Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time management: Knowing what's important

As Fitness America Las Vegas gets closer I have found myself in a position that a lot of new competitors get into. I suppose it is from being off for a few years and wanting to really make an impression my 1st year back on stage. This is a milestone year for me. In my 2 years off I have gotten married and had a baby. This will also be my last year before I will be considered "classic". Pish! Who you calling classic! Anyways, I have made this a big deal for myself. So of course in doing so I have put a lot of my focus into being prepared physically and making sure I have all the "things" I need. But I forgot I also need to be prepared mentally. I have been sacrificing me and my family. Last night was the first time in 3 months that I can home from work and did nothing. I played with the baby then I laid down on the couch with my husband to watch a movie.

The saying "If you fail to plan than you plan to fail" rings true on so many levels. I was reading a article by friend and Life Coach. Karen Fagan where she suggests setting aside and hour a day called a Power Hour. During that hour she suggests you sit down in a comfortable environment and do what YOU need to do to make your day a success. Play some motivating music, listen to a motivational audio book, ready a daily devotional, meditate, take a walk and most importantly set your goals for the day. From there take at least 10-15 minutes to plan your day hour-by-hour. Be sure you plan time for your family as well as yourself. Then follow it. You will find after a week of doing so you will feel successful and your motivation for success will increase.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

5 1/2 weeks

It's getting closer and the hard part is starting. One of the biggest sacrifices I make during competition time is food. At 6 weeks out my diet becomes very strict which means there is not room for cheating. This means no football parties, no Halloween candy, no late nights out. As I am going through it, it sometimes bums me out but in the end I realize that it is all worth it. The feeling of accomplishment over rides the glass of wine to chicken wings that might temp me. And so the list starts. Every show I list all the foods I want to eat when I am done. First on the list.....Pizza with anchovies!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

50 days

Good day yesterday. Weight and cardio done. Missed routine practice so I will be making it up today. I need to make some adjustments.

I wanted to thank Thames Pharmacy in Wetumpka for their donation.

Today is a busy day. Cardio, routine practice & yoga followed by a night of coaching. Busy, busy, busy

Tummy breakfast recipe:
1 pkt raisin oatmeal
4 egg whites
1/2 banana
-whip and cook like a pancake. Top with White Chocolate flavored peanut butter. YUMMY!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Less than 8 weeks

Game on. Only 8 weeks until Fitness America Nationals in Las Vegas. I am busy looking for sponsors both locally and non. I've got my music, routine is done, costume and suit for fitness are on their way. Bikini themewear is being made, suit soon to come. Ahhh so much to do!!! But I love it! I've got big plans for this show.

So today I did my functional training with my Sports Mix class at Metro Fitness. Poor babies they have no idea what they are in for these next 2 months. Then I did a little stretching with my Low Impact ladies. Diet is on (though I am 1 meal behind for the day). Tonight I will be working on the dance elements of my routine followed my a cycle class and some Insanity. Gotta love Mondays!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Benefits of Chia

The Benefits of Chia Seed
The United States had a diet problem. It seems that at any given time almost everyone I know is on a “diet”. But they are no eating the right diet. Research shows that more than two thirds of all deaths in the United States are diet related. More than 50% of all deaths are caused from coronary occlusion, blockage of the blood flow to the heart and/or the brain. These are all preventable deaths according to the Journal of American Medical Association. Everyone has there opinion on what they think are the right foods to eat and what diet is the best. The Zone diet, The South Beach Diet, the Hawaiian Diet, the Atkins Diet… the list goes on and on. How about the God diet? As in if God made it and it is edible than you can eat it, but be smart about it.
Today I am going to share with you some information I found about Chis seeds. Yes, as in Chia Pet, who knew? The Chia seed was once valued so much it was used as currency. This tiny little seed was used as a staple food by the Indians of the south west and Mexico. It was nicknamed the running food because of the energy it produces. We know that we need sustainable carbs for energy, especially long distance/high endurance sports. It was said the Aztec warriors ate Chia to give them energy during battle.
Chia is filled with soluble fiber. In fact if left in a glass of water it will have the same reaction as if you left a Tablespoon of Benefiber in the glass, it thickens. We know that fiber not only keeps us regular but slows down the break down of carbohydrates into sugar by the body. This keeps our boodsugar stable and controls hunger. A benefit of those with blood sugar issues and those looking to lose a few pounds
Another amazing benefit is it’s ability to hold water. When eating it means that a little will go along way, much like Cream of Wheat or other similar grains. This also means it provides prolonged hydration. This is an important quality to athletes and those living in warmer climates. Water is needed to break down carbohydrates for fuel. Without water an athletes’ performance is significantly reduced. This is also true for those living in warmer climates. We have all been dehydrated. It is tiring and uncomfortable. By eating foods that have a high water content we prolong our ability to withstand high temperatures.
Chia is also an excellent source of protein. This is important for those on a Vegetarian diet. Protein is needed to regenerate muscles after they are broken down due to stress of use. This could be caused by working out or from a physically strenuous job or even a day of moving.
Chia is the richest vegetables source for the essential omega-3 fatty acid. These oils are the essential oils your body needs to help absorb the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K. This unsaturated fatty acid is important for respiration of and makes it easier for oxygen to be transported by the blood stream to all cells, tissues, and organs.
Chia can be added to your daily diet quite easily. You can search hundreds of recipes on line. Here is one of my favoriates I found.
Chia Vegetable Stir Fry
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
2 tablespoons dry chia seed
1-2 tablespoons ginger root (minced)
3-4 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
3 tablespoons tamari
1-2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar (optional)
3/4 cup water (filtered)
2-4 cups kale (coarsely chopped)
2 carrots (thinly sliced)
1/2 onion (sliced)
1/2 bell pepper (thinly sliced)
3 oz mushrooms (your choice)
2 tomatoes (chopped)
5 cups cooked brown rice (or brown basmati rice)
Directions: In a large wok or skillet, saute ginger & onion in oil over medium heat until softened (approximately 3 minutes). Add tamari, rice wine vinegar, and water. Stir fry for additional 3 minutes. Add vegetables, garlic, tomatoes, and chia seeds. Cover and cook for 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender, but still firm. Stir occasionally. Serve over rice.
I also drink mine. As everyone know I am a huge fan of Shakeology. Chia is one of the many wonderful ingredients found in Shakeology.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New site up

I am so excited to share my new website. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reflecting on my year

People who know me know that I love the mont of July. The 4th is my favorite holiday and I love the heat of summer. It is also usually the month I start my new year. Maybe it's from being in school for so long that I always considered August the start of a new year. So I am setting my goals for the new year and I am setting them high. I have a lot of opportunities that have presented themselves to me and I plan on taking full advantage of them all. Stay tuned for new and exciting news coming soon...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Why did I choose Shakeology

Many people have asked me why I chose Shakeology over other "meal replacement" drinks. My number one reason was the quality of the drink. Sometimes I just don't feel like eating my veggies and I hate vitamins. I wanted something that I knew would guarantee that I would be getting the nutrients I needed especially since I am nursing. I have attached a video that explains it all

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Glam Fairy

Just discovered a new blog and thought I would share.

If you love MAC and you love makeup like I do you will love this/

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

12 weeks until Fitness America Dixie

It is 12 weeks out from my first show back after having McKalyn. I am hoping to do fitness if my body will allow it, but will be doing Bikini for sure. I am working my way back slowly due to some back trauma I experienced giving birth.

I had Brandon Lancaster from United Gymnastics ( here in Montgomery do my music and I couldn't be happier with the result. My goals is to get the choreography completed by next weekend.

I have stepped up my training some to hopefully get back into shape. I have been doing the Insanity workouts ( for the last few weeks. WOW! Talk about a killer workout. I have to be honest I am not in shape enough to do them but I figure what I can complete will help with my endurance during my routine. In order to train efficiently I have had to cut back on the program and incorporate some weights and flexibility training. Here is my training for the month of July.
Monday: Weights, yoga video, moderate cardio (elliptical)
Tuesday: weights, routine practice 30, stretch, Insanity
Wednesday: Functional training, yoga video, routine 30
Thursday: weights, moderate cardio, stretch
Friday: weights, Insanity, routine 30
Saturday: yoga video, missed body parts
Sunday: sleep!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

diet tips from a 2 month old

When did eating become an obsession and not an instinct? At the beginning of life we eat when we are hungry. We eat just enough to get full and we stop when we get full. We don't eat until we are over full because we don't want to get a stomach ache. We eat between every two to four hours. So when did we become so obsessed? When did food start controlling us? So many people use food for comfort but yet it causes so much anguish. We need to start to look at food for what it is, nourishment for our bodies. Eating the right foods keeps us healthy. Fueling our bodies properly will give us the energy we need to do this things we love. The right foods can help fight cancer, make us smarter by feeding our brain, fend off wrinkles and keeps us young. The wrong foods can cause cancer, rot our teeth, strip our bones of calcium, give us wrinkles, and can actually kill us eventually. Next time you eat think to yourself, would I let my child eat that?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Honeymoon bound on a diet

Quad and I are headed to Cocoa Beach, Florida for the holiday weekend, one of my favorite places. As you all know going on vacation while on a diet can be very challenging. So I thought I would share my plan for the weekend and hopefully help others out on their next trip.

The hardest part about being on vacation is eating on vacation. It starts with the continental breakfast of dougnuts and danishes, then a lunch of an amazing sandwich with a side of fries and possibly a few cocktails, dinner could be a pasta dish or some other meal smothered with butter and possibly a bottle of wine followed by dessert. Before you know it you have come home from a 5 day vacation with at least 5 extra pounds. So first things first: Set a plan.
1. stop at the grocery store for some healthy portable snacks. Eating every 3 hours is a must to keep up your metabolism so having snacks on hand will make it a lot easier. Nuts and fruit are great options.
2. Make a vow to make good meal decisions. Avoid anything processed and fried. No pasta, no breads, no fries, etc. Choose a light and healthy breakfast such as eggs and toast or even cereal.
A salad makes a great lunch just be sure to avoid creamy dressing and cheese toppings. A chinese chicken salad is a great choice. Order a nice dinner, but again avoid creams and butters. Go for a nice steak with a veggie and a plain potato or rice. As for beverages, a glass of wine with dinner. Wanna refreshing cocktail during the day? A rum drink such as a Mojtio is nice or even a Bloody Mary but only have one or 2 not 10. Avoid frozen drinks or soda mixers.
3. Commit to move. Take a walk every morning or maybe even a morning jog. Rather than a nap in the afternoon to regenerate try some yoga. Then as you plan your daily activities plan to do something active. Walk around a downtown area or a museum. Plan to walk to your destinations if they are close enough. Take a romantic walk after dinner or even go out for a night of dancing.

Remember that you may be on vacation but you will be home eventually and you want to make sure you will not look back at your days of freedom and relaxation with regrets.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I have been on a "diet" for the last 2 weeks and when I got on the scale and I have gained 5 pounds. Whoops! So I am back on it again. I have a new diet from my coaches and I have the bug to get moving. It's too bad that I have a precious little girl on the couch next to me and I don't want to get up and do anything. Not to mention the girl eats non-stop all day.

The diet is definitely the hardest. I am constantly hungry myself. I think being pregnant and eating whatever I wanted has stretched my stomach and has formed some bad habits. As I am sure all moms know, finding time to workout right now is not much easier. Finding time to shower and brush my teeth on the same day is a feat as it is. :) However, I am determined. I will find the time and the will power. Stay tuned....

Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting my head on straight

I guess when they say eating poorly becomes a habit they weren't kidding. I can now empathise with those that struggle with changing their eating habits. For the majority of my pregnancy my diet consisted of butter and noodles. Any carb that was soft and easy to digest. I have now been not pregnant for over a month and my diet still looks the same. I have a freezer full of glorious vegetables and I have yet to touch them. I forget that they are there. My daily diet consists mostly of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cheese and crackers.

So what am I going to do about it? I am going to set some goals, small goals just to make it through the week. I am going to write them down as a reminder too look at every day and I am going to tell others so that I am held accountable.

This week I will have at least 3 vegetables a day and drink 3 liters of water a day. I will also get in some kind of exercise daily even if only for 30 minutes and I have to carry a crying baby the entire time in order to get it in.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

week 4

Well one month has come and gone since I gave birth to my little angel. I can not believe how fast the time has gone! Where did it go? I am beginning to understand how many moms say that they just don't have time to get back into shape. I am beginning to realize that it will take more efficient planning and a strong commitment to get back into shape. While I realize that I am still not cleared to take on a hard core workout for another 2 weeks I was cleared to walk and do some light yoga 2 weeks ago. How many times did I make my walk? 2!!! I just can't seem to find the time and I am not even back to work yet. With a fussy little newborn I find that my few hours of free time in the afternoon are spent cleaning the house and showering. Two things that are very hard to do while carrying around a baby. Poor little thing has tummy issues and has to be constantly carried and bounced.

So here is to a new month. I have a lot of goals for myself to accomplish in May. Keep your eyes opened for a youtube channel, a newsletter and possibly a new website. That is just the beginnning. It will be very exciting!!!

I have also attached my progress pics from week 2 that I meant to post. I know that they are sidways, but you get the point. :) I will be taking offical starting ones today and will post them later.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 2!!

I can not believe it has been two weeks already!!! McKalyn is so precious and very time consuming! I would love to say that I have done my daily walks as planned and have been eating a well balanced diet, but I would be lying. If I can fit in a shower between feedings, fits & pumping I consider myself lucky. Plus the weather hasn't been cooperating. There has been the threat of rain and the last thing I want is to get caught in the rain with my little one.

I am, however, pleased with how quickly my body is rebounding. I gained just over 35 pounds with my pregnancy and as of Sunday I had lost 25 already. I just staying healthy before getting pregnant really does pay off. Especially since I was unable to workout during pregnancy. I am happy I have taken such good care of myself over the years.

Goal for tomorrow: TAKE THAT WALK! The do needs it too!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Starting over

It has been just a little over a week since I have given birth and I am amazed at the changes in my body already. Staying active & eating mostly healthy through pregnancy really has it's benefits. I know I have a long way to go but I am starting from a good spot. Due to my epidural I will have my challenges, plus giving birth to a 7.8lb baby has really taken a toll on my hips and lower back. Because of my size the Dr was considering a C-Section, worrying that I would not be able to pass her past my hips. Getting out of bed in the morning is extremely painful to the point where I break into a sweat. Walking is not much better and I can no longer even come sitting on the floor with my legs straight, more less touch my toes. Very frustrating for a yoga instructor.

I took a mile walk today with Earnie (the puppy) & the baby. It took me probably 30 minutes and the last quarter mile was rough but I made it. My goal to to do one mile every day through the weekend.

Stay in tune to watch my progress.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wow what a week

What a week it has been. I went in Monday night to start my induction process. By Tuesday at 4:16 I had a precious little girl to hold in my arms. McKalyn Maeve Dunn 7.8 lbs 21 inches long. She is absolutely precious. It is amazing how mother nature works. I can not believe that she is mine and she came from me. It is so sureal.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 more days and my life will change

I am going in to be induced on Monday. I can not believe that in just 2 days my life is going to change so much. This past year has been such a whirlwind. In January I got engaged, in June I picked up my life & moved to Alabama, in July I got married, and shortly after I found out I was pregnant. Now here I am. I am going to be a mommy in 3 days. It is truly amazing the way life happens some times. This is a day I wasn't sure would ever come, definitely not so soon. After 2 miscarriages and a lot of doubts from doctors, I wasn't really sure. After surrendering to the fact that I might not ever be able to have children I found out I was pregnant. So crazy.

Even better is the motivation that this has brought me. There is so much I have been putting off in my life that I have always really wanted to accomplish. Now I am ready. If I can have a baby I can do anything. I thought last year was eventful...I can't wait to see what this year brings.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost time

I can not believe I have been pregnant for almost 38 weeks!!! Where has the time gone? For an active person this pregnancy has definately been challanging. It has been 3 months since I did a real workout. It's hard to believe it will be 6 weeks before I am able to do another one. Thankfully I did not go over board and gain that much weight. 35 pounds so far.

The fun part will be my journey back in to compeition shape. I can't wait to share it all with you. :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Self reflection

Being healthy and happy with yourself is so much more than working out and eating right. It is not about living YOUR life to the fullest or as Rick Warren says, "It is not about you." How do you know you are truly happy and healthy? When you stop caring so much about what you look like in a bathig suit or how much your abs are popping. Yes I take care of myself and I work out and I like to look good, but I do for so many other reasons. I have been given this body and this opportunity so I am not going to take advatnage of it. However, I will sacrifice my perfect abs and lean legs for a child to know and love. I will also enjoy a a slice of pizza or two and a coke with my husband because it tastes good and it is quality time with my loved one.

Most importantly being healthy and finding happienss is being able to look beyond myself and my needs and recognize when others need me or maybe just my time. I am not here to make myself happy, I am not here to live for myself. Everyone is here for a purpose and though we don't and may never know what that is we can recognize that we are more than what we see everyday. As I sit here and watch the footage of Haiti in the after math of the earthquakes it is quite obvious that my needs are far less than theirs. Yes I have financial worries, and oh do I have them especially with a baby on the way, but I have a roof over my head and I have a great support system of family and friends. I know where my family is and I know that they are ok. I know that they are taken care of and I know if they need me I will be able to get to them and help them out. If God forbid anything shall happen to them I will know what and how and I will be able to get to them to bid them farewell. Many of the American citizens that have immigrated to America for a better life and the opportunity to provide for their families back in Haiti will never get that opportunity. Many fathers who are working 2 and 3 jobs in send money to his wife and children will never see their families again and will never know where they are buried, or even if they are buried. It will be some time before they will even be able to get back home to see any of their surviving family. These are people, these ARE American citizens in need. We we are Americans who have the means and opportunity to help even if it means that not buying that new top to go out this Friday. It may even mean staying home on Friday all together. But it will also mean that someone may not die of an infection caused by a broken leg and they may be able to feed their child one more night.

Yes I know that we have homeless in America, and elderly that need medication, etc... But we also have a government that is set up to help, even if it is not doing a very good job. We have various charities and foundations that are functioning and doing what they can. Haiti's government is living at the airport, their foundations are in ruins. Their hospitals are in tents with one voulnteer doctor to 35 critical patients. Yes we are in need but who needs it more.

To help donate to your local church or other reputable foundation, like the Red Cross.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Breakfast Smoothie

Instead of skipping breakfast try making a breakfast smoothie. I drink at least one of these a day, usually as my snack between breakfast and lunch.
8 oz skim milk or low sugar soy milk (I like 8th continent)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I like BSN Dessert)
1 T full flavored virgin coconut oil
5 large frozen strawberries
1/2 c raw oatmeal
1 T whole flaxseeds
1 T bee pollen
Put in a blender and yummy your good to go.