is why it is so important to have a coach. A part of what I do it work with people one-on-one to help them reach their goals. I don't allow them to doubt themselves. I am here to show them and you what you can accomplish. I am here to show you that you are Brock and YES you CAN do anything!

Email me for a free Health History Evaluation.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who is in your support group?

Having a support group is a so important for those who want to achieve their goals. Whether you have fitness goals you want to achieve or life goals, having someone or many someones who are there to push you along your way is imperative. More often than that not, those who do not have a support group, or personal cheerleaders as I like to all them, will lose motivation and slow down or give up all together on their goals.

Contact friends and family who are want the same thing you do. Are they trying to get in shape for summer as well? Do you know someone who has the goal of running a 5K this summer? Better yet do you know someone who has just lost weight or just completed their 1st race? Sometimes the best coaches are the ones that have already been there and done that. Think about it, when you want advise on parenting do you ask someone who does not have kids or someone who has one or two?

Schedule a time and place to meet at least once a week if not more often. When someone is counting on you to show up you are more likely to follow through. Use your time not only to train but to talk about topics such as new exercise ideas, weight lost or gained, obstacles you have faced that week, pressures from friends and family and goals for the next week.

Keep a journal of daily food intake, physical activities and mood then share with each other. This will help you see where you may be making mistakes you didn’t realize you were making. It is also another tool to keep you on track. You are less likely to eat pizza at 12 am if you have to tell someone you did it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The year that changed my life

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize just how lucky you really are and it overwhelms you? Yeah I just had one of those. In less than a week I will be celebrating my 36th birthday. Incredible! Exactly one year ago today I made a decision that I was going to stop wishing and start doing. I had been working two jobs 18 hours day and one of them I hated. I literally dreaded going every morning. I barely saw my daughter or my husband. I was unhappy, stressed out & tired. My turning point was the day I picked my daughter up from daycare and she clung to the women who has been talking care of her since six weeks old and cried because she did not want to leave. I had missed out on almost 11 months of my daughter’s life. (I am grateful for all that she did for McKalyn I know she was in good hands.) That day I made a list of everything I wanted to accomplish before my next birthday and made a vision board. I moved to back to my hometown of Caseville, MI which is this tiny, little resort town surrounded by farmland with a population of less than 1,000 in the winter time & far over than in the summer. I needed to be near family and do some soul searching. I had a lot of work to do. The hardest thing I had to do was give up competing, for now, so I could focus on me.

This afternoon I set off to run 6 miles, something I have not done in 6 years. As I finished my run in 52 minutes (8:66 min mile! Yeah baby!!), the last year of my life came flooding back to me and I actually was filled with so much emotion and gratitude I started to cry. Talk about your runner’s high. I realized that almost everything I said I wanted to accomplish was coming to fruition. Maybe not exactly how I envisioned it but my prayers have been answered. I am grateful for the fact that I am going to be 36 and I can run 6 miles. In 8 weeks I will be running in my first ½ Marathon with my cousin Katie which will be the first sport I have done in years where the winner is based solely on performance and not subjectivity. I have forgotten how much I love to run. (I had to give it up to do fitness competitions) I used to say that my runs were my time with God and today was a reminder why.

I swore that day at day care I would find a way to be home with my daughter and be the one to raise her. I was not sure how that was going to work as we did not have the option to be a single income home. In June I was introduced to a company called Isagenix by my coach Cathy and my teammate Lori. Not only have the supplements improved my health but the additional money I have made has allowed me to knock off one of my goals, becoming certified as a Holistic Health & wellness Coach. I have paid for my tuition completely from the money I have made with Isagenix. I have also been able to put that money towards debt and we are on the road to becoming debt free. In February I was able to enroll McKalyn in gymnastics classes and will be signing her up for swim lessons. All paid for by Isagenix! Not to mention that difference I feel in my body since using the products. I can honestly say that knowing these two women have changed my life. They are both women I aspire to be like every day for many reasons.

In August I was approached by my high school dance teacher to teach some classes for her while she recovered from knee surgery. I have rekindled my passion for dancing and will even be performing that the recital. They say you have a soul mate workout, well dancing is mine! Choreographing dances with a woman who was detrimental to my own personal growth and been incredibly rewarding. I am considering going back to school and sharpening my skills as a dancer so I can share this with others.

In September I was recruited by a Facebook friend Rach, who I have never actually met in person, for an on-line position with Under Armour. This job allows me to choose my schedule, eliminates a commute to work and allows me time with McKalyn. I am able to sit outside and work while she plays or at night I have an excuse to catch up on TV and sit on the coach while she is sleeping. It also enables me to have time to study for school and work on my Coaching and Isagneix business. Plus I get free gear for my new adventures. Thanks to Under Armour I was able to run outside all winter long! ANNND…..I am now a stay at home mommy!

Most importantly I promised I would have a happy marriage and a happy home. We had a very bumpy first 2 years. God tested our strength and showed us how strong we really are. During my run I realized that I AM HAPPY. I am truly happy. I have stopped putting pressure on myself to live up to other people’s (perceived) expectations and started to focus on what makes me happy and my husband happy. I have my best friend back and it feels amazing.

In one year I now feel strong, empowered, confident, unstoppable, happy, at peace, clear and ready to take on the world. I ONE YEAR!!!

What’s for this year:
1. I have also decided to run the Tough Mudder in Tampa in December 2012.
2. I am starting my own Coaching business, doing presentations and seminars and schools, dance studios, gyms, etc. This is something I have wanted to do for at least 10 years. Every year I put off because of fear and “lack of time”.
3. I am working on writing my first ebook/product to be available this Spring.
4. I am going to continue to take time for me so I can focus on the needs of myself and my family. This means continuing to spend my time with God and get out and run 3days a week. I am also adding a daily 20 minute yoga session to my mornings.
5. I am working on a business plan to open my own fitness studio (maybe dance too)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cancer Patients Gain from Exercise

Cancer Patients Gain from Exercise

An exercise routine is a key piece of a healthy lifestyle for anyone, and is just as pertinent for cancer patients as it is for someone who is not affected by the deadly disease. Exercise is powerfully correlated to a lesser chance of the cancer reoccurring and a longer life expectancy.
Increasing life expectancy seems like enough of a benefit but there are also a variety of others. Exercise will lessen the painful side effects from cancer treatments like exhaustion, nausea and depression. The health of cancer patients is compromised by treatments and exercise is able to improve the immune system so patients are able to ward off any possible threats.
People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and especially those who are overweight, increase their chances for many diseases, including different types of cancers. Once someone already has cancer, exercise is a way they can help fight the symptoms. The benefits are endless. Exercise will allow patients to get a full night’s sleep, increases oxygen throughout the body, eases stress, increases muscle mass, allows better weight management as well as an overall improvement of quality of life.

Of course not every exercise routine will be the same for everyone. There are different recommendations and special considerations for patients with different types of cancer. Someone who received surgery to remove brain cancer is going to have a far different routine than someone who is undergoing treatment for mesothelioma. It is a must for cancer patients to consult physicians before they plan an exercise regimen.
No matter what exercises are chosen, it is important that they are enjoyable for the patients. This ensures motivation levels will stay up and the routine will be just that, a routine.

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Raw Vegan Sundried Tomato Sauce

This is the easiest recipe I have ever found and it oh, so tasty!

1 c sundried tomatoes

Place the Sundried tomatoes in a bowl. Fill bowl with water enough to just barely cover the tomatoes. Let soak for about an hour. Pour water and tomatoes into the food processor and process on low until a creamy consistency. TADA!

Why I love my Midwestern Thighs!

Nate Berkus made a very accurate statement this morning. He said that when men wake up and look in the mirror they see everything they like about themselves. When women wake up and look at themselves they pick apart everything wrong with themselves. This is a crisis of the American Culture. Why are women too hard on themselves? The funny thing is, and my husband agrees, guys don’t like really skinny girls! So why do women what to be so skinny? Guys like imperfections so why do we try so hard to be perfect? It is for the approval of other women who to be quite honest, are too worried about what they look like to care about what you look like. It is about time we change this pattern. So next time you get out of the shower and look in the mirror about everything that is wrong look at everything that is right! Time for me to get a little TMI here…. I have always been small chested and have been mildly self-conscious about it my entire life. Well, as many women have experienced, after I had my daughter what I did have well… deflated. I could spend time starring at myself in the mirror obsessing or I can remember the wonder of what purpose they served. I was able to nourish my daughter to give her the best health she could possibly have. And when she spent the 1st 2 weeks of her life it in NIC unit I strongly believe that it was because I was there every 3 hours to make sure she got what she needed that she was able to fight off every illness she has been faced with since. At 21 months old she has had 2 mild fevers and the stomach flu once. I have what my husband calls Midwestern thighs but as Shakeria said, “I can run for cover when I need to.” Find 3 things you normally consider flaws and tell me why you should love them!