Sunday, December 29, 2013

Join me for Body Blitz 2014!

What is this BODY BLITZ?  I'm starting an amazing detox and fuel nutrition program that comes with training, cardio drills, a 60 day menu plan incorporating top of the line supplements and nutrition.  I'm doing this a community of amazing people looking to launch their health in 2014 support and the results that we will all have! There are 2 programs to chose from for only $10-$20 a day. The results that we have seen within team have been mind blowing. The program will be run by top trainers and coaches with decades of experience in making beautiful healthy bodies.  You are going to have free access to them!! WE owe it to ourselves to have THIS YEAR be the year that we get to our goals!

What you get:
  • one-on-one coaching
  • customized supplement plan
  • Private Facebook group
  • Workout plans that can be modified to be done at home
  • Menu plans
  • nutrition coaching

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Calorie Blaster

All you need is your living room for this one.  Find about 20 minutes today to get this done and you will feel better the rest of the day.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Transform Your Holidays

Monday marks the start of our FREE Holiday Event! We will transform our holiday season together and start the New Year out right!
Do you want to join us? It is FREE and we are all participants.
We can all do it our own way. All you have to do is set goals and be accountable for your actions and progress at least once a week.
Goals should include:
§  Nutrition (adding in at least one healthy food per week)
§  Exercise (a minimum of 30 minutes 6 days a week)
§  Gratitude (take the time to be grateful for at least 3 things in your life daily)
§  Giving (challenge yourself to give without expectation of reciprocation once daily)
Don’t be hard on yourself this holiday season. Our goal is to simply add in one healthy whole food each week. Enjoy your holiday traditions and don’t eat beyond what feels good to you.
Resolve to get at least 30 minutes of good healthy exercise in each day (with one day of rest). You will feel better through the holidays. Exercise is good for depression, weight maintenance and your general health.
List 3 things that you are grateful for each day. By focusing on gratitude, we see our lives from a different perspective. Instead of seeing what is going wrong, we see the more important picture of what is right in our lives.
You don’t have to brag about your giving, but if someone gives and it turns out to be really special, share it with us. You may also want to include it as a part of your goal. In prior years, my goal was to give without cost; it does not have to be an expensive gift, just thoughtful and meaningful.
Do you know anyone who is struggling through the holidays? Invite them along!
This weekend I will work on my own goals and post them here.
Please click on the “Secret FacebookGroup” page that you can be invited to if you would like to be involved!   
Join to the right or email me to join in, this will be fun! Share this with your friends!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maple Fruit Compote with Honey-Ginger Toasted Nuts

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4
2-3 apples
2-3 peaches or pears
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 cup raisins
juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup walnuts or nuts of your choice
1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
2 tablespoons honey
1. Wash, core and chop fruit into slices or chunks.
2. Place in a large saucepan with 1/3 cup of water. Add the maple syrup and raisins.
3. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
4. Add lemon juice and cinnamon. Cook for another 10 minutes, until soft.
5. While fruit is cooking, place chopped nuts in a skillet over medium heat and toast, stirring often, for 5
6. Drizzle honey over the nuts and add ginger, but keep stirring since the honey can easily burn.
7. Top warm fruit with toasted nuts and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Natural Sweeteners

Who among us doesn’t love sweets? The sweet flavor releases serotonin in our brains, the chemical responsible for our sense of well-being and contentment. But when it comes to sweeteners, not all are created equal. There are side effects and health risks from refined sweeteners like white table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, and from artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, saccharin and Splenda. Since refined sweeteners have been stripped of vitamins, minerals and fiber, they can spike blood sugar, which can often lead to cravings and mood and energy fluctuations. Instead, using naturally and minimally processed sweeteners can reduce cravings for sugary things.
Here are a few natural sweeteners to substitute in drinks, food and baking. Since they are all approximately 1.5 times sweeter than refined sugar, you can use less. You can find them in most supermarkets or natural food stores. When replacing sugar with liquid sweeteners in a recipe, reduce the amounts of other liquids.
Raw Honey
Everyone seems to love honey, one of the oldest natural sweeteners on the market. Honey will have a different flavor depending on the plant source. Some are very dark and intensely flavored. Wherever possible, choose raw honey, as it is unrefined and contains small amounts of enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
Agave Nectar
Agave is made through the extraction and purification of the juice of the agave cactus. It does not stimulate insulin secretion as other sugars do, so it does not create a "sugar rush." It has a delightfully light and mild flavor.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is the concentrated extract of the sap of maple trees. It adds a rich, deep flavor to foods and drinks. Make sure to look for 100% pure maple syrup, not maple-flavored corn syrup. As with all sweeteners, organic varieties are best.

Adapted from "The Cane Mutiny," New Age Magazine, March/April 1999.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Top 10 Fat Burning Super Foods

Adding these foods to you grocery list will actually help you LOSE weight and keep it off. 1. eggs Because of the fat and protein content found in eggs gives a feeling of being full that lasts throughout the morning leading to a lower calorie intake the rest of the day. Keep the yolks in, they are loaded with vitamin A, D & E, essential fat soluble nutrients that are lacking in many many American diets. My go to breakfast: 2 eggs over easy, Ezekiel bread and fresh berries. 2. Grapefruit Grapefruits have been one of my favorites fruits since I was a kid growing up in Florida. I used to pick them right off the tree, add salt and enjoy. This fruit is so amazing that there is even a diet named after it. Grapefruit is also great for getting rid of bloat. Fitness competitors use it all the time to get rid of any excess water that they may be holding on to. Beet Salad: I found this recipe in Runner's Magazine and make it all the time. Toss with two cups spinach, one bunch chopped baby beets, a quarter cup toasted pine nuts, a quarter cup low-fat feta cheese crumbles and one tablespoon red wine vinaigrette. 3. Avocado: Avocados are loaded with fat but the healthy kind. Studies show that people who Avocado is added in place of a carbohydrate will actually lose weight because they feel more satisfied at the end of each meal. My favorite way to eat it is in place of mayonnaise or butter in any recipe, especially Tuna fish. Tuna with avocado: 1 can tuna, 1/2 avocado, 1 diced Roma tomato, diced onion, lemon juice and dash of garlic powder. 4. Spinach Both low calorie and nutrient dense. Spinach is a clean eater's best friend. Loaded with fiber it binds to LDL and helps remove it from your system. Always buy this one organic. Sauteed Spinach: 2 c Spinach, minced garlic, ginger, and onions sauteed in EVOO. 5. Ginger I live off ginger. I eat it constantly throughout the day. It is often service with Sushi because it helps break down food after meals as well as settle your stomach. It also increases lactic acid which promotes the body's natural HGH which increases the amount of body fat released from storage. I love candied ginger and adding to marinades for chicken and steak. 6. Green Tea Another one we hear about all the time. While caffeine is attributed to fat burning Green Tea also is loaded with anti-oxidants as well as EGCG. EGCG is a phytochemical that increases the metabolism and burns fat. Aim to drink 3 cups of green tea spread throughout the day. 7. Tofu Soy has gotten such a bad rap lately. Which is scaring people away from one of the best meat alternatives. Tofu contains genistein which decreases appetite and encourages belly fat loss. When shopping for any soy product shop for Non-GMO soy. Add to soups or try a warm tofu as a side dish. I like to lightly brown mine in a saute pan with EVOO and enjoy with a touch of low sodium soy sauce. 8. Pomegranate Another antioxidant super food. This fruit protects nitric oxide with increases metabolism. Add to any dish. I add it to my oatmeal, salads, warm grains and more. 9. Salmon Another fatty food that is a fat burner. Loaded with Omega-3s which are important for cardio vascular health and cholesterol. Make sure to always chose Wild Caught over farm raised. And be aware of grocery stores that add pink dies to make it more appealing. Grill with Ginger and Pomegranate and you have yourself a fat burning meal. 10. Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin which causes your body to heat up. When your body heats up it burns more calories. I use this spice on everything, but I also love heat in my foods.

Monday, August 26, 2013

How I start my week

Every Sunday night I after the kiddos are in bed I set a timer for 15 minutes to pick up the house and straighten up my desk. This allows me to have a clean slate in the morning. I then make myself a cup of tea sit down at my clean desk and do the following: 1. Pull out a clean sheet of paper and dump my brain of everything I want to accomplish for the week. 2. Pull out my planner and colored pens to block my time for the week in this order: Pink= scheduled work obligations Teal= family obligations Orange= workouts Green= Isagenix/Health Coaching Appointments and activities Black or blue travel time is marked with a line to the right so that I know even though I do not have anything scheduled my time is taken Pencil Everything that I want to do that is not necessary 3. I create my Daily to-do list from my list, taking into account how much time I have that day. Click here to see the list I use. 4. I write 10 goals in present tense that I want to accomplish this year without looking back at last week. Every day I rewrite those goals without looking back at what I wrote the day before. This allows me to become more focused on what I want to really accomplish. Buy taking these few minutes every Sunday I am setting my goals into motion and creating a movement towards them. If you use a goal setting plan share with me in the comments below.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cake Batter Smoothie?

I made this smoothie for breakfast today and my husband thinks it takes like cake batter. Let me know what you think.

Serves 2:
  • 8 oz coconut milk
  • 4 oz aloe juice
  • 4 oz coconut water
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 fresh kale
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 T flax seeds
  • 1 T chia seeds
  • 2 T honey
  • 2 scoops Isa Pro protein powder

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fab Find Friday: Nautre's Box Review

I LOVE me some monthly boxes sent to my house especially food and beauty products.   I have been a member of Nature's Box for a few months now and I have never been disappointed.  I actually just upgraded to 20 snacks a month just before writing this post.  I pack a snack bag in my purse, in my diaper bag and always a great treat in McKalyn's lunch box. I always choose the "Surprise me" option so I never know what I am going to get.  It is so amazing I my mom decided to get one for herself.  Check my Youtube channel later this month for my review of what yumminess arrives on my door step.

New Free Raw Foods Guide


Get the lowdown on the nutritious and delicious benefits of eating raw….just in time for summer!
We’ve put together the essential Raw Foods Guide that will improve your digestion, lift your energy, and boost your immunity.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside:
  • The ultimate list of raw superfoods and their nutritional benefits
  • Tips on how to preserve raw foods for long-lasting freshness
  • Quick and delicious raw recipes


Back to School Challenge Starts September 3rd

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How I Start My Day

It is so important to start your day off right. Your morning determines the tone of the rest of your day. Your mindset is determined when you wake up. Ever heard the statement, "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed"? Well there is a lot of truth to that. If you start your day off grumpy and un-centered that is how you will spend the rest of your day. So how do you start our morning off on the right side of the bed everyday? Well, that is truly different for everyone. For some it means getting up early and getting in some exercise. It can also mean getting outside and enjoying some fresh air with morning tea or coffee. It ALL is about honoring what works for you and what your mind and body need. Growing up a gymnast my body is accustomed to working out in the evenings. If I even attempt to in the morning I am a big grumpy mess. It is a sure way for me to quit my workout half way through. However, the early morning my brain is focused and will retain everything. In high school I would get up early to do my homework as I rarely had time to after school so that is how my brain is trained. I love sitting and reading my Personal Development book. (click here for my book of the month). I can also bang out about half of my to-do list in the morning especially if the kids are asleep. I do have to be flexible especially with a 3 year old and a new born so my mornings are not always perfect, but I find when they are I end the day feeling soooo accomplished. Today was a good day. Here is what my morning looked like: 6:00 am- wake & feed Emerson 6:30 am- Morning cleanse while reading my devotional from The Daily Grind by family friend Susan Diamond (buy here) 6:45 am- Personal Development Book 10 minutes. I am finishing up Goal by Brian Tracy, again. (buy here) 7:00- Make coffee, journal, review goals for day, week & month. Look over to-do list for day. 7:30- Make breakfast for myself & McKalyn, usually eggs with Ezekiel toast or Oatmeal 8:00- McKalyn is a late sleeper so I usually have to get her up. Sit down and have breakfast with McKalyn 8:30- Take McKalyn to school 9:00- Begin my work day focused and refreshed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Destress with a little fresh air

We all deal with stress on a day-to-day basis, myself included.  In fact I have the Chinese symbol for breathe tattooed inside my left wrist from my teaching days to remind myself to take a step back and just breathe. In the yoga we learn the practice of breath control (or pranayama).  The exhale is used to release stress and toxins and  inhale is about bringing energy into the body. Does this mean you have a take a yoga class to get the benefits of deep breathing? No.  You can enjoy the luxury of a mini vacation where ever you are.  Sit up in your chair with your feet on the floor and a long spine. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale through the nose, feeling your spine get longer and taller. Then exhale through your mouth with a deep sigh. As you exhale, visualize the stressful moments of your day moving away from you.
Try this for a few minutes anytime you need to let go of something. It can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical health.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Trends in Fitness-Core Classes

 According to a recent study, as many as 80% of all Americans have lower back problems.  Lower back pain can be caused from being over weight and carrying the majority of your weight in your gut causing strain on your back.  Another culprit is weak core muscles. Many women suffer from low back pain starting during pregnancy due to the added weight in the front of their body, spreading of their hips and then the lack of core muscles they are left with after. 

It is no wonder that Core Training classes are on the rise.  Core classes can be found in gyms all over the U.S. and have become a popular training technique with personal trainers as well.  Crunch Gym in Miami has some of my more favorite.  Core classes use equipment like balance balls, bosu balls and wobble boards.  The exercises taught focus on  strengthening and conditioning of the stabilizing muscles of the mid-section. Researchers say exercising the core muscles in the hips, lower back, and abdominal area  improves overall stability for daily activities, improves sports performance and relieves back pain.

One of my favorite tools to use at home is the Indo Board.  Living in South Florida and a part of a surfing family this has been a common tool in my house now for about 10 years.  It not only improves balance but works every part of your core. 
Check it our here. (there is also a cool clip of the Indo Board on the Doctors)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

4 Easy Steps to a Healthier You

Making the choice to eat healthier is not about eliminating all your favorite foods and deprivation but, about adding in better choices on a daily basis.  Starting with small changes in your nutrition is the easiest and least intimidating way to do it.
1.  Add in whole grains or sprouts!  White flour has been treated and bleached removing all the nutrients found in flour leaving a bleached out, flavorless, high carb, low fiber mess.  Many manufactures then add back in missing nutrients and label it enriched.  They also add sugar to make it taste better.  Remember a simple rule if something has been removed then something must be added back in to take its place. Throw out that white bread and white pasta and replace with something that actually has nutritional value! There are so many great options now.  Look for breads that are whole grain, have a fiber content of 5 or more.  An even better option is a sprouted grain bread like Ezekeil.  Same with pasta.  Look for whole grain or he new rice pastas available. 

2. Choose better beverages! Yes I am from the Mid-West where we call that bubbly stuff in a can pop. Did you know that just  can have up to 35 grams of sugar! That's the same as a Krispy Kreme Chocolate glazed donuts. Even the diet versions will wreak havoc on your body.  Processed artificial sugars are poison in our bodies. There have been several studies that have linked artificial sugars to vertigo, cancer and weight gain.  Instead choose sparking water, fruit flavored water or coconut water.

3. Add muscles! Instead of cutting out calories think of burning them.  We need food, food is the fuel in our tank, but more calories than we need will cause our bodies to store the excess for later.  In order to get rid of the excess it is much easier to add a little more activity then to cut out calories going in.  The best way to do this is to add weight training to your routine.  A pound of muscle burns 6.5 calories per hour.  A pound of fat burns only 1.2 calories per hour.  Not only that but a pound of muscle takes up less room than fat so it is a win win. 
4. Add a detox to your routine! We all need a good cleansing every once in a while even a healthy person.  Even when we change our eating habits we may meet some resistance with our bodies. A highly acidic body can be resistant to fat loss and cause fatigue as well as depressions.  Jump starting your program with a 30-90 day nutritional cleanse can make a complete difference in your body.  When your body is in an alkaline (neutral)  state, it burns fat more efficiently, you have more energy and you feel better emotionally.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10 Steps to a Health Brain

1.  Eat a Brain Healthy Diet:  Diet rich in Omega 3's which are found in fatty fish.  Choose Wild caught cold water fish such as Salmon.  Eat fruits & veggies rich in antioxidents; oranges, berries, cherries, spinach, kale, etc. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin B.  These are found in animal proteins but can also be supplimented.  I get mine from my got to Afternoon drink made with Want More Energy. Eat a diet low in trans fats and moderate levels of whole food carbohydrates such as wild rice, and other grains.
2. Stay Mentally Active:  Learn a new skill or language.  Do crossword puzzles.  Take a class  in something that has always interested you.  Read! Read! Read!
3. Exercise: Exercising regularly increases circulation and improves coordination. It also prevents conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes which all increase the risk of dementia.
4. Stay Social: Socialize with friends,  Have a dinner party.  Host a game night. Volunteer for your favorite charity.  Travel when you can, even if it is a local spot. Do favorite leisure activates. Happiness will keep you young.
5. Get plenty of sleep: It is suggested that you get between 7-8 hours of sleep. Some of use need more & some a little less.  You will know when you are able to wake up and feel rested without an alarm.  If you have trouble sleeping taking an all natural sleep supplement such as the Isagenix Brain & Sleep Support system will you sleep more efficiently.
6. Manage Stress: Stress hormones not only  release toxins into our bodies it can damage and even kill brain cells, resulting in the inabuility to remember things and learn.  Practice yoga, spend time with friends, journal, find your happy place and regularly detox your system.
7. Protect your head: This is self explanatory. They do not call it a brain bucket for nothing!
8. Control Other Health Conditions: By maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, eating a clean and balanced diet you are not only keeping your brain healthy you are protecting your entire body from preventable diseases.
9. Avoid Unhealthy Habits: Smoking, heavy drinking, recreational drug use are all proven to cause damage to our brain. 
10. Consider your Genes: It is important to know your family health history. Know what you are up against and do your research. 

Most importantly just be happy.  Happiness is nature's best cure and the only true fountain of youth!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can You Workout While Pregnant?

People are amazed all the time that I am 27 weeks pregnant and still teaching classes and working out.  However, as long as you were active before you can stay active during pregnancy.  If you have never tried a specific workout style before being pregnant, starting while pregnant is a BAD idea.  Exceptions being Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Pilates.

Here are some simple rules to follow when you are choosing to workout while pregnant:
1. Always check with your doctor.  Just as everyone is different, every pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had to cut way back on my workout regime.  I was sore and tired and was suggested that I take it easy. With this one I feel great energized & in very little pain.  So be smart.
2. Make sure you are consuming enough calorie.  Now is NOT the time to diet. A health pregnancy should gain about 25-35lbs and more for multiples.  Yes eat healthy.  Yes consume nutrient dense foods.  However, do not cut out calories.  On average to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight you should take in an additional 100 calories per day, again more with multiples.   Eat when you are hungry.  If you eat smart & clean you will take the weight off after the baby I promise. Don't sweat it right now.  Enjoy eating and enjoy being pregnant.  I drink a quick protein shake after my classes to make sure I keep my energy levels up. Vanilla Isalean is my go to drink.
3. Be smart and avoid dangerous sports. Now is not the time to try Cross Fit.  Down hill skiing is not the best idea.  Mountain biking not so much either.  You get the point.
4. Dress cool and comfortable.  You want to be aware of overheating.   During pregnancy your body temperature tends to be a little higher as it is.  Every notice you break a sweat in below freezing weather? Make sure you dress comfortable and cool.  Lululemon has the No Limits tank that I LOVE! It's supportive, flattering to the belly & airy. I am also a big fan of their Studio pants. 
5. Stay hydrated! Electrolytes are so very important. They help keep out body systems balanced.  Adding electrolytes to your water will help keep you hydrated and help maintain your energy levels. I love Smart Water and Isagenix Want More Energy Sticks.
6. Avoid exercises flat on your back. During your first trimester you are usually ok, unless you are having multiples. The weight of the baby presses against a major artery that runs along the right side of your spine.  This can cause your blood pressure to drop as well as the blood flow to your baby.  There are a lot of modifications you can do. I will be posting some this weekend on my Youtube Channel.
7. Wear a support belt.. These are a God send! I wear mine all day long but definitely during exercise.  They help take the pressure off your lower back.  I bought a few of them from Pea in the Pod for $18. I keep one in my purse and one in my gym bag.
8. Listen to your body.  If are tired take it back a notch, Avoid getting out of breath.  Be smart here. Again you are not looking to prove anything you are staying healthy for you and your baby.  Killing yourself in spin class will do just the opposite for both.  Your heart rate tends to be elevated during pregnancy and it is advised to keep your heart rate below 80% of your target heart rate. I tend to rely on my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) over a heart rate monitor.I check with myself, am I out of breath? Am I overheating?  If I answer yes to either I cut down on my range of motion and/or my exertion.
9. Stay consistent. Working out 3-4 days a week 30 minutes to an hour is a perfect plan.  Get in a good mix of cardio, weight training and yoga.  Most importantly get on a schedule and stick with it.  If you are working out 2 hours one day then nothing for another two weeks you are loosing the benefit.  It is better to get in smaller bouts of exercise consistently than to do longer workouts.
10. Be wary of abs. I personally suffer from rectus diastasis which is when the abdominals split down the middle.  If you have this condition as well it is not recommended that you do abdominal exercises during the 2nd trimester.  They are out for everyone in the third.  However, there are many great prenatal Pilates classes and videos out there that will help keep your core strong.  If you just can not resist, standing oblique work is safe and doing contractions in table top is as well.  (I will post these soon.)

Great at home yoga workouts for prenatal and non- pregnant mammas.

** As always make sure you consult your doctor before starting a new workout program ESPECIALLY when expecting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Italian Salad

  • 2 C romaine lettuce - torn, washed and dried
  • 1 C torn escarole
  • 1 C torn radicchini
  • 1 C torn red leaf lettuce
  • 1/4 C chopped green onions
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into rings
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, sliced in rings  
  • 12 cherry tomatoes  
  • 1/2 C sliced carrots
  • 1/4 C pine nuts
  • 1/4 C feta cheese
  • 1/4 C grapeseed oil
  • 2 T chopped fresh basil  
  • 1 T oregano
  • 1/4 C balsamic fig vinegar
  • 2 T lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
    1. In a large bowl, combine the romaine, escarole, radicchio, red-leaf, scallions, red pepper, green pepper and cherry tomatoes.
    2. Whisk together the grapeseed oil, basil, vinegar, lemon juice and salt and pepper. Pour over salad, toss and serve immediately. 
    **for protein add grilled wild caught Alaskan salmon

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Food Focus: Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are some of the easiest and most beneficial vegetables to incorporate into your daily routine. Densely packed with energy and nutrients, they grow upward to the sky, absorbing the sun’s light while producing oxygen. Members of this royal green family include kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli rabe, watercress, beet greens, bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

How do greens benefit our bodies? They are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and zinc, and are a powerhouse for vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed full of fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. Their color is associated with spring, which is a time to renew and refresh vital energy. In traditional Asian medicine, the color green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity. Greens aid in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, improving liver, gall bladder and kidney function, fighting depression, clearing congestion, improving circulation and keeping your skin clear and blemish free.

Leafy greens are the vegetables most missing from the American diet, and many of us never learned how to prepare them. Start with the very simple recipe below. Then each time you go to the market, pick up a new green to try. Soon you’ll find your favorite greens and wonder how you ever lived without them.