Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 2 of 30

Sunday was day two of my 30 Day Experiment.  Sunday is normally my day off and yesteday was no exception.  Morning was family time then church.  We followed with Sunday Brunch. I practiced portion control and made wise choices; salad, roast beef, steamed veggies and a small piece of cheese cake.  Oh and a Virgin Bloody Mary.  For my mid-afternoon snack I had Greenberry Shakeology and Isagenix Want More Energy. Uh! Love that stuff! My evening Insanity workout was Max Cardio Conditioning which just may be my favorite workout.  Again, Shawn T kicked my ass but I loved every minute of it!  No yoga today but I did take time to stretch my poor little body. Then I replensihed with a baked potato and some lean ground beef and a salad. I know it has only been two days but I can already feel a difference.

If you want to be a part of my 30 Day Experiment email me at

Learn more at

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 1 of 30

Yesterday was the first day of my Experiment. Weekends are not always the most structured for me, but that
ok. I started my day at 4am and worked until noon. Of course I forgot to pack food so I was way off for the day. When I got home I had a healthy lunch of a salad with fish.  Pre-workout I had my Want More Energy. Then I proceeded to kill myself. I did my at home weight workout of chest, back and legs followed by Insanity Max Interval Plyos.  OMG!!!! Well, all I can say is thank goodness McKalyn was fussy and needed a bath before bed because it allowed me to take a 15 minute break at about the 50 minute mark.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My 30 Day Experiment

What is my 30 Day Expermiment?  Well I am trying to see exactly what I can do with my body in 30 days.  You see in a month from this weekend I will be in California and I will be working out with Tony Horton, Shawn T, Chalene Johnson and oh, a couple hundered Beach Body Coaches.  The problem you see is, I have not commited to my own fitness for about....7 months.  Once my competition on Las Vegas was over in Novemeber I jumped into mommy and business mode 100% leaving very little time for fitness mode.  Now I am not saying I am out of shape, I eat healthy so I am able to maintain a certain level of my fitness.  Do I think it is enough to "Bring It!"? Not exactly. I have put together a little experiment to see just what I can accomlish in 30 days.

Here is the plan:

I do not have access to a gym so all of my training will be done at home with Dumbbells that go up to 15 pounds. My workouts will consist of:
   A weight workout 4 days a week dividing all of the body parts lasting about 30 minutes, provided by my 
       coach in the morning
   Month 2 of Insanity (I have never gone past month 1) done in the evenings I don't have to teach Hip      
      Hop Hustle in the evening
  Yoga mid day 4 days a week

Supplements and and sample nutritional plan:
Upon waking usually 5 am 1 c coffee, 1 T creamer, Isagenix Ageless Actives
5:30 Meal 1: 1/2 c oatmeal, 3 egg whites, 1 T peanut butter, 1/4 c mixed berries, 1/2c snap peas
8:30 Meal 2: Shakeology, 1/4 c berries, 1 scoop Beach Body Vanilla protein
12:00 Meal 3: 3 oz chicken, 1/4 c brown rice, 1 c green beans,  1 T flax oil, 1/2 apple
3:00  Meal 4: Isagenix IsaLean Meal Replacement, Isagenix Want More Emergy drink
6:00 Meal 5: Large salad, 3 oz grilled fish, 1 T Ken Steakhouse Northern Italian
9:00 Meal 6: 1 c Cottage Cheese
Before bed Usually 10 pm Isagenix Calcium
Drink 1 Gallon H20 daily
*** Learn more about Shakeology at
*** order Insanity at
*** Want to learn where to get Isagenix email me at