Friday, April 16, 2010

Starting over

It has been just a little over a week since I have given birth and I am amazed at the changes in my body already. Staying active & eating mostly healthy through pregnancy really has it's benefits. I know I have a long way to go but I am starting from a good spot. Due to my epidural I will have my challenges, plus giving birth to a 7.8lb baby has really taken a toll on my hips and lower back. Because of my size the Dr was considering a C-Section, worrying that I would not be able to pass her past my hips. Getting out of bed in the morning is extremely painful to the point where I break into a sweat. Walking is not much better and I can no longer even come sitting on the floor with my legs straight, more less touch my toes. Very frustrating for a yoga instructor.

I took a mile walk today with Earnie (the puppy) & the baby. It took me probably 30 minutes and the last quarter mile was rough but I made it. My goal to to do one mile every day through the weekend.

Stay in tune to watch my progress.

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