Monday, August 10, 2009

Setting goals

Today I am reminded how important it is to set goals and then create the steps to get to the goals. Goals are not just statements we put down on a piece of paper. If they were then they would just be dreams. No matter what it is you want to do. No matter how big or how out of reach it may seem, if you break it down into pieces it will only be a matter of time until you reach that final step.

How to set your goals:
1. Set an achievable goal-I WILL run a marathon
2. create a goal statement-I WILL run the Disney Marathon in 6 months
3. break it down into pieces- I am starting at 3 miles and every week I will increase my milage until I reach my goal.
4. Put it on paper- Every Sunday I will run a long run that helps me reach my goal. Then mark a calendar.
5. Track your progress
6. Give yourself mini-rewards- a new pair of shoes, a new lipgloss, a free day, a day off, a new book, whatever makes you happy.

I use to print out monthly calendars. I track every thing. I start with what I plan to do. Then as I complete each step I highlight it rather than crossing it off. That way I can see my acievements in bright colors.

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