Saturday, January 19, 2013

My New Exercise Addiction

As with my 1st pregnancy, once I found out I was expecting I cut my exercise routine WAY back in order to give my body a rest and respect the fact that I was absolutely exhausted.  I listen to my body and since it took every ounce of energy I had to get through the day, I limited my routine to a 30 minute walk 3 days a week and daily stretching.  Now that I am in my second trimester, my energy is back and am ready to workout again. However, with this already showing belly and now slightly unconditioned body, I have absolutely no desire to go back to my previous pre-pregancy routine.  I am following Dr orders and not lifting anything over 25lbs (well except McKalyn).  Don't worry I have no intention of letting myself turn into a couch potato. 

Barre Classes!!!
Barre is a dancer based toning program designed to hit your core, butt, legs and arms. As you would guess, you stand at a ballet barre or if you are at home behind a high backed chair and focus on each body part at a time.  For the arms you will need 2 sets if weights between 1-5 lbs.  (perfect for me) Sounds not so hard right?  Yeah ok.  Have you seen a dancer's body? 

You can find me at my new Barre home, Flybarre Boca Raton, (where I hope to be teaching soon).  Or practicing at home in my new to-be studio. 

Not near a Barre Studio? No problem! Here are some moves you can borrow and try at home courtesy of Self Magazine.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why you should add lemon to your water

lemon water benefits

1. Lemon water helps alkalize your body bringing your pH balance to a safe level.

Why is pH so important? Cancer cells can’t grow in an alkaline environment. Keeping your body slightly alkaline by consuming alkalizing foods is extremely important to your overall health. So is limiting acid-forming foods like dairy, animal proteins and high amounts of processed sugar. Drink lemon water in addition to your Isagenix routine can do wonders for your health!

2. Lemon water boosts your immune system.

The high amounts of Vitamin C, potassium and folate will boost your immune system and keep your body healthy. No more colds and sinus issues!

3. Lemon water is a natural diuretic.

This is a great reason to start your day with a large mug of warm lemon water – the diuretic effect helps detox your body to start your day off right.  It is also a great tool that time of the month when you are felling a bit smushy.

4. Lemon water aids digestion.

If you ever experience indigestion, grumbling in your belly or digestion issues in general, sipping warm lemon water 10-15 minutes before you eat will help enzyme production in your gut and aid in digestion.  I have found that this is a great way to subside morning sickness (or afternoon sickness in my case) as well.

5. Lemon water helps keep you young.

Supercharged with Vitamin C and tons of nutrients, regularly sipping warm lemon water will make your skin glow.

How I drink it

Fill a mug with hot water and add the juice of  1/2 a fresh a lemon. Be careful not to boil the water. Boiling water will kill the nutrients in the lemon, so bring your water to a boil and let it cool 2 minutes in the mug before adding the lemon. Add a dash of organic cayenne pepper to boost your metabolism.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Project 30 Days to Jump Start the Year

With two projects coming up for clients this month I could not help myself.  The 30 Day Jump Start your Resolutions (click on the link to read more) will begin January 4th and the Group 9 Day Cleanse (click on the link to watch more) will begin January 14th. Why not add a 30 Day fitness Challenge as well to all my subscribers?  If you have not joined my Newsletter yet, now is the time. Staring today I will be giving out a daily challenge to help you become the woman (Goddess) you know you are.

Day 1: Create a Vision Board

If you have not done so already create your vision board.  This can be done any way you like. I personally like to get a large poster board, a stack of magazines, a glue stick & go at it.  I have not completed mine yet for this year but as soon as I do I will share, I promise. The only thing I ask is that you shoot for the stars yet be realistic.  As much as I would love to have the body of fellow teammate and mentor Lori Harder. I know that it is not likely.  However to have her abs (well after the baby) is something I hope to be able to accomplish at some point. Here is a great site on how to make a Vision Board. Read more

Make sure you join my Newsletter today here so you can be a part of the next 29 days. 
When you are done post pictures of your board on Facebook & twitter. Make sure you tag me on Facebook or use tag #emfitchic on Twitter.