Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Daily Recap- what I ate today

I actually considered not sharing what I ate today.  Then I realized, no I need to share.  Everyone has those days where they just eat and know they should not be eating most of it but they do anyway.  I have been struggling with my sugar cravings something horrible for the last 3 weeks between my birthday and McKalyn's I think I had cake with that extra sugary frosting on 6 different occasions.  I struggle with my blood sugar so any imbalance like that can send me into a tail spin for days and sometimes weeks. This one is no different.

I had planned on heading to 6am CrossFit this morning but I instead hit snooze 4 times.  I don't even remember doing it so I must have needed the rest.  Emerson typically is up at 4:45 and he even slept in. 
7:15- wake & shot of Cleanse for life while I made my coffee and oatmeal.  1 c of coffee with Almond milk.  Oatmeal with 1 T coconut oil, coconut shreds and 1 T raw organic honey.
Intended on attending yoga at 9:15 but Emerson decided to take a nap at 9 so I opted to get work done instead.
10:00- Chocolate macaroon from Whole Foods. Crackers & brie
12:30- left over chicken & potatoes from last night's dinner
1:00- Hibiscus Want More Energy and Ionix Supreme
1:30- 20 min power nap
2:30 handful almonds
5:30- 1/2 non dairy Isalean, single serving Stonyfield greek yogurt
8:30 3 waffle fries from McKalyn's dinner (I promised her Chicken & fries from Pollo Tropical if she behaved while I was coaching.) fish, cabbage salad, corn on the cob
9:30- shared Ice Cream with McKalyn, dried cherries

My intentions for working out never came to fruition but I did get in some good stretching with the kids

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