Friday, November 4, 2011

It's not a Jack-o-Lantern, It's lunch!

I am on a pumpkin kick. I am not a fan of pumpkin pie but, oooh do I love roasted pumpkin & roasted pumpkin seeds. I am actually sitting here eating a bowl of pumpkin seeds as I type this.

Pumpkin seeds:
Every year I look forward to Halloween, not for the candy but for the seeds. Well and I like to dress up too but whatever. I clean them off, spray them with some EVOO (Better yet pumpkin seed oil) & Sea Salt bake ‘em. The best part is that they are a great nutrition source as well. Studies show that they fight cancer & boost immune levels. They are also a great source of manganese, which is needed to help keep bones strong, normalize blood sugar and regulate cholesterol. This is why they are perfect to eat for a night time snack. It is recommended to eat a handful of shelled pumpkin seeds three times a week.

Pumpkin Seed Oil:
Pumpkin seed oil works to reduce inflammation that causes arthritis. The oil is also shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower triglycerides and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Studies show it reduces blood pressure levels as well.

Pumpkin itself is rich in Beta carotene which is why it is such a bright orange color. People who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene are less likely to develop certain cancers. Instead of a banana for potassium try eating pumpkin. Zinc another nutrient which not only is a major boost for your immune system but it also aids in bone density support for people at risk for osteoporosis. Best of all, anti-oxidant vitamins A and C which are found in pumpkin, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids help to reduce the signs of aging.

Try Some apple & pumkine soup. Click here

1 comment:

GrandeGordo said...

Sounds good, I will have to give it a shot!