Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The last 3 months-What mothers fear most

I feel I need to share where I have been the last few months and why I have not been consistent with my newsletters and posts lately.  Since October 1st I have been experiencing what most new mothers fear, complete helplessness.  The 1st week in October I made a hard decision to place Emerson in day care so I could be more productive when working from home and to peruse ventures outside the home as well.  Within a week he had a cough that he could not seem to kick.  After 10 days I decided to take him in.  Long story short the last 3 almost 4 months have been filled with 4 different rounds of antibiotics, a steroid, several trips to the doctor, a few more to a pulminologist, a trip to the ER, several X-Rays, a swallow test, an upper GI test and breathing treatments several times a day.   I took him into his primary once again this past Tuesday with still no change.  This time she started discussing surgery and doing a more aggressive antibiotic treatment which would include 20 days on an antibiotic along with a series of 3 shots, a nose spray, an inhaled steroid 2x a day as well as breathing treatments every 4 hours.  Even though it was determined that it was not in his lungs.  I left terrified. I know what mass quantities of antibiotics can do to a child and the effects it can have on their health as an adult. This 20 days would now make it 60 days on an antibiotic.   It was determined that his immune system was compromised due to whatever he has and that would likely suffer many developmental issues including hearing, speech, sight, motor skills and weight gain.  Emerson is a skinny baby as it is.  I left the Dr office Tuesday and I cried...a lot.  Then I prayed and cried some more.  I got quiet and I listened.   I made the decision to pull him completely out of his day care.  I had never felt right having him there and there will several red flags that I was ignoring because they are the only place in the area that takes infants under 1.  1) He was not napping when he was there which meant some days he was going 9 hours without a nap. (he always naps at home) 2) there were several instances where I picked in up in the middle for the day & the room reeked of bleach.  3) They refused to administer his breathing treatments claiming that they did not have the staff to give it, however I had seen them do it for another child in the class.  I did fill the prescriptions Wednesday and gave him his 1st dose on Thursday.  Friday morning he woke up covered in a rash.  Again I prayed.
Then it came to me. What the hell am I doing?  Me, who does not even take Aleve more less the pain killers I have a life time prescription to for severe chronic back pain, unless I literally can not get out of bed, was doping up my 6 month old son without knowing what was really wrong.  I went against every fiber of who I am because I was afraid.  That afternoon I did what I do best, I read and researched everything I could find on infant illnesses and how I can treat him.  I am still breastfeed so I know what ever I take he gets. Thanks once again to my sister for my juicer.  We also have him on foods so that is beneficial as well.
When I got home I stood back & took a toll on what was going on in his environment.  What was I using to clean the home?  What toxins are in my house?  What toxins am I putting into my body? I made an appointment to have the air tested in our home for mold and the landlord was kind enough to bring over 2 air purifiers as well.  It has only been a week and I am already seeing improvement. Making this decision now means there will be some changes in my day to day life as I will now be a full time Work At Home Mom.  I will also do everything I can to make sure that he pulls through this as healthy as possible. 
** I am writing this only to share my experience, I am in no way saying that one should go against what a doctor suggests nor am I bashing day care.  I am not a nutritionist nor can I treat or cure an illness.  I am however, a mother who is going to do the best I can to make sure that her children are healthy and safe no matter what sacrifices I have to make.  I have a passion for health and wellness and several years of training in nutrition studies that I plan to use to my advantage. I also believe in doing things they way that God intended.  Modern medicine has it's place and I appreciate it when I need it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Join the 30 Day Challenge: Starts TODAY

It takes 21 days to form a habit so we are doing a 30 Day Challenge in the EmPowered Life Facebook Page.  Starting today we we are choosing one thing on our goals list for 2014 to work on.

What you need to do:
1. Join the EmPowered Life Facebook Group.
2. Look at your list of goals for 2014 and pick one thing, just one, that you want to focus on for the next 30 days.
3. Post it in the EmPowered Life group and we will hold your accountable. 
4. Track your progress on your calendar or in your planner  so you can visually see your accomplishments.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Taking a lesson from a 5 year old

I met the toughest little girl yesterday.  As some of you may know I am a gymnastics coach and because I have been blessed with patience for little ones I have quite a few toddler and 5 year old classes.  Yesterday this little girl from Haiti who spoke very little English walked into my class.  I could tell by her walk and the way she carried herself she was very unsure of herself, of what to expect and of me.  After warm up we started on the tumble track (a run-way like trampoline) she had a hard time controlling her body and looked like she may cry each turn.  I thought to myself, "oh boy I am going to have to give her special attention."  I encouraged her after every turn and when she did well offered her a high 5....still no smile.  Next rotation was beam. For this class we use the middle height beams which are about 3 feet off the ground. We push 3 together to form an M shape so the kids can walk continuously from beam to beam. This allows us to be able to spot multiple children at once. One her 2nd pass this little girl fell between the beams and hit her side HARD on the beam. I picked her up and asked her if she was ok, no tears, no expression, no nothing. She just stared at me.  I again asked her, nothing.  So let her know it was ok if she wanted to sit for a moment, nothing.  So, I asked her if she wanted to get back up and try again to which she gave me a very firm, "Yes."  Up she went and completed the rotation without assistance.  Towards the end of class we take the classes over to the cheese pit (a big hole filled with foam used for high bar and tumbling skills).  The smaller children usually like to swing from the bar and land in the pit.  When it was her tuns she stood at the base of the ladder took a deep breath and headed up.  I reminded the entire class that they did not have to swing from the bar, they could jump and play as well.  When she reached the top she did not look down, she did not look at me she looked straight at the bar, paused for a moment and reached out.  After about a 5 second hesitation, staring straight ahead, she let go to fall about 7-8 feet into the pit below her. She climbed out an repeated this process 4 more times before turning to me and saying, "I am done now."  These were the only words she spoke the entire class.
This 5 year old little girl was completely terrified for an entire hour.  I did not she her smile until she was all done and running up to her parents after class.  "I did it." 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Moroccan Ramadan Soup

Perfect for a cold winter day!
1 ½ cup cooked or 1 can garbanzo beans (rinsed & drained)
1 ½ cup cooked or 1 can white beans (rinsed & drained)
¾ cup uncooked green lentils (rinsed & drained)
1 cup cooked brown/black rice
2 cups/ 1 diced onion
¾ cup celery (including leaves) diced – 2 long stalks
4 cups fresh or 1 can diced tomatoes
4 - 8 TBSP of chopped cilantro
½ - 1 cup chopped parsley
2 ½ quarts vegetable stock
2 TBSP olive oil
1 Tsp tumeric ¼ Tsp (2 packets) saffron
1 Tsp fresh ginger chopped, or minced from jar 1 Tsp – Tbsp of cinnamon
1 Tsp ground black pepper
1 Tsp sea salt or to taste
Cooking Directions:
1. Heat the oil in soup pot over low heat. Add diced onions for 5 – 10 minutes stirring until tender and starting to brown.
2. Add the *spices and celery and sauté for an additional 3 minutes.
3. Add the tomatoes and continue to cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add the vegetable stock, lentils, and cooked beans. Bring to a simmer and add a sea salt and ground pepper.
5. Simmer for 30 minutes and check the lentils for doneness.
6. When the lentils are cooked (soft but not mushy), add the cooked rice, cilantro and parsley. Stir and simmer 2 minutes.
7. Taste and adjust the seasoning with sea salt & pepper.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Apple Pie Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie

A great treat for breakfast or an afternoon snack!
1 frozen banana, in chunks (you can also use a fresh banana, but add ice)
1 peeled, chopped apple
1 cup almond milk OR one scoop vanilla VEGA protein powder (if using the powder, add ½ - 1 cup water)
½ tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg
Ice (optional)
Mix in blender on low for 1 minute; then mix on high for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Serve right away.
Note: I often add other healthy ingredients for added nutrition such as a flax seeds, Chia seeds or spirulina powder.