Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stay Motivated!

The hardest part about a workout out plan and the quest to get in shape is sticking with it. There are so many reasons we need and should workout. It lowers our BMI, keeps our cholesterol in check, we live longer, we can play easier with our children/grandchildren, heck it makes us look good! I can go on forever. How many excuses can you think of to not workout? Too busy, too tired, good TV show on, too hard, I have to wash my hair. There are so many I have heard over the years. So how do you stay motivated? Here are my top 5 ways to stay on track: 1. Set a goal Give yourself a reason to workout. Sign up for a local race, buy yourself a photo-shoot, plan a party. Mark your calendar and set mini goals to get you there. Put those on your calendar too. 2. Schedule your workouts Make an appointment with yourself and keep it. Block out the time in your planner as you time. Don't move it or cancel unless it is an absolute emergency. 3. Get an accountability partner This can be done 2 ways. You can get a workout buddy who is waiting for you at the gym. If you don't show you let them down. I personally like to workout alone but I have a coach. I check in with her weekly with my food journal & workouts & she holds me accountable. If I go off my nutrition or training plan she gets on me. 4. Try something new There are so many new and fun workouts out there. Zumba, ariel yoga, surfing, kickboxing, whatever intrigues you. When I join a new gym I like to grab a schedule I highlight all the classes I want to try then work through the list till I find the ones I really like. 5. Give yourself rewards I have a list of treats that I like to give myself. A new polish, a pair of shoes, heck how about a trip to the beach to show off your new bod?

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