Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Honeymoon bound on a diet

Quad and I are headed to Cocoa Beach, Florida for the holiday weekend, one of my favorite places. As you all know going on vacation while on a diet can be very challenging. So I thought I would share my plan for the weekend and hopefully help others out on their next trip.

The hardest part about being on vacation is eating on vacation. It starts with the continental breakfast of dougnuts and danishes, then a lunch of an amazing sandwich with a side of fries and possibly a few cocktails, dinner could be a pasta dish or some other meal smothered with butter and possibly a bottle of wine followed by dessert. Before you know it you have come home from a 5 day vacation with at least 5 extra pounds. So first things first: Set a plan.
1. stop at the grocery store for some healthy portable snacks. Eating every 3 hours is a must to keep up your metabolism so having snacks on hand will make it a lot easier. Nuts and fruit are great options.
2. Make a vow to make good meal decisions. Avoid anything processed and fried. No pasta, no breads, no fries, etc. Choose a light and healthy breakfast such as eggs and toast or even cereal.
A salad makes a great lunch just be sure to avoid creamy dressing and cheese toppings. A chinese chicken salad is a great choice. Order a nice dinner, but again avoid creams and butters. Go for a nice steak with a veggie and a plain potato or rice. As for beverages, a glass of wine with dinner. Wanna refreshing cocktail during the day? A rum drink such as a Mojtio is nice or even a Bloody Mary but only have one or 2 not 10. Avoid frozen drinks or soda mixers.
3. Commit to move. Take a walk every morning or maybe even a morning jog. Rather than a nap in the afternoon to regenerate try some yoga. Then as you plan your daily activities plan to do something active. Walk around a downtown area or a museum. Plan to walk to your destinations if they are close enough. Take a romantic walk after dinner or even go out for a night of dancing.

Remember that you may be on vacation but you will be home eventually and you want to make sure you will not look back at your days of freedom and relaxation with regrets.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I have been on a "diet" for the last 2 weeks and when I got on the scale and I have gained 5 pounds. Whoops! So I am back on it again. I have a new diet from my coaches and I have the bug to get moving. It's too bad that I have a precious little girl on the couch next to me and I don't want to get up and do anything. Not to mention the girl eats non-stop all day.

The diet is definitely the hardest. I am constantly hungry myself. I think being pregnant and eating whatever I wanted has stretched my stomach and has formed some bad habits. As I am sure all moms know, finding time to workout right now is not much easier. Finding time to shower and brush my teeth on the same day is a feat as it is. :) However, I am determined. I will find the time and the will power. Stay tuned....

Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting my head on straight

I guess when they say eating poorly becomes a habit they weren't kidding. I can now empathise with those that struggle with changing their eating habits. For the majority of my pregnancy my diet consisted of butter and noodles. Any carb that was soft and easy to digest. I have now been not pregnant for over a month and my diet still looks the same. I have a freezer full of glorious vegetables and I have yet to touch them. I forget that they are there. My daily diet consists mostly of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cheese and crackers.

So what am I going to do about it? I am going to set some goals, small goals just to make it through the week. I am going to write them down as a reminder too look at every day and I am going to tell others so that I am held accountable.

This week I will have at least 3 vegetables a day and drink 3 liters of water a day. I will also get in some kind of exercise daily even if only for 30 minutes and I have to carry a crying baby the entire time in order to get it in.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

week 4

Well one month has come and gone since I gave birth to my little angel. I can not believe how fast the time has gone! Where did it go? I am beginning to understand how many moms say that they just don't have time to get back into shape. I am beginning to realize that it will take more efficient planning and a strong commitment to get back into shape. While I realize that I am still not cleared to take on a hard core workout for another 2 weeks I was cleared to walk and do some light yoga 2 weeks ago. How many times did I make my walk? 2!!! I just can't seem to find the time and I am not even back to work yet. With a fussy little newborn I find that my few hours of free time in the afternoon are spent cleaning the house and showering. Two things that are very hard to do while carrying around a baby. Poor little thing has tummy issues and has to be constantly carried and bounced.

So here is to a new month. I have a lot of goals for myself to accomplish in May. Keep your eyes opened for a youtube channel, a newsletter and possibly a new website. That is just the beginnning. It will be very exciting!!!

I have also attached my progress pics from week 2 that I meant to post. I know that they are sidways, but you get the point. :) I will be taking offical starting ones today and will post them later.