Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Say Yum for Mango!

I always know when summer is here because I start craving Mango. Mango on everything. Salads, smoothies, yogurt (esp. Fage with honey), relish, salsa, fish, a fork.... and the list goes on. Not only is mango super yummy but it is good for you too. Mango helps in the fight against cancer: Mango is loaded with antioxidants. I read an analogy that antioxidants are like the bottom feeders that eat all the gook out of a fish tank. They keep your body cleaned out so it can run efficiently. Women are at a higher risk for cancer than ever before. Mango Helps Lower Cholesterol: Filled with fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower cholesterol. Great for Your Skin: What is with being a mom that can make you look so "old" some times. Where is that awesome mommy glow? Dr Apratim Goel, dermatologist says, "Mangoes are a rich source of beta carotene (vitamin A), which is a strong antioxidant. Apart from the rejuvenation effect, vitamin A also has dramatic effects on acne / pimples. Beta-carotene is the nutrient that's supposed to help you see in the dark, and it's crucial for your skin. It's converted by your body into vitamin A and is so important that it's often prescribed as a topical treatment (one that's applied directly on to the skin) for acne." (from the Times of India) Good for Eye Health: One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A. Vitamin A from fruit is a provitamin. It is used by the body to protect the surface of the eye. Mangoes also help prevent night blindness and softening of the cornea. Great for eye development in babies and retaining eye strength on moms. Mango Alkalizes the Body: As we know an acidic body is breading grounds for all kinds of free-radicals which cause cancer, premature aging and fatigue. Keeping the body in a more alkaline state allows in to function properly. There are also studies that show children who have been diagnosed with learning differences will show improved symptoms over time when on a high antioxidant diet due to a clean intestinal wall. Mango Aids in Digestion: The enzymes in mangoes help break down protein when eaten together. The high fiber content helps keep natural digestive function regular. Great for backed up babies. The alkalizing properties will also help with acid reflux. Mango Helps with your Sex Life The Vitamin E in mangoes boosts one’s sex drive by regulating the sex hormones in one’s body. Yeah ok who doesn't want that. Mango Boosts Memory What mom out there doesn't suffer from permanent baby brain. Seriously what is that? I will take what ever help I can get! Mangoes contain Glutamine acid which is known to be beneficial to children by boosting their memory. My favorite Mango recipe: In a parfait glass layer 1/4 c greek yogurt, 1/4 c mango, 1/4 c greek yogurt,1/4 c organic granola, 1/4 c greek yogurt & top with 1/4 c mango and 1T raw honey. No idea on the calories but it does taste yummy!

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