Sunday, April 22, 2012

90 Day Clean Health Challenge

Over the next 90 days I will be following my 90 Day Health Challenge. I have noticed that over the course of the winter my skin an hair have become very parched. I have also not been following my own advise of putting myself first. My eating patterns and workout program has been taking a hit and over all I just do not feel like myself. Especially in the last 3-4 weeks I have been fatigued. My digestive system is also not working properly. Overall I just feel like crap! I have created a 3 phase 90 Day Detox and Cleanse program that includes clean eating, taking in the right nutrients, drinking enough water and doing a minimum of yoga every day. Over the 90 day I will be focusing on a spiritual cleanse as well. Here is a quick summary of what I will be doing for Month 1: Nutritional Cleansing: - 3-4 liters of water daily - Taking my Ageless Actives Daily Essentials for Women with Product B - Fish oil supplement an additional 2 times daily - Limit coffee to one cup of organic fresh ground coffee in the morning - Drink Green tea 2 times daily - Drink IsaCleanse and Ionix supreme every a morning before I eat or drink anything and IsaCleanse before bed 2 hours after my last meal - 2 IsaLean shakes daily or IsaLean mixed with IsaPro - At some point in the month do a 2 day deep cleanse - Go meatless on Monday

Friday, April 20, 2012

My New Addiction!

Every day at 3pm I sit down and have my afternoon snack. Usually it is my Vanilla Isalean Shake and Citrus Want More Energy, which I ran out of a week ago. I always buy my daughter Rice Crackers and hummus for her afternoon snack. This week she decided she wanted an apple instead so I ate her snack. HOLY YUM!!! I picked up these World Table Soy Wasabi Crackers and I am ADDICTED!!! They are a Walmart brand to I need to give kudos to them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Digging Deeper

“Dig Deeper” –Shawn T
Once or twice a week I hear these words being screamed at me through my T.V. by none other than Shawn Thompson, otherwise known as Shawn T. I try to do his Insanity and Asylum workouts at least once a week to help with my training. I also do it to see if maybe, one day I will be able to complete a workout without stopping. A few weeks ago I turned 36 and decided that this would be the year that I would test my physical limits. For over a decade I went to the gym with a set plan: lift, cardio, stretch then home. I could not stay from my workout because the type of competitions I did required a certain regimen. Every year I would hit a wall where I no longer wanted to workout. I would loathe going to the gym. Then I rediscovered my love of dance and running. In 3 weeks I will step on stage to perform for me in almost 10 years. I am pulling out all the stops and suffering from a banged up, bruised body. It is all worth it. In 5 weeks I will be running my first half-marathon. The training is killing me but I am digging deeper.
Often I train alone so it is up to me to push myself. I do what it takes to dig inside and find that inner strength and drive to get me through. The people who drive by me when I am running, I am sure, think I am crazy. I sing out loud. I talk to myself. I yell at myself. I even sometimes scream. Randomly enough, I often cry. Every session I ask myself, have I given it everything? Did I dance with all my heart? Did I run as fast as my legs would take me? Next time you train listen to yourself. Are you telling yourself you can’t do it or are you digging deeper and finding that inner voice to scream at yourself to push harder?