Thursday, May 1, 2014

What happened to April 17-30?

Well I had intended to share my food and exercise journal as much as I could to answer your questions; how do I stay fit, what do I eat and what do I do to workout.  Well truth be told, I just don't always write it down.  I track my workouts every day but not what I eat.  Why?  Well I don't want to be obsessive.  I am a Type A personality and I have OCD so I can get very obsessive over things.  This is part of what lead to my issues with food as a teenager.  Actually I think it started around 11.  I remember always writing down what I ate and not allowing myself more that 5 things a day.  Granted a salad counted as one and it did not matter what size, but that was my mentality.  I even tracked what I drank.  I did that for years.  So I guess part of me needs to keep a "fuck-it" mentality.  If I don't track it so be it. This is also why I personally do not use programs such as Fit Day or My Fitness Pal.  I don't have any clue how many calories, carbs, or fat grams I consume in a day and I have no desire to know.  I focus on balance and leave it at that.  I listen to my body.  I also find that I tend to not write things down when I have not been making the best choices.  And well we just came through Easter....

I did track my workouts so here is what they looked like:
Thursday 4/17- Taught Barre class. I tend to demo more than I actually do so I consider this a lighter day.
Friday 4/18- Yoga class & CrossFit Yep that was a good day!  This is what an ideal day would look like for me.  Perfect balance!
Saturday 4/19-Monday 4/21- Nothing.  I was sore from CrossFit over the weekend, it was Easter and well I was just plain busy.
Tuesday 4/22- Taught cycle 60, Taught Pilates
Wednesday 4/23- Nothing
Thursday 4/24- Taught Barre, Ab lab and cycle
Friday 4/25- Quick Full body workout at the gym with weights 36.  This was a killer I did not have much time so I went hard.
Saturday 4/26-Sunday 4/27- Nothing. In case you have not noticed I do not workout most weekends unless we go to church on Saturday night and I can make it to CrossFit on Sunday.  (which has happened once)  I like to spend my time with my family and my early mornings are saved for work.
Monday 4/28- Legs 15 minutes at gym
Tuesday 4/49- Teach cycle, Teach Pilates
Wednesday 4/30- nothing.

So as you can see I am pretty balanced.  I don't workout every day and other than the classes I teach I am not very consistent.  I have a family and I work from home so unless I can work it out in my day I don't really make it.  I also stretch 3 days a week for about 15 minutes but I do not track that.  I will just do it when I am sitting on the floor with the kids or when my back is particularly bothering me which lately has been every day.

I would love to know what your training schedule looks like or if there is any questions I can answer comment below.

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