Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beat the Winter Blues

Even though I am in Florida this winter, I have spent most of my life in the cold Michigan winters.  The days get shorter, the temps get colder and often the cloud cover lingers and we don't see sun for days. This can cause a depression in many people, also known as Seasonal Affection Disorder commonly and appropriately  known as SAD. This past winter I was amazed that some how I beat the winter blues. and here is how I did it.  

Get outside – Make a point to bundle up and get outside daily. 3 times a week I made it outside for a short run while the sun was out. other days I simply found a warm spot in the sun to sit and relax or took a simple walk.  The fresh, crisp air was refreshing and invigorating.  The sun is also the most efficient way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.
Get regular exercise – I don't know about you but when I get cold, the last thing I want to do is get out of bed especially to workout. However, once up and moving I felt amazing. Working out releases endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy, and will do wonders for your energy levels.
Get out of the house and mingle – Friends and family play a crucial role in our lives. They provide support and help balance our lives. Sharing stories and laughing with friends can lift our spirits and give us a fresh perspective. Make plans to go to lunch with friends, host a dinner party, or schedule a phone call to keep in touch.
Journal for gratitude –  I started doing this a little over a year ago following the lead of a friend. Each morning when I wake up and each evening before bed I take time to write down three things I am grateful for. When I am feeling down I look over my list and I am reminded of what is really important.
Play with new recipes – Incorporate a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables into your meals to boost your mood, and experiment with new recipes or comforting family favorites.
Embrace the season – Rather than spending your time and energy complaining about the weather, or longing for a different time of year, find beauty in the present moment. Boost your health through a spiritual practice, catch up on your reading, or bundle up in your favorite sweater and have a cup of hot cocoa, cider, or tea.
Buy a full spectrum lamp – If you find yourself feeling really blue during the winter months, talk to your doctor about investing in a light box that mimics the spectrum of the sun. Light therapy can be a very effective treatment for SAD!
What are some ways you stay cheerful during the winter months?

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