Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who is in your support group?

Having a support group is a so important for those who want to achieve their goals. Whether you have fitness goals you want to achieve or life goals, having someone or many someones who are there to push you along your way is imperative. More often than that not, those who do not have a support group, or personal cheerleaders as I like to all them, will lose motivation and slow down or give up all together on their goals.

Contact friends and family who are want the same thing you do. Are they trying to get in shape for summer as well? Do you know someone who has the goal of running a 5K this summer? Better yet do you know someone who has just lost weight or just completed their 1st race? Sometimes the best coaches are the ones that have already been there and done that. Think about it, when you want advise on parenting do you ask someone who does not have kids or someone who has one or two?

Schedule a time and place to meet at least once a week if not more often. When someone is counting on you to show up you are more likely to follow through. Use your time not only to train but to talk about topics such as new exercise ideas, weight lost or gained, obstacles you have faced that week, pressures from friends and family and goals for the next week.

Keep a journal of daily food intake, physical activities and mood then share with each other. This will help you see where you may be making mistakes you didn’t realize you were making. It is also another tool to keep you on track. You are less likely to eat pizza at 12 am if you have to tell someone you did it.

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