Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great worout this morning. I started off with a cardio & conditioning class. Followed that up with some weights and a killer power walk on the treadmill. I love when I am done by 10:30 and I have the whole day ahead of me. Too bad I am too lazy to get moving unless I have to. Feeling pretty amazing and planning on competing at the FAP Dixie Pagent Sept 19.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So went in the gym today thinking I would make up for the last 2 weeks of being completely lazy. BAD IDEA! LOL I started with some shoulders and bis. Then I headed over to the treadmill for some spring training while I waited for my pilates class to start. Perhaps I shoudl have used this time to eat...hmmm... I finished off my workout with 30 minutes of functional training. I am conviced that during my pilates class someone must have put concrete in my sneakers....OUCH!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

On a roll

Had a great weekend. I am currently listeing to Jodi's seminar and I am so motivated!! I have so many ideas. My first step is getting my weekend bootcamp. I can't wait to get my team of girls going. Competitors or not!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Found a gym to train at. Coaching gymnastics and teaching classes!! Doing great. Now I am on the hunt for sponsors!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Well found a job coaching gymnastics at a local gym and I couldn't be more excited. Gymnastics was always my first love. I start Monday.

Still working on finding a gym to train and workout at. I have a few in mind so we will see. As soon as that is set up I will be ready to start training girls for competition. I can't wait!!!

Had a great workout last night. Plyos for legs, a little Hip Hop abs for cardio and a yoga cool down. Nothing like a living room workout.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I am thinking about competing in the FAP Dixie pagent in 8 1/2 weeks. So let's see how fast I can pull myself together. So far today was not so good. I have not worked out since before the wedding and I have had no desire to. LOL Maybe a little So You Think You Can Dance will give me a little push. :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Had a wonderful weekend and a wonderful wedding. Ate great food. Danced. Laughed.
Now I get to send the rest of my life with a wonderful man. What more can a girl ask for?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When they said it wasn't a good idea to try to train and pack a wedding they weren't kidding. I am a very emotional eater & eat under stress. I always feel I need the energy. So of course after a very healthy spinach salad topped with asparagus & blueberries I ate a piece of pizza before bed. Go figure!! At least I was able to fit in a 9 mile run before all of that.

GOAL FOR TODAY: watch the starches so that I am not holding water for the wedding.
I am going to fit in a good workout of rolerblading, weight training and a 90 min Pilates/yoga session.

Monday, July 6, 2009

6 more days

I can't belive my wedding day is almost here!!! My sister, Elizabeth, flew in on Saturday the 4th and I couldn't be more excited. We spent the day with the fam and went up to a local bar for a drink and time with friends. I really do love my home town.

I picked up the marriage liscense today and got my hair colored by my wonderful cousin. She really is very talented with color. Tomorrow will be a day of more planning. For tonight I am taking a rest.