Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What's next for Emily's Fitness Training

As EmPowered Life evolves and I develop my new website and programs I have also decided to redirect the focus of Emily's Fitness Training.  I often have people ask what I do to workout and what I eat daily so I have decided to make this my personal fitness blog. Here I will share daily (or close to it) what I eat, my training and fitness adventures.  I will share any fun new recipes I try as well as my juice and smoothie recipes.  If you guys follow me on Instagram (click here) you know that I try to get in my daily juice and smoothie everyday.  Even if that smoothie is often a quick nutrient packed protein shake. 

As crazy as I may seem I really just a busy everyday mom who nibbles on mac and cheese and PB&J sandwiches that her kids don't finish.  Some weeks I will workout of 5 days a week and others not at all, because well, I just don't have time. 

Here is what today looked like:
Wake 5:00 am- PB&J, coffee with Bailey's Creamer
6:00 am- Teach cycle class (very sore still from Sunday so was only on bike maybe 70% of the class and only 70% effort
8:30- Lemon Isalean bar in the car on the way to coach gymnastics
12:30- Lunch was from the hot bar at Whole Foods: Veggie stuffed cabbage, Garlic Kale salad, and a few bites of Mac& Cheese (I LOVE their Mac & Cheese I cannot eat there with out getting some). Took AM pack of Daily Essentials with Product B late-whoops
2:00- Whole Foods 365 Coconut water
2:45- nap with Emerson 1 hour.  He is still not sleeping through the night so I try to sneak in a nap everyday to equal 8 hours total.
4:00- 2 handfuls of trail mix. I was craving something sweet & hoping this would do the trick, yea it didn't so I had a chocolate macaroon from my whole foods trip.
5:30- 2 crackers with Brie.  Bad idea, my tummy does not like dairy but it was soooo good.
6:30- teach a Pilates class doing about 50% of the class, drank my Ionix Supreme mixed with  Hibiscus Want More Energy
8:30- Hubby made dinner so I hope it was healthyish.  Chicken, potatoes, kale & onions all mixed in a casserole type dish I am sure made with olive oil.
9:30- 1/2 c Neapolitan ice cream
10:30 headed off to bed as soon as I am done with this. 

Did not drink enough water, as usual. Only about 8-8oz glasses. In this Florida heat I like about 3-4 Liters.

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