Friday, March 16, 2012

The year that changed my life

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize just how lucky you really are and it overwhelms you? Yeah I just had one of those. In less than a week I will be celebrating my 36th birthday. Incredible! Exactly one year ago today I made a decision that I was going to stop wishing and start doing. I had been working two jobs 18 hours day and one of them I hated. I literally dreaded going every morning. I barely saw my daughter or my husband. I was unhappy, stressed out & tired. My turning point was the day I picked my daughter up from daycare and she clung to the women who has been talking care of her since six weeks old and cried because she did not want to leave. I had missed out on almost 11 months of my daughter’s life. (I am grateful for all that she did for McKalyn I know she was in good hands.) That day I made a list of everything I wanted to accomplish before my next birthday and made a vision board. I moved to back to my hometown of Caseville, MI which is this tiny, little resort town surrounded by farmland with a population of less than 1,000 in the winter time & far over than in the summer. I needed to be near family and do some soul searching. I had a lot of work to do. The hardest thing I had to do was give up competing, for now, so I could focus on me.

This afternoon I set off to run 6 miles, something I have not done in 6 years. As I finished my run in 52 minutes (8:66 min mile! Yeah baby!!), the last year of my life came flooding back to me and I actually was filled with so much emotion and gratitude I started to cry. Talk about your runner’s high. I realized that almost everything I said I wanted to accomplish was coming to fruition. Maybe not exactly how I envisioned it but my prayers have been answered. I am grateful for the fact that I am going to be 36 and I can run 6 miles. In 8 weeks I will be running in my first ½ Marathon with my cousin Katie which will be the first sport I have done in years where the winner is based solely on performance and not subjectivity. I have forgotten how much I love to run. (I had to give it up to do fitness competitions) I used to say that my runs were my time with God and today was a reminder why.

I swore that day at day care I would find a way to be home with my daughter and be the one to raise her. I was not sure how that was going to work as we did not have the option to be a single income home. In June I was introduced to a company called Isagenix by my coach Cathy and my teammate Lori. Not only have the supplements improved my health but the additional money I have made has allowed me to knock off one of my goals, becoming certified as a Holistic Health & wellness Coach. I have paid for my tuition completely from the money I have made with Isagenix. I have also been able to put that money towards debt and we are on the road to becoming debt free. In February I was able to enroll McKalyn in gymnastics classes and will be signing her up for swim lessons. All paid for by Isagenix! Not to mention that difference I feel in my body since using the products. I can honestly say that knowing these two women have changed my life. They are both women I aspire to be like every day for many reasons.

In August I was approached by my high school dance teacher to teach some classes for her while she recovered from knee surgery. I have rekindled my passion for dancing and will even be performing that the recital. They say you have a soul mate workout, well dancing is mine! Choreographing dances with a woman who was detrimental to my own personal growth and been incredibly rewarding. I am considering going back to school and sharpening my skills as a dancer so I can share this with others.

In September I was recruited by a Facebook friend Rach, who I have never actually met in person, for an on-line position with Under Armour. This job allows me to choose my schedule, eliminates a commute to work and allows me time with McKalyn. I am able to sit outside and work while she plays or at night I have an excuse to catch up on TV and sit on the coach while she is sleeping. It also enables me to have time to study for school and work on my Coaching and Isagneix business. Plus I get free gear for my new adventures. Thanks to Under Armour I was able to run outside all winter long! ANNND…..I am now a stay at home mommy!

Most importantly I promised I would have a happy marriage and a happy home. We had a very bumpy first 2 years. God tested our strength and showed us how strong we really are. During my run I realized that I AM HAPPY. I am truly happy. I have stopped putting pressure on myself to live up to other people’s (perceived) expectations and started to focus on what makes me happy and my husband happy. I have my best friend back and it feels amazing.

In one year I now feel strong, empowered, confident, unstoppable, happy, at peace, clear and ready to take on the world. I ONE YEAR!!!

What’s for this year:
1. I have also decided to run the Tough Mudder in Tampa in December 2012.
2. I am starting my own Coaching business, doing presentations and seminars and schools, dance studios, gyms, etc. This is something I have wanted to do for at least 10 years. Every year I put off because of fear and “lack of time”.
3. I am working on writing my first ebook/product to be available this Spring.
4. I am going to continue to take time for me so I can focus on the needs of myself and my family. This means continuing to spend my time with God and get out and run 3days a week. I am also adding a daily 20 minute yoga session to my mornings.
5. I am working on a business plan to open my own fitness studio (maybe dance too)

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