Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time management: Knowing what's important

As Fitness America Las Vegas gets closer I have found myself in a position that a lot of new competitors get into. I suppose it is from being off for a few years and wanting to really make an impression my 1st year back on stage. This is a milestone year for me. In my 2 years off I have gotten married and had a baby. This will also be my last year before I will be considered "classic". Pish! Who you calling classic! Anyways, I have made this a big deal for myself. So of course in doing so I have put a lot of my focus into being prepared physically and making sure I have all the "things" I need. But I forgot I also need to be prepared mentally. I have been sacrificing me and my family. Last night was the first time in 3 months that I can home from work and did nothing. I played with the baby then I laid down on the couch with my husband to watch a movie.

The saying "If you fail to plan than you plan to fail" rings true on so many levels. I was reading a article by friend and Life Coach. Karen Fagan where she suggests setting aside and hour a day called a Power Hour. During that hour she suggests you sit down in a comfortable environment and do what YOU need to do to make your day a success. Play some motivating music, listen to a motivational audio book, ready a daily devotional, meditate, take a walk and most importantly set your goals for the day. From there take at least 10-15 minutes to plan your day hour-by-hour. Be sure you plan time for your family as well as yourself. Then follow it. You will find after a week of doing so you will feel successful and your motivation for success will increase.

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