Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why I Chose Isagenix

About a year ago I was introduced to Isagenix by fellow competitor and teammate Lori Harder and coach Cathy Savage. At the time I was addicted to sugar and caffeine. I struggled daily with my energy levels and always seemed to be crashing. I have a little one at home and I found I was always tired & irritable. Not to mention, I never had the energy or the time to keep up with my training regimen. When Cathy suggested that I speak with Lori about which Isagenix products she would suggest I was willing to do what ever it took. Much to my amazement within a month I saw a huge change. My cravings for sugar came to a halt, my energy levels stabilized. I was able to cut out coffee. I even lost 10 pounds just before the holidays and did not gain any back. All while maintaining my muscle mass! Best yet I was able to cut my workouts down to a 3rd of what I was doing. I am spending less time working out which means more time for my family. I am so excited about what this has done for me that I am not sharing with others so that they too can improve their quality of life physically and financially. I invite you to check out more by going to and watch the video on my home page.

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