Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Leg Day Monday- You will get through this

Ever have one of those days when you just do not want to workout?  Yeah that was today for me.   I forced myself to go to the gym after I dropped my daughter off at school even though I had absolutely no desire to be there.  Throughout the workout I kept reminding myself, "you will get through this."  And low and behold I DID! Did I feel amazing and exhilarated after?  No not really but I was really proud of myself for getting through it.

Today's workout:

Circuit 1: Holding a 10 lb medicine ball 2 times through
  • side lunges tap the floor-8
  • jump squats- 10
  • burpees (no jump)-10
  • mountain climbers-20
  • jump lunges- 10
  • crunches-10
  • low jacks-10
Circuit 2: holding 20lb dumbbells each hand- 4 times through
  • side squats- 8
  • squats-8
  • stationary lunges-8
  • single leg deadlifts- 8
  • toe raises- 8
Over head press 20 lbs dumbells 4x10reps
kip swings 10x4

Circuit 3: 10 minutes AMAP (as many as possible)
  • stepups on box- 10 each leg
  • 8 box jumps
Circuit 4: 8 min AMAP
  • bench dips
  • dead lift with 40 lbs barbell 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Savage 7 Summer Detox 2014

If you are like me the summer is a time of freedom and fun.  Which also means right after the 4th of July I start to feel a little sluggish and in need to a good detox.   What a perfect time to jump in and do the Savage 7 Detox & Fuel!!

What it is not:
  • A get skinny quick scheme
  • A fad diet
  • A deprivation & starvation program
  • A poop cleanse :) 

Who needs it:
  • Anyone with a pulse (Just kidding)
  • Anyone feeling tired or lethargic
  • Anyone who has had a little too much fun this summer
  • Anyone who needs to jump start their nutrition
  • Anyone who is a little late on getting that summer body

What it includes:
  • The Savage 7 Detox & Refuel program guide
  • Cardio workouts
  •  Weight workouts
  • 7 day detox jump start
  • Nutrition guide
  • Closed Facebook page with others on the program
  • Access to some of the best trainers and nutrition coaches in the industry
  • One-on-one coaching by me!
  • 30 days of the best nutritional products on the planet!

What to expect:
  • Reduced cravings
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • A "feel good from the inside out" feeling
  • To feel renewed, refreshed & refueled!
  • BONUS:  Some may experience weight loss up to 14lbs during the first 10 days!!!

We start July 7th.  Enrollment ends July 6 at midnight.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Workout June 22 & This Week's Plan

I am headed out to a family reunion in northern Florida the end of this week so I wanted to get a jump start on my workouts for the week knowing I may not be able to get them in after Wednesday.

Today I did day 1 of my weight training which is back & shoulders.

This is what I am planning on doing the rest of the week

Follow me on Instagram and take the #fitby40 Challenge with me. @emilygaildunn

My 60 Day Summer Challenge Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow I am heading up a 60 Day Summer Challenge for a small group of women.  So I thought to myself, "Why not join them?"  Emerson will be a year old in a few weeks and I have not followed the own nutrition protocol since I found out I was pregnant in October of 2012.  It's about time I do.  I had originally planned on starting off my journey to #fitby40 with a 90 Day No Gym Challenge, but to be honest if I did that I would be going against what my body is craving right now.You see I have not lifted weights or really been in a gym since I last competed in November 2010.  After having McKalyn I worked really hard to get back into shape instead of taking the rest my body needed which resulted in me being just plain burned out.  For the last 3 1/2 years I have been working out at home or teaching classes such as Barre and cycle.  For my 38th birthday I decided to try CrossFit which I have wanted to try for a few years now.  I have found my home!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!  Amazingly enough, since I have been doing mostly high rep and body weight moves for the last 3 years I have become incredibly strong.  I can't life heavy but I can throw myself around.  Over the last 2 weeks  I have been wanting to add weight lifting back in. I want to look as strong as I feel.  So that is exactly what I am doing.  Starting Monday June 23, I will be taking a 60 Day Challenge for Energy & Endurance using the Energy & Endurance nutritional program.  I promise to share what that looks like and what my training looks like. If you want t jump in with me you are more than welcome.

Tomorrow I will be sharing my nutrition plan for the week.  

Follow me on Insatgram and take the #fitby40 Challenge with me. @emilygaildunn

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014- What I ate Wednesday

I have defiantly found that since I have started keeping this blog that my eating has been, well, sub-par.  I have found the more I think about what I eat initially I have a hard time staying on track.  Perhaps it is from always thinking of food.  So I have decided instead of sharing everyday, I would share on Wednesdays.  Because I am just not really tracking.  However today is a good indicator of what it has been like

6 am:  Cleanse for Life shot, AM packet, DHA
6:30- Ezekiel bread with coconut & peanut butter, Jelly, Coffee & creamer
9:00-  I let myself get too hungry & we were in the car so I ended up eating McKalyn's Granola bar. Annie's chocolate chip
11:30- A very expensive stop at whole foods, again too hungry, led to lunch from the hot bar.  Pulled pork, Spicy mixed veggies and a really good chick pea and carrot salad.  And of course a cookie from the cookie bar
2:30- banana, and another cookie
5:30- coconut water
8:45- after work, chicken, saparagus & roasted potatoes.
9:00- Currently I am drinking an organic hot chocolate
Will be headed to bed in about 30. 

As you can see my sugar issue is still not under control.  I skipped my shakes today because I forgot my shaker.  I hate when I do that.  I can definitely tell I am not eating well as I am tired.  What is important for me to get across is that I do not feel bad to beat myself up when I am off track.  I know it is lack of proper planning which I emphasize to all my clients.  When you are hungry you will eat anything.  I also know it will only take about 4 days of proper planning and nutritional re-balancing to feel amazing again.

Here are my workouts so far for May
Th May 1- Taught Barre, taught cycle & participated about 20 minutes, taught ab lab & did about 10 minutes
Sun May 4- CrossFit.  I totally could have pushed myself harder on this one but I let the coach talk me down in weight.
Tue taught cycle & did about 30 minutes

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What happened to April 17-30?

Well I had intended to share my food and exercise journal as much as I could to answer your questions; how do I stay fit, what do I eat and what do I do to workout.  Well truth be told, I just don't always write it down.  I track my workouts every day but not what I eat.  Why?  Well I don't want to be obsessive.  I am a Type A personality and I have OCD so I can get very obsessive over things.  This is part of what lead to my issues with food as a teenager.  Actually I think it started around 11.  I remember always writing down what I ate and not allowing myself more that 5 things a day.  Granted a salad counted as one and it did not matter what size, but that was my mentality.  I even tracked what I drank.  I did that for years.  So I guess part of me needs to keep a "fuck-it" mentality.  If I don't track it so be it. This is also why I personally do not use programs such as Fit Day or My Fitness Pal.  I don't have any clue how many calories, carbs, or fat grams I consume in a day and I have no desire to know.  I focus on balance and leave it at that.  I listen to my body.  I also find that I tend to not write things down when I have not been making the best choices.  And well we just came through Easter....

I did track my workouts so here is what they looked like:
Thursday 4/17- Taught Barre class. I tend to demo more than I actually do so I consider this a lighter day.
Friday 4/18- Yoga class & CrossFit Yep that was a good day!  This is what an ideal day would look like for me.  Perfect balance!
Saturday 4/19-Monday 4/21- Nothing.  I was sore from CrossFit over the weekend, it was Easter and well I was just plain busy.
Tuesday 4/22- Taught cycle 60, Taught Pilates
Wednesday 4/23- Nothing
Thursday 4/24- Taught Barre, Ab lab and cycle
Friday 4/25- Quick Full body workout at the gym with weights 36.  This was a killer I did not have much time so I went hard.
Saturday 4/26-Sunday 4/27- Nothing. In case you have not noticed I do not workout most weekends unless we go to church on Saturday night and I can make it to CrossFit on Sunday.  (which has happened once)  I like to spend my time with my family and my early mornings are saved for work.
Monday 4/28- Legs 15 minutes at gym
Tuesday 4/49- Teach cycle, Teach Pilates
Wednesday 4/30- nothing.

So as you can see I am pretty balanced.  I don't workout every day and other than the classes I teach I am not very consistent.  I have a family and I work from home so unless I can work it out in my day I don't really make it.  I also stretch 3 days a week for about 15 minutes but I do not track that.  I will just do it when I am sitting on the floor with the kids or when my back is particularly bothering me which lately has been every day.

I would love to know what your training schedule looks like or if there is any questions I can answer comment below.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Daily Recap- what I ate today

I actually considered not sharing what I ate today.  Then I realized, no I need to share.  Everyone has those days where they just eat and know they should not be eating most of it but they do anyway.  I have been struggling with my sugar cravings something horrible for the last 3 weeks between my birthday and McKalyn's I think I had cake with that extra sugary frosting on 6 different occasions.  I struggle with my blood sugar so any imbalance like that can send me into a tail spin for days and sometimes weeks. This one is no different.

I had planned on heading to 6am CrossFit this morning but I instead hit snooze 4 times.  I don't even remember doing it so I must have needed the rest.  Emerson typically is up at 4:45 and he even slept in. 
7:15- wake & shot of Cleanse for life while I made my coffee and oatmeal.  1 c of coffee with Almond milk.  Oatmeal with 1 T coconut oil, coconut shreds and 1 T raw organic honey.
Intended on attending yoga at 9:15 but Emerson decided to take a nap at 9 so I opted to get work done instead.
10:00- Chocolate macaroon from Whole Foods. Crackers & brie
12:30- left over chicken & potatoes from last night's dinner
1:00- Hibiscus Want More Energy and Ionix Supreme
1:30- 20 min power nap
2:30 handful almonds
5:30- 1/2 non dairy Isalean, single serving Stonyfield greek yogurt
8:30 3 waffle fries from McKalyn's dinner (I promised her Chicken & fries from Pollo Tropical if she behaved while I was coaching.) fish, cabbage salad, corn on the cob
9:30- shared Ice Cream with McKalyn, dried cherries

My intentions for working out never came to fruition but I did get in some good stretching with the kids