Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10 Steps to a Health Brain

1.  Eat a Brain Healthy Diet:  Diet rich in Omega 3's which are found in fatty fish.  Choose Wild caught cold water fish such as Salmon.  Eat fruits & veggies rich in antioxidents; oranges, berries, cherries, spinach, kale, etc. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin B.  These are found in animal proteins but can also be supplimented.  I get mine from my got to Afternoon drink made with Want More Energy. Eat a diet low in trans fats and moderate levels of whole food carbohydrates such as wild rice, and other grains.
2. Stay Mentally Active:  Learn a new skill or language.  Do crossword puzzles.  Take a class  in something that has always interested you.  Read! Read! Read!
3. Exercise: Exercising regularly increases circulation and improves coordination. It also prevents conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes which all increase the risk of dementia.
4. Stay Social: Socialize with friends,  Have a dinner party.  Host a game night. Volunteer for your favorite charity.  Travel when you can, even if it is a local spot. Do favorite leisure activates. Happiness will keep you young.
5. Get plenty of sleep: It is suggested that you get between 7-8 hours of sleep. Some of use need more & some a little less.  You will know when you are able to wake up and feel rested without an alarm.  If you have trouble sleeping taking an all natural sleep supplement such as the Isagenix Brain & Sleep Support system will you sleep more efficiently.
6. Manage Stress: Stress hormones not only  release toxins into our bodies it can damage and even kill brain cells, resulting in the inabuility to remember things and learn.  Practice yoga, spend time with friends, journal, find your happy place and regularly detox your system.
7. Protect your head: This is self explanatory. They do not call it a brain bucket for nothing!
8. Control Other Health Conditions: By maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, eating a clean and balanced diet you are not only keeping your brain healthy you are protecting your entire body from preventable diseases.
9. Avoid Unhealthy Habits: Smoking, heavy drinking, recreational drug use are all proven to cause damage to our brain. 
10. Consider your Genes: It is important to know your family health history. Know what you are up against and do your research. 

Most importantly just be happy.  Happiness is nature's best cure and the only true fountain of youth!

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