Monday, March 10, 2014

Trusting in our plan

In my morning devotional Joyce Meyer compared change and trusting God with planting a garden. Reading this also made me realize how similar planting a garden was to setting and reaching our goals.  We have the ability to look at a plot of dirt and see something beautiful and amazing.  We decide what we want the end result to be, then we take the steps to make it happen.  We plow the soil, fertilize if needed, plant the seeds and wait.  We wait patiently and TRUST that flowers will come just as we imagined they would.  Maintenance is still needed even before we see the fruit of our efforts. We need to water regularly.  We may need to pull out unwanted weeds. Before we know it, as if over night, we see a tiny little bud. It is not much but it is progress.  That bud will grow and develop into a flower which is the part of a beautiful garden.  Even after the flowers have bloomed we still need to maintain and prune the garden to keep it beautiful.  We will repeat this process as needed year after year always improving and changing our vision.  So why treat our goals any different?  In March most people have lost site of what their New Year's goals were and have fallen back into old habits.  I always found it ironic that Lent falls this time of year. As if God was reminding people of what they had promised themselves. This week take time to review your goals for the year and pick 3 actions you can take this week to take you towards your goals.

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