Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Leg Day Monday- You will get through this

Ever have one of those days when you just do not want to workout?  Yeah that was today for me.   I forced myself to go to the gym after I dropped my daughter off at school even though I had absolutely no desire to be there.  Throughout the workout I kept reminding myself, "you will get through this."  And low and behold I DID! Did I feel amazing and exhilarated after?  No not really but I was really proud of myself for getting through it.

Today's workout:

Circuit 1: Holding a 10 lb medicine ball 2 times through
  • side lunges tap the floor-8
  • jump squats- 10
  • burpees (no jump)-10
  • mountain climbers-20
  • jump lunges- 10
  • crunches-10
  • low jacks-10
Circuit 2: holding 20lb dumbbells each hand- 4 times through
  • side squats- 8
  • squats-8
  • stationary lunges-8
  • single leg deadlifts- 8
  • toe raises- 8
Over head press 20 lbs dumbells 4x10reps
kip swings 10x4

Circuit 3: 10 minutes AMAP (as many as possible)
  • stepups on box- 10 each leg
  • 8 box jumps
Circuit 4: 8 min AMAP
  • bench dips
  • dead lift with 40 lbs barbell 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Savage 7 Summer Detox 2014

If you are like me the summer is a time of freedom and fun.  Which also means right after the 4th of July I start to feel a little sluggish and in need to a good detox.   What a perfect time to jump in and do the Savage 7 Detox & Fuel!!

What it is not:
  • A get skinny quick scheme
  • A fad diet
  • A deprivation & starvation program
  • A poop cleanse :) 

Who needs it:
  • Anyone with a pulse (Just kidding)
  • Anyone feeling tired or lethargic
  • Anyone who has had a little too much fun this summer
  • Anyone who needs to jump start their nutrition
  • Anyone who is a little late on getting that summer body

What it includes:
  • The Savage 7 Detox & Refuel program guide
  • Cardio workouts
  •  Weight workouts
  • 7 day detox jump start
  • Nutrition guide
  • Closed Facebook page with others on the program
  • Access to some of the best trainers and nutrition coaches in the industry
  • One-on-one coaching by me!
  • 30 days of the best nutritional products on the planet!

What to expect:
  • Reduced cravings
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • A "feel good from the inside out" feeling
  • To feel renewed, refreshed & refueled!
  • BONUS:  Some may experience weight loss up to 14lbs during the first 10 days!!!

We start July 7th.  Enrollment ends July 6 at midnight.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Workout June 22 & This Week's Plan

I am headed out to a family reunion in northern Florida the end of this week so I wanted to get a jump start on my workouts for the week knowing I may not be able to get them in after Wednesday.

Today I did day 1 of my weight training which is back & shoulders.

This is what I am planning on doing the rest of the week

Follow me on Instagram and take the #fitby40 Challenge with me. @emilygaildunn

My 60 Day Summer Challenge Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow I am heading up a 60 Day Summer Challenge for a small group of women.  So I thought to myself, "Why not join them?"  Emerson will be a year old in a few weeks and I have not followed the own nutrition protocol since I found out I was pregnant in October of 2012.  It's about time I do.  I had originally planned on starting off my journey to #fitby40 with a 90 Day No Gym Challenge, but to be honest if I did that I would be going against what my body is craving right now.You see I have not lifted weights or really been in a gym since I last competed in November 2010.  After having McKalyn I worked really hard to get back into shape instead of taking the rest my body needed which resulted in me being just plain burned out.  For the last 3 1/2 years I have been working out at home or teaching classes such as Barre and cycle.  For my 38th birthday I decided to try CrossFit which I have wanted to try for a few years now.  I have found my home!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!  Amazingly enough, since I have been doing mostly high rep and body weight moves for the last 3 years I have become incredibly strong.  I can't life heavy but I can throw myself around.  Over the last 2 weeks  I have been wanting to add weight lifting back in. I want to look as strong as I feel.  So that is exactly what I am doing.  Starting Monday June 23, I will be taking a 60 Day Challenge for Energy & Endurance using the Energy & Endurance nutritional program.  I promise to share what that looks like and what my training looks like. If you want t jump in with me you are more than welcome.

Tomorrow I will be sharing my nutrition plan for the week.  

Follow me on Insatgram and take the #fitby40 Challenge with me. @emilygaildunn

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014- What I ate Wednesday

I have defiantly found that since I have started keeping this blog that my eating has been, well, sub-par.  I have found the more I think about what I eat initially I have a hard time staying on track.  Perhaps it is from always thinking of food.  So I have decided instead of sharing everyday, I would share on Wednesdays.  Because I am just not really tracking.  However today is a good indicator of what it has been like

6 am:  Cleanse for Life shot, AM packet, DHA
6:30- Ezekiel bread with coconut & peanut butter, Jelly, Coffee & creamer
9:00-  I let myself get too hungry & we were in the car so I ended up eating McKalyn's Granola bar. Annie's chocolate chip
11:30- A very expensive stop at whole foods, again too hungry, led to lunch from the hot bar.  Pulled pork, Spicy mixed veggies and a really good chick pea and carrot salad.  And of course a cookie from the cookie bar
2:30- banana, and another cookie
5:30- coconut water
8:45- after work, chicken, saparagus & roasted potatoes.
9:00- Currently I am drinking an organic hot chocolate
Will be headed to bed in about 30. 

As you can see my sugar issue is still not under control.  I skipped my shakes today because I forgot my shaker.  I hate when I do that.  I can definitely tell I am not eating well as I am tired.  What is important for me to get across is that I do not feel bad to beat myself up when I am off track.  I know it is lack of proper planning which I emphasize to all my clients.  When you are hungry you will eat anything.  I also know it will only take about 4 days of proper planning and nutritional re-balancing to feel amazing again.

Here are my workouts so far for May
Th May 1- Taught Barre, taught cycle & participated about 20 minutes, taught ab lab & did about 10 minutes
Sun May 4- CrossFit.  I totally could have pushed myself harder on this one but I let the coach talk me down in weight.
Tue taught cycle & did about 30 minutes

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What happened to April 17-30?

Well I had intended to share my food and exercise journal as much as I could to answer your questions; how do I stay fit, what do I eat and what do I do to workout.  Well truth be told, I just don't always write it down.  I track my workouts every day but not what I eat.  Why?  Well I don't want to be obsessive.  I am a Type A personality and I have OCD so I can get very obsessive over things.  This is part of what lead to my issues with food as a teenager.  Actually I think it started around 11.  I remember always writing down what I ate and not allowing myself more that 5 things a day.  Granted a salad counted as one and it did not matter what size, but that was my mentality.  I even tracked what I drank.  I did that for years.  So I guess part of me needs to keep a "fuck-it" mentality.  If I don't track it so be it. This is also why I personally do not use programs such as Fit Day or My Fitness Pal.  I don't have any clue how many calories, carbs, or fat grams I consume in a day and I have no desire to know.  I focus on balance and leave it at that.  I listen to my body.  I also find that I tend to not write things down when I have not been making the best choices.  And well we just came through Easter....

I did track my workouts so here is what they looked like:
Thursday 4/17- Taught Barre class. I tend to demo more than I actually do so I consider this a lighter day.
Friday 4/18- Yoga class & CrossFit Yep that was a good day!  This is what an ideal day would look like for me.  Perfect balance!
Saturday 4/19-Monday 4/21- Nothing.  I was sore from CrossFit over the weekend, it was Easter and well I was just plain busy.
Tuesday 4/22- Taught cycle 60, Taught Pilates
Wednesday 4/23- Nothing
Thursday 4/24- Taught Barre, Ab lab and cycle
Friday 4/25- Quick Full body workout at the gym with weights 36.  This was a killer I did not have much time so I went hard.
Saturday 4/26-Sunday 4/27- Nothing. In case you have not noticed I do not workout most weekends unless we go to church on Saturday night and I can make it to CrossFit on Sunday.  (which has happened once)  I like to spend my time with my family and my early mornings are saved for work.
Monday 4/28- Legs 15 minutes at gym
Tuesday 4/49- Teach cycle, Teach Pilates
Wednesday 4/30- nothing.

So as you can see I am pretty balanced.  I don't workout every day and other than the classes I teach I am not very consistent.  I have a family and I work from home so unless I can work it out in my day I don't really make it.  I also stretch 3 days a week for about 15 minutes but I do not track that.  I will just do it when I am sitting on the floor with the kids or when my back is particularly bothering me which lately has been every day.

I would love to know what your training schedule looks like or if there is any questions I can answer comment below.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Daily Recap- what I ate today

I actually considered not sharing what I ate today.  Then I realized, no I need to share.  Everyone has those days where they just eat and know they should not be eating most of it but they do anyway.  I have been struggling with my sugar cravings something horrible for the last 3 weeks between my birthday and McKalyn's I think I had cake with that extra sugary frosting on 6 different occasions.  I struggle with my blood sugar so any imbalance like that can send me into a tail spin for days and sometimes weeks. This one is no different.

I had planned on heading to 6am CrossFit this morning but I instead hit snooze 4 times.  I don't even remember doing it so I must have needed the rest.  Emerson typically is up at 4:45 and he even slept in. 
7:15- wake & shot of Cleanse for life while I made my coffee and oatmeal.  1 c of coffee with Almond milk.  Oatmeal with 1 T coconut oil, coconut shreds and 1 T raw organic honey.
Intended on attending yoga at 9:15 but Emerson decided to take a nap at 9 so I opted to get work done instead.
10:00- Chocolate macaroon from Whole Foods. Crackers & brie
12:30- left over chicken & potatoes from last night's dinner
1:00- Hibiscus Want More Energy and Ionix Supreme
1:30- 20 min power nap
2:30 handful almonds
5:30- 1/2 non dairy Isalean, single serving Stonyfield greek yogurt
8:30 3 waffle fries from McKalyn's dinner (I promised her Chicken & fries from Pollo Tropical if she behaved while I was coaching.) fish, cabbage salad, corn on the cob
9:30- shared Ice Cream with McKalyn, dried cherries

My intentions for working out never came to fruition but I did get in some good stretching with the kids

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What's next for Emily's Fitness Training

As EmPowered Life evolves and I develop my new website and programs I have also decided to redirect the focus of Emily's Fitness Training.  I often have people ask what I do to workout and what I eat daily so I have decided to make this my personal fitness blog. Here I will share daily (or close to it) what I eat, my training and fitness adventures.  I will share any fun new recipes I try as well as my juice and smoothie recipes.  If you guys follow me on Instagram (click here) you know that I try to get in my daily juice and smoothie everyday.  Even if that smoothie is often a quick nutrient packed protein shake. 

As crazy as I may seem I really just a busy everyday mom who nibbles on mac and cheese and PB&J sandwiches that her kids don't finish.  Some weeks I will workout of 5 days a week and others not at all, because well, I just don't have time. 

Here is what today looked like:
Wake 5:00 am- PB&J, coffee with Bailey's Creamer
6:00 am- Teach cycle class (very sore still from Sunday so was only on bike maybe 70% of the class and only 70% effort
8:30- Lemon Isalean bar in the car on the way to coach gymnastics
12:30- Lunch was from the hot bar at Whole Foods: Veggie stuffed cabbage, Garlic Kale salad, and a few bites of Mac& Cheese (I LOVE their Mac & Cheese I cannot eat there with out getting some). Took AM pack of Daily Essentials with Product B late-whoops
2:00- Whole Foods 365 Coconut water
2:45- nap with Emerson 1 hour.  He is still not sleeping through the night so I try to sneak in a nap everyday to equal 8 hours total.
4:00- 2 handfuls of trail mix. I was craving something sweet & hoping this would do the trick, yea it didn't so I had a chocolate macaroon from my whole foods trip.
5:30- 2 crackers with Brie.  Bad idea, my tummy does not like dairy but it was soooo good.
6:30- teach a Pilates class doing about 50% of the class, drank my Ionix Supreme mixed with  Hibiscus Want More Energy
8:30- Hubby made dinner so I hope it was healthyish.  Chicken, potatoes, kale & onions all mixed in a casserole type dish I am sure made with olive oil.
9:30- 1/2 c Neapolitan ice cream
10:30 headed off to bed as soon as I am done with this. 

Did not drink enough water, as usual. Only about 8-8oz glasses. In this Florida heat I like about 3-4 Liters.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!! Proving that I am alive

I can not believe that another year has flown by!  When they say time flies the older you get they are not kidding.  I had wonderfully relaxing day doing what I love.  The morning was spent coaching gymnastics at our Spring Camp.  Came home to snuggle into bed for a much needed and very rare nap. Woke up ready to checkoff bucket list item number 1 for the year, actually committing to try CrossFit at Wellington CrossFit. This was only my 2nd time. I had tried the class once before but did not go back. When I got home McKalyn sang Happy Birthday over a cup of celebratory Mousse Tracks Ice Cream. At around 9:30pm her and I cuddled into bed for a somewhat restful night's sleep.

The The 8's are usually a turning point year for me and I have a feeling 38 will be no different.  Being 38 gives me only 2 years to check off some bucket list items I want to achieve before I hit 40.  I have decided to take these next 2 years to enjoy being alive and doing things that are scarey, physically challenging or that I just plain do not want to put off any more.  I am especially focusing on things that I may not be able to do later in life. I do not want to look back and wish I had tried something or feel that I missed out.  I am a huge procrastinator, not because I am afraid to do things but because I am forgetful. That is why I have such an extensive planner system. For my birthday I have promised  myself to check one item off  a week.  I have already scheduled my bucket list items into my planner so that I will be sure to stay on track somewhat, life permitting. 

On a more fun note, I am also going through my Pinterest and selecting one activity a week (or so) to try.  Why am I pinning all these cool and amazing things and not doing them?  It is like virtual hording! Check DIY Trophy Wife later this weekend for a peek inside my planners and my Pinterest challenge and my life.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

St Patty's Day Green Smoothie & Juice & Cocktail

Instead of going out for green beer and green eggs and ham, let's make today all about the real green stuff!  Today I will be making 3 green drinks to enjoy.

St Patty's Day Green Smoothie:

2 c spinach
1 green apple
1 banana
Juice of 1 lime
Vanilla Protein powder (I use IsaPro)
1 fresh mint sprig

Blend with ice until smooth.

St Patty's Day Detox Juice
4 celery stalks
1/2 cucumber
2 green apples
1/2 lime
1 mint sprig

Ok, Ok, if you really must have a cocktail here is a yummy one to try:

St Patty's Day Cocktail
1 oz vodka
1/2 cucumber
1 apple
1/2 lime
drizzle of honey

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Superfood of the Month: Spinach

spinach 2

SuperFood of the Month: Spinach

Food science studies continue to show that eating spinach helps improve health and reduce the risk of many health issues, from cancer to memory loss to strokes. Here’s just a short list of what makes Spinach a SuperFood!
• Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes
• Protects against the occurrence of cancer, including colon, lung, skin, oral, stomach, ovarian, prostate, and breast cancer
• Helps regulate blood pressure
• Builds muscle and strong bones
• Helps prevent memory loss and cognitive decline
• Protects against skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis
• Acts as a natural diuretic and laxative
• Performs as an anti-inflammatory
• Reduces migraines
• Prevents cataracts and macular degeneration
What’s in Spinach?
One of the more exciting recent discoveries about what’s in spinach is the presence of glycoglycerolipids. You may not have heard glycoglycerolipids before because people are just starting to talk about them. Glycoglycerolipids are the key players in plant photosynthesis, and new research shows that they can prevent inflammation and damage in the digestive tract. What else are you getting in a cup of spinach? Here’s how it stacks up by percentage of Daily Values:
Nutrient DRI/DV
Vitamin K 987.2%
Vitamin A 628.8%
Manganese 84%
Folate 65.7%
Magnesium 39.1%
Iron 35.7%
Copper 34.4%
Vitamin B 232.3%
Vitamin B 625.8%
Calcium 24.4%
Potassium 23.9%
Vitamin C 23.5%
Fiber 17.2%
Vitamin B 114.1%
Vitamin B 35.5%
Source: www.wholefoods.com

Monday, March 10, 2014

Trusting in our plan

In my morning devotional Joyce Meyer compared change and trusting God with planting a garden. Reading this also made me realize how similar planting a garden was to setting and reaching our goals.  We have the ability to look at a plot of dirt and see something beautiful and amazing.  We decide what we want the end result to be, then we take the steps to make it happen.  We plow the soil, fertilize if needed, plant the seeds and wait.  We wait patiently and TRUST that flowers will come just as we imagined they would.  Maintenance is still needed even before we see the fruit of our efforts. We need to water regularly.  We may need to pull out unwanted weeds. Before we know it, as if over night, we see a tiny little bud. It is not much but it is progress.  That bud will grow and develop into a flower which is the part of a beautiful garden.  Even after the flowers have bloomed we still need to maintain and prune the garden to keep it beautiful.  We will repeat this process as needed year after year always improving and changing our vision.  So why treat our goals any different?  In March most people have lost site of what their New Year's goals were and have fallen back into old habits.  I always found it ironic that Lent falls this time of year. As if God was reminding people of what they had promised themselves. This week take time to review your goals for the year and pick 3 actions you can take this week to take you towards your goals.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The last 3 months-What mothers fear most

I feel I need to share where I have been the last few months and why I have not been consistent with my newsletters and posts lately.  Since October 1st I have been experiencing what most new mothers fear, complete helplessness.  The 1st week in October I made a hard decision to place Emerson in day care so I could be more productive when working from home and to peruse ventures outside the home as well.  Within a week he had a cough that he could not seem to kick.  After 10 days I decided to take him in.  Long story short the last 3 almost 4 months have been filled with 4 different rounds of antibiotics, a steroid, several trips to the doctor, a few more to a pulminologist, a trip to the ER, several X-Rays, a swallow test, an upper GI test and breathing treatments several times a day.   I took him into his primary once again this past Tuesday with still no change.  This time she started discussing surgery and doing a more aggressive antibiotic treatment which would include 20 days on an antibiotic along with a series of 3 shots, a nose spray, an inhaled steroid 2x a day as well as breathing treatments every 4 hours.  Even though it was determined that it was not in his lungs.  I left terrified. I know what mass quantities of antibiotics can do to a child and the effects it can have on their health as an adult. This 20 days would now make it 60 days on an antibiotic.   It was determined that his immune system was compromised due to whatever he has and that would likely suffer many developmental issues including hearing, speech, sight, motor skills and weight gain.  Emerson is a skinny baby as it is.  I left the Dr office Tuesday and I cried...a lot.  Then I prayed and cried some more.  I got quiet and I listened.   I made the decision to pull him completely out of his day care.  I had never felt right having him there and there will several red flags that I was ignoring because they are the only place in the area that takes infants under 1.  1) He was not napping when he was there which meant some days he was going 9 hours without a nap. (he always naps at home) 2) there were several instances where I picked in up in the middle for the day & the room reeked of bleach.  3) They refused to administer his breathing treatments claiming that they did not have the staff to give it, however I had seen them do it for another child in the class.  I did fill the prescriptions Wednesday and gave him his 1st dose on Thursday.  Friday morning he woke up covered in a rash.  Again I prayed.
Then it came to me. What the hell am I doing?  Me, who does not even take Aleve more less the pain killers I have a life time prescription to for severe chronic back pain, unless I literally can not get out of bed, was doping up my 6 month old son without knowing what was really wrong.  I went against every fiber of who I am because I was afraid.  That afternoon I did what I do best, I read and researched everything I could find on infant illnesses and how I can treat him.  I am still breastfeed so I know what ever I take he gets. Thanks once again to my sister for my juicer.  We also have him on foods so that is beneficial as well.
When I got home I stood back & took a toll on what was going on in his environment.  What was I using to clean the home?  What toxins are in my house?  What toxins am I putting into my body? I made an appointment to have the air tested in our home for mold and the landlord was kind enough to bring over 2 air purifiers as well.  It has only been a week and I am already seeing improvement. Making this decision now means there will be some changes in my day to day life as I will now be a full time Work At Home Mom.  I will also do everything I can to make sure that he pulls through this as healthy as possible. 
** I am writing this only to share my experience, I am in no way saying that one should go against what a doctor suggests nor am I bashing day care.  I am not a nutritionist nor can I treat or cure an illness.  I am however, a mother who is going to do the best I can to make sure that her children are healthy and safe no matter what sacrifices I have to make.  I have a passion for health and wellness and several years of training in nutrition studies that I plan to use to my advantage. I also believe in doing things they way that God intended.  Modern medicine has it's place and I appreciate it when I need it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Join the 30 Day Challenge: Starts TODAY

It takes 21 days to form a habit so we are doing a 30 Day Challenge in the EmPowered Life Facebook Page.  Starting today we we are choosing one thing on our goals list for 2014 to work on.

What you need to do:
1. Join the EmPowered Life Facebook Group.
2. Look at your list of goals for 2014 and pick one thing, just one, that you want to focus on for the next 30 days.
3. Post it in the EmPowered Life group and we will hold your accountable. 
4. Track your progress on your calendar or in your planner  so you can visually see your accomplishments.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Taking a lesson from a 5 year old

I met the toughest little girl yesterday.  As some of you may know I am a gymnastics coach and because I have been blessed with patience for little ones I have quite a few toddler and 5 year old classes.  Yesterday this little girl from Haiti who spoke very little English walked into my class.  I could tell by her walk and the way she carried herself she was very unsure of herself, of what to expect and of me.  After warm up we started on the tumble track (a run-way like trampoline) she had a hard time controlling her body and looked like she may cry each turn.  I thought to myself, "oh boy I am going to have to give her special attention."  I encouraged her after every turn and when she did well offered her a high 5....still no smile.  Next rotation was beam. For this class we use the middle height beams which are about 3 feet off the ground. We push 3 together to form an M shape so the kids can walk continuously from beam to beam. This allows us to be able to spot multiple children at once. One her 2nd pass this little girl fell between the beams and hit her side HARD on the beam. I picked her up and asked her if she was ok, no tears, no expression, no nothing. She just stared at me.  I again asked her, nothing.  So let her know it was ok if she wanted to sit for a moment, nothing.  So, I asked her if she wanted to get back up and try again to which she gave me a very firm, "Yes."  Up she went and completed the rotation without assistance.  Towards the end of class we take the classes over to the cheese pit (a big hole filled with foam used for high bar and tumbling skills).  The smaller children usually like to swing from the bar and land in the pit.  When it was her tuns she stood at the base of the ladder took a deep breath and headed up.  I reminded the entire class that they did not have to swing from the bar, they could jump and play as well.  When she reached the top she did not look down, she did not look at me she looked straight at the bar, paused for a moment and reached out.  After about a 5 second hesitation, staring straight ahead, she let go to fall about 7-8 feet into the pit below her. She climbed out an repeated this process 4 more times before turning to me and saying, "I am done now."  These were the only words she spoke the entire class.
This 5 year old little girl was completely terrified for an entire hour.  I did not she her smile until she was all done and running up to her parents after class.  "I did it." 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Moroccan Ramadan Soup

Perfect for a cold winter day!
1 ½ cup cooked or 1 can garbanzo beans (rinsed & drained)
1 ½ cup cooked or 1 can white beans (rinsed & drained)
¾ cup uncooked green lentils (rinsed & drained)
1 cup cooked brown/black rice
2 cups/ 1 diced onion
¾ cup celery (including leaves) diced – 2 long stalks
4 cups fresh or 1 can diced tomatoes
4 - 8 TBSP of chopped cilantro
½ - 1 cup chopped parsley
2 ½ quarts vegetable stock
2 TBSP olive oil
1 Tsp tumeric ¼ Tsp (2 packets) saffron
1 Tsp fresh ginger chopped, or minced from jar 1 Tsp – Tbsp of cinnamon
1 Tsp ground black pepper
1 Tsp sea salt or to taste
Cooking Directions:
1. Heat the oil in soup pot over low heat. Add diced onions for 5 – 10 minutes stirring until tender and starting to brown.
2. Add the *spices and celery and sauté for an additional 3 minutes.
3. Add the tomatoes and continue to cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add the vegetable stock, lentils, and cooked beans. Bring to a simmer and add a sea salt and ground pepper.
5. Simmer for 30 minutes and check the lentils for doneness.
6. When the lentils are cooked (soft but not mushy), add the cooked rice, cilantro and parsley. Stir and simmer 2 minutes.
7. Taste and adjust the seasoning with sea salt & pepper.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Apple Pie Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie

A great treat for breakfast or an afternoon snack!
1 frozen banana, in chunks (you can also use a fresh banana, but add ice)
1 peeled, chopped apple
1 cup almond milk OR one scoop vanilla VEGA protein powder (if using the powder, add ½ - 1 cup water)
½ tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
Ice (optional)
Mix in blender on low for 1 minute; then mix on high for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Serve right away.
Note: I often add other healthy ingredients for added nutrition such as a flax seeds, Chia seeds or spirulina powder.