Monday, March 25, 2013

Why Spring Cleansing is Important for Your Health

Spring is officially here.  The chill of winter is starting to fade and we are all starting our annual ritual of Spring Cleaning. I know I started this week.  There is something so gratifying about getting reorganized, getting rid of clutter and making everything sparkle like new.

You should treat your body no differently.  If you are like 90% of America, you over enjoyed yourself over the Holidays and may have put on the traditional 5 pounds.  For New Years you made a resolution to eat clean and exercise regularly. Then... life got busy and you slowly started working out less and convenient foods started to find their way back into your diet. The days are getting warmer, and bathing suit season is creeping closer and you realize that you really need a jump start. The days are getting warmer, and bathing suit season is creeping closer. Now is the perfect time to think about cleaning up your diet as well.

So what a perfect time to join our 30 Day Spring Cleaning!!

No harsh cleansing, No crazy dieting, Just clean eating common sense and good nutrition.


What you get:
    • Weekly newsletter teaching you what foods are better food choices over others
    • New foods to try and how to prepare them
    • You will learn which foods your body thrives on and which foods are toxic for your bodt
    • Learn when organic is necessary and when you can go without
    • Daily tips to ensure your success
    • How to eat clean and healthy without breaking the bank
    • Tons of healthy easy recipes


  • Daily Motivational videos, audios and support
  • Private Facebook group access
  • Private website access
  • Tools to ensure your success
  • Weekly one-on-one coaching calls (valued at $600) 
  •  30 Day Supply of High Quality Supplements customized to your specific needs

**If you enroll before March 31 you will also receive a discount off the enrollment (new clients only) 
** refer 2 friends to enroll with you and receive a VISA Gift Card to spend how you like

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