Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Only 3 more months

I can not believe how quickly the time has passed!! In just a little over 3 months I will be giving birth to a beautiful little girl and I couldn't be more excited. It's kinda ironic that I finally get used to all of these weird things that are happening to my body just in time to have it back again. However, I must say, I am very much looking forward to that too. I would love to say that I am one of those beautiful pregnant women that are all belly, but I can't. My ENITRE body has been taken over. Before my belly popped out, my butt popped out and before that my boobs. I must say it is very strange hearing people refer to me as being big busted. Even more amazing when people are in shock to hear that I am pregant. I mean do they really think I am just really fat? But they there is that random guy who think I am so big I must be giving birth tomorrow. Gotta love it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

10 Super Foods for Pregnant Women

Research shows that the better your prenatal diet, the healthier your baby. You should be eating between 100-300 calories day depending on your pre-pregancy weight and how far along you are. Rather than filling up on cookies and ice cream give your baby what it needs.

1. Yogurt: It has more calcium than milk and is more filling. If a mother does not get enough calcium for both her and the baby, the baby will rob the mother of her calcium stores causing bone problems and weak teeth. A analysis of several different studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that calcium may prevent pre-eclampsia (or toxemia), a serious condition in which blood pressure rises to dangerous levels. Yogurt also contains good bacteria that helps your digestive system work properly. Add 1/2 c yogurt to a breakfast smmothie with a banana, 1/2 milk, 1 T ground falxseeds, 1 T coconut oil and 1/4 c dry oatmeal for a yummy treat. Use it in place of mayo or sour cream . My fav is Fage Greek yogurt with honey. YUMMY!

2. Almonds: They are high in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties. Almonds are also higher in fiber than any other nut, which can help fend off constipation and hemorrhoids, two common pregnancy side effects. Add slivered almonds to salads, and hot or cold cereals. I keep nuts stashed in my car cousel and in my purse for daily snacking. And if you have never tried almond butter you need to. It is well worth the extra couple dollars. Just be ware not to eat too much. Never combine almond butter and a soon, you are liabe to eat the whole jar.

3. Salmon: Salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids can boost baby’s brainpower. One study done at Harvard Medical School found that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of DHA (an omega 3 fatty acid) at delivery had better attention spans well into their second year of life.
Salmon is a good fish choice because of its low mercury content. Try a salmon burger with lettuce and tomato. Or a salmon pattie made with 3 oz canned salmon, 1/2 c dry oat meal, 1 egg and seasoning. Pan fry it and you are good to go. Add onion if you like.

4. Eggs Eggs are also nutrient-dense, which means they supply a great deal of nutrition for a very small calorie count. They are a great source of protein and they are easy on the stomach. Boil eggs to keep in the fridge so they’re ready to grab and go. My egg salad is made with egg whites, dijon mustard, celery and avocado.

5. Leafy Greens Good examples are spinach, kale, chard and collards greens. Greens are a great source of folate which as we all know is very important during pregnancy. Not to mention the darker the veggie the greater the source of nutrients. Add spinach to your soups, pastas and salads. Tear kale into bite size pieces and sprinkle with loive oil and salt. Bake until crispy and the result is healthy chips.

6. Iron Fortified Whole-Grain Cereals/Bread When you’re pregnant, the need for iron increases. Your baby is sharing your blood supply and many women can become anemic. Whole grains are packed with fiber and are a good carb. They should not be eliminated from any diet. especially that of a pregnant woman who needs all the energy she can get. Whole grains help to regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Try a bowl of cereal with raisins and a cup of skim milk for a healthy nighttime snack.

7. Berries Berries are the powerhouse of the fruit family. And berries are sweet so, when you’re feeling queasy, they can be easier to get down than vegetables. Layer yogurt with All Bran cereal and berries for a yummy fruit parfait.

8. Lean MeatRed Meat is one of the best sources of iron. Though make sure to cook it thouroughly. Your baby will need to use and store enough to last through his or her first few months of life. The protein in meat helps repair and replace body tissues, such as muscle. Try grass-fed hormone free, organic or beef or leaner types like buffalo. Combine meat with tomato sauce to help iron absorption and serve over whole wheat pasta.

9. Lentils & Beans From what I have read lentils and beans are the wonder food, especially edamame. Lentils and beans provide soluble fiber, which helps a pregnant woman maintain stable blood sugar levels and keep cholesterol levels in check Try beans in stir frys, salads and wraps. Throw canned beans into soups, stews and chili. Replace beans in any meat dish for a healthy alternative.

10. Water Though water is not actually a food, it is THE single most important thing a pregant woman can take in. One of the most common probelms prenant women face is dehydration. Whilemany foods contain water, such as, watermelon, lettuce and cucumbers, it is important to drink at least 10 12 oz glasses of water a day. A clear broth soup and fruit juice can also help.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin dip

Not the healthiest but oh so good.


4 c. powdered sugar2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese1 can (30 oz.) pumpkin pie filling2 tsp. cinnamon1 tsp. ginger
Combine sugar and softened cream cheese until well blended. Beat in remaining ingredients. Store in airtight container in the refrigerator. This dip is good with gingersnaps.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Heart Friendly Choices

There are so many things you can do to stay healthy and live longer. The stronger your heart the stronger your life, keep that in mind as you make your daily choices.

1. Move your body: It lowers your blood pressure and soothes inflamed arteries
2. Eat well: Focus on fiber rich foods such as oats, barey, rice, beans, strawberries and citurs fruit. Aim for 6 serving per day.
3. Eat more produce: Aim for 9 servings a day. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, berries, and brussels sprouts are some top choices.
4. Eliminate trans fats: crackers, baked goods, and snack foods can all contain unwanted fat.
5. Take a daily suppliment: Any old multi vitamin will do. For added benefits take 1,500 mg of fish oil a day, 600mg of red yeast rice, 300mg of COEnzyme Q10, 800 mg of Magnesium and 900 mg of Garlic.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I am very sad because I was unabel to teach my class this morning. Starting on my way home last night I started having sharp pinching type cramps. Unfortunately it has been almost 24 hours and they have not gone away. I am not sure what is causing them and I am afraid I may have pushed it too hard coaching yesterday. It is quite sad, I have a job I absolutely love and I may not be able to continue to do it because of my health and the health of the baby. It is frustrating having all of this energy and wanting to wor out and not being able to.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I haven't been writing much because I didn't feel that I have much to write about now, especially since I can't work out. Then it occured to me that I have tons to write about. No I can't workout but I am having a baby. I am having a baby!!! So, it is very important that I eat clean and healthy and be careful not to gain weight, well more than I should. Plus with everything I have been through I am sure there are other women out there that are going through the same things that I have been through. I have had two miscarrages and now I have been blessed. Am I scared that I may still lose the baby? Yeah shitless! Every cramp, every pinch, every anything I feel worries me. I am worried that I am not eating enough, that I am not getting the right nutrients, that something will be wrong. But more than anything I am worried how we are going to take care of this baby. So as I go thought my mental madness I am going to keep you all posted.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yummy Oatmeal

Made this today for Quad and I. He was very impressed. Yummy AND healthy OH MY!

Cook instant Steel Cut oats as directed using only water. (Hold the butter) After covering in a small skillet toast cocont using a tiny bit of coconut oil or tiny bit of butter. Be careful it burns easy. Once oatmeal is done pour into a bowl sprinkle with 1/2 T cinnamon sugar, top with 1 T unsweetened appple sauce and 1/4 c fresh blueberries. Sprinkle with toasted coconut. YYUUUUMMMYY!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My life on the couch

So I am on day 2 of being on "bed rest". YICK!! For this to happen to someone like me is pretty miserable. I am a VERY active person. It is hard for me to sit still for long periods of time. I can not go to the movies because after about 55 minutes I start getting antsy & looking at the clock. I like to clean when I am home and am very particular when I clean. I am a busy body always go go go. I hate being indoors and I am a people person. I love to go out. I like working. The thought of being inside makes my skin crawl. You get the picture. WHAT AM I GONNA DO??

This will be a true test of my patience. I know that this is something I have to do and it is for something I have wanted for a very long time. I know that there are more important things in life than working out and being in shape. I know that family & health come first. I know I will live, but I have no idea how I will survive. What is it that they say? "One day at a time."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Time for a change of pace

So went to the Dr. last night because I have been having some issues. Turns out that some scarring from a previous surgery is causing some problems and as a result I am having some internal bleeding. Which translates to, no more heavy lifting, high intensity or high impact workouts. This could get very intersting. I am having to change my entire style of working out but yes still maintain my physique. Obviously my physique will change but I don't want to get out of shape.
Here is my old training schedule and you will see what I mean:
Mon-Sports training, routine, skills
Tues- Weights, yoga, stairmill intervals 45, sprints 15
Wed- routine, stretch, spin 45
Thurs- Weights, yoga, step intervals 45
Fri- Sports Training, routine, skills, run 45
Sat- weight, pilates, yoga, bike 45, sprints 15
Sun- yoga

stay tuned to what I come up with....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Setting goals

Today I am reminded how important it is to set goals and then create the steps to get to the goals. Goals are not just statements we put down on a piece of paper. If they were then they would just be dreams. No matter what it is you want to do. No matter how big or how out of reach it may seem, if you break it down into pieces it will only be a matter of time until you reach that final step.

How to set your goals:
1. Set an achievable goal-I WILL run a marathon
2. create a goal statement-I WILL run the Disney Marathon in 6 months
3. break it down into pieces- I am starting at 3 miles and every week I will increase my milage until I reach my goal.
4. Put it on paper- Every Sunday I will run a long run that helps me reach my goal. Then mark a calendar.
5. Track your progress
6. Give yourself mini-rewards- a new pair of shoes, a new lipgloss, a free day, a day off, a new book, whatever makes you happy.

I use www.printfree.com to print out monthly calendars. I track every thing. I start with what I plan to do. Then as I complete each step I highlight it rather than crossing it off. That way I can see my acievements in bright colors.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I love being back at the gym. However, I am very very very sore. LOL.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I forget what a good trainer the TV can make. If you ever feel you don't have time to get to the gym then you need to get yourself a DVD player and some good workout DVDs. College Video is a great resourse. I did Cathe Fredrich's Imax 3 today and it kicked my butt. Cardio 9/10 DONE!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Zucchini potato pancakes


Vegetable cooking spray
2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and grated
2 medium zucchini, grated
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves, plus leaves, for garnish
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus extra for seasoning
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus extra for seasoning
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Olive oil, for drizzling

Place an oven rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Spray a baking sheet, liberally, with vegetable cooking spray. Set aside
Lay the potatoes and zucchini on 2 kitchen towels. Bring the corners of the towels together and squeeze out the moisture from the vegetables. Place the vegetables in a large bowl. Add the garlic, chopped rosemary, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, egg whites, salt, and pepper. Mix well until all ingredients are combined.
In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the vegetable mixture to the pan. Using a spatula, press the mixture evenly into the pan. Drizzle the top with olive oil and sprinkle with the remaining 1 tablespoon Cheddar cheese. Cook for 8 minutes or until the edges of the mixture begin to brown. Slide the pancake, cooked side down, onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the top of the pancake starts to brown and the edges are crispy.

Healthy Zuchinni Bread

So I decided to bake for the first time in a vary long time tonight. We picked some fresh Zuchinni from the garden and I got to baking. Gotta love Alabama.

3 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 honey
1 cup apple sauce
8 egg whites, beaten
1/3 cup water
2 cups grated zucchini, peeled

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon. In a separate bowl, combine apple sauce, egg whites, honey, water and zucchini. Mix wet ingredients into dry, fold in. Bake in 2 standard loaf pans, sprayed with nonstick spray, for 1 hour, or until a tester comes out clean. Alternately, bake in 5 mini loaf pans for about 45 minutes.
Taught my first class in aver a year today at Metro. I was actually so nervous I was shaking. :) However, 15 minutes into it I felt like I never left. I forgot how much I love being in front of a group of people motivating them to get movin'. Not to mention it was a great workout for myself. gotta love bootcamp!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great worout this morning. I started off with a cardio & conditioning class. Followed that up with some weights and a killer power walk on the treadmill. I love when I am done by 10:30 and I have the whole day ahead of me. Too bad I am too lazy to get moving unless I have to. Feeling pretty amazing and planning on competing at the FAP Dixie Pagent Sept 19.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So went in the gym today thinking I would make up for the last 2 weeks of being completely lazy. BAD IDEA! LOL I started with some shoulders and bis. Then I headed over to the treadmill for some spring training while I waited for my pilates class to start. Perhaps I shoudl have used this time to eat...hmmm... I finished off my workout with 30 minutes of functional training. I am conviced that during my pilates class someone must have put concrete in my sneakers....OUCH!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

On a roll

Had a great weekend. I am currently listeing to Jodi's seminar and I am so motivated!! I have so many ideas. My first step is getting my weekend bootcamp. I can't wait to get my team of girls going. Competitors or not!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Found a gym to train at. Coaching gymnastics and teaching classes!! Doing great. Now I am on the hunt for sponsors!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Well found a job coaching gymnastics at a local gym and I couldn't be more excited. Gymnastics was always my first love. I start Monday.

Still working on finding a gym to train and workout at. I have a few in mind so we will see. As soon as that is set up I will be ready to start training girls for competition. I can't wait!!!

Had a great workout last night. Plyos for legs, a little Hip Hop abs for cardio and a yoga cool down. Nothing like a living room workout.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I am thinking about competing in the FAP Dixie pagent in 8 1/2 weeks. So let's see how fast I can pull myself together. So far today was not so good. I have not worked out since before the wedding and I have had no desire to. LOL Maybe a little So You Think You Can Dance will give me a little push. :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Had a wonderful weekend and a wonderful wedding. Ate great food. Danced. Laughed.
Now I get to send the rest of my life with a wonderful man. What more can a girl ask for?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When they said it wasn't a good idea to try to train and pack a wedding they weren't kidding. I am a very emotional eater & eat under stress. I always feel I need the energy. So of course after a very healthy spinach salad topped with asparagus & blueberries I ate a piece of pizza before bed. Go figure!! At least I was able to fit in a 9 mile run before all of that.

GOAL FOR TODAY: watch the starches so that I am not holding water for the wedding.
I am going to fit in a good workout of rolerblading, weight training and a 90 min Pilates/yoga session.

Monday, July 6, 2009

6 more days

I can't belive my wedding day is almost here!!! My sister, Elizabeth, flew in on Saturday the 4th and I couldn't be more excited. We spent the day with the fam and went up to a local bar for a drink and time with friends. I really do love my home town.

I picked up the marriage liscense today and got my hair colored by my wonderful cousin. She really is very talented with color. Tomorrow will be a day of more planning. For tonight I am taking a rest.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I have a busy day planned if I ever get off my butt. I hvae weights, sprints & yoga planned for this morning. I am dreading the heat outside. It has been over 95 every day since I have been here and it is only June. August is gonna be scarey!!! After that I am off to go apartment hunting and job hunting. I need to get some clients so I can start planning for my next show!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What a crazy few weeks!! School is out finally!! Spent a week in LA visiting friends and former students. Ran the Santa Monica stairs---couldn't walk for a week!! Spent some time at the Fitness Universe pagent in Miami with the Savage sistas!! Supported fellow Savage Lindsay Messina at her Model Seminar. Savage photo shoot. Shot with Harry Grigsby. Then moved to Alabama!!!

So training for my next show, wedding planning and house hunting starts today. What a crazy summer!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Getting ready for summer.

I have so much planned for this summer!!!

Tonight is the lauch of my Summer Weight Loss Program. If you want to look your best this summer than these programs are for you. Whether you are looking to tone up, lose some baby weight or getting ready for your wedding (just like me) there is a program for you.

I am also getting ready for my own wedding and a much needed summer off from school. Time to get some planning done!! Planning a wedding...working on my new routine for the next season....and getting a team of girls together to compete next year.

It's going to be a crazy fun summer. Don't miss out!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Here we go.

Well the time has come. I have finally decided on my music and will be placing my order this weekend. I am looking forward to really pushing myself this season. It has been a slow start but I think it will be worth the extra hard work. I will be competing at the Fitness Universe Pagent in Miami in June and I couldn't be more excited.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's Sunday which is the day I do all of my diet planning and scheduling for the week. I have a fridge full of fresh veggies, fish and chicken that need to be cooked and divided. I found some great new recipes that I can't wait to try.

As for training, I was still pretty sore yesterday so in order to get myself moving, I strapped on my rollerblades and headed to the beach. Got my vitamin D for the day and some cardio. It's all about multi-tasking. :) Today the plan to to get over to the gym for functional training which outght a kill me because I haven't done any since before Christmas. Then an hour of pilates followed by an hour of hatha yoga. If I bust my butt I should be outta there in 2 1/2 hours. Do I ever need it!! Last night was ladies night which included some wonderfully wonderful Greek food.

Be sure to check out the new Oxygen magazine with friend and fellow competitor Lindsey Messina (again!). She is such an inspiation!

Goal for the week: Get my water in take back up there to a gallon.

Friday, January 9, 2009

2009 Here I come!!!

I have just spent the last 3 hours journaling and setting my goals for the New Year. I am so excited for what this year will bring both in my personal life and my fitness life. I will be bringing a new fitness routine as well as a new physique to the Fitness America stage. Stay posted for updates and to get a sneal peek into my daily training.

Oh and if you're wondering I am sitting on my butt today so I can have a self inflicted butt kicking tomorrow.