Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Destress with a little fresh air

We all deal with stress on a day-to-day basis, myself included.  In fact I have the Chinese symbol for breathe tattooed inside my left wrist from my teaching days to remind myself to take a step back and just breathe. In the yoga we learn the practice of breath control (or pranayama).  The exhale is used to release stress and toxins and  inhale is about bringing energy into the body. Does this mean you have a take a yoga class to get the benefits of deep breathing? No.  You can enjoy the luxury of a mini vacation where ever you are.  Sit up in your chair with your feet on the floor and a long spine. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale through the nose, feeling your spine get longer and taller. Then exhale through your mouth with a deep sigh. As you exhale, visualize the stressful moments of your day moving away from you.
Try this for a few minutes anytime you need to let go of something. It can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical health.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Trends in Fitness-Core Classes

 According to a recent study, as many as 80% of all Americans have lower back problems.  Lower back pain can be caused from being over weight and carrying the majority of your weight in your gut causing strain on your back.  Another culprit is weak core muscles. Many women suffer from low back pain starting during pregnancy due to the added weight in the front of their body, spreading of their hips and then the lack of core muscles they are left with after. 

It is no wonder that Core Training classes are on the rise.  Core classes can be found in gyms all over the U.S. and have become a popular training technique with personal trainers as well.  Crunch Gym in Miami has some of my more favorite.  Core classes use equipment like balance balls, bosu balls and wobble boards.  The exercises taught focus on  strengthening and conditioning of the stabilizing muscles of the mid-section. Researchers say exercising the core muscles in the hips, lower back, and abdominal area  improves overall stability for daily activities, improves sports performance and relieves back pain.

One of my favorite tools to use at home is the Indo Board.  Living in South Florida and a part of a surfing family this has been a common tool in my house now for about 10 years.  It not only improves balance but works every part of your core. 
Check it our here. (there is also a cool clip of the Indo Board on the Doctors)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

4 Easy Steps to a Healthier You

Making the choice to eat healthier is not about eliminating all your favorite foods and deprivation but, about adding in better choices on a daily basis.  Starting with small changes in your nutrition is the easiest and least intimidating way to do it.
1.  Add in whole grains or sprouts!  White flour has been treated and bleached removing all the nutrients found in flour leaving a bleached out, flavorless, high carb, low fiber mess.  Many manufactures then add back in missing nutrients and label it enriched.  They also add sugar to make it taste better.  Remember a simple rule if something has been removed then something must be added back in to take its place. Throw out that white bread and white pasta and replace with something that actually has nutritional value! There are so many great options now.  Look for breads that are whole grain, have a fiber content of 5 or more.  An even better option is a sprouted grain bread like Ezekeil.  Same with pasta.  Look for whole grain or he new rice pastas available. 

2. Choose better beverages! Yes I am from the Mid-West where we call that bubbly stuff in a can pop. Did you know that just  can have up to 35 grams of sugar! That's the same as a Krispy Kreme Chocolate glazed donuts. Even the diet versions will wreak havoc on your body.  Processed artificial sugars are poison in our bodies. There have been several studies that have linked artificial sugars to vertigo, cancer and weight gain.  Instead choose sparking water, fruit flavored water or coconut water.

3. Add muscles! Instead of cutting out calories think of burning them.  We need food, food is the fuel in our tank, but more calories than we need will cause our bodies to store the excess for later.  In order to get rid of the excess it is much easier to add a little more activity then to cut out calories going in.  The best way to do this is to add weight training to your routine.  A pound of muscle burns 6.5 calories per hour.  A pound of fat burns only 1.2 calories per hour.  Not only that but a pound of muscle takes up less room than fat so it is a win win. 
4. Add a detox to your routine! We all need a good cleansing every once in a while even a healthy person.  Even when we change our eating habits we may meet some resistance with our bodies. A highly acidic body can be resistant to fat loss and cause fatigue as well as depressions.  Jump starting your program with a 30-90 day nutritional cleanse can make a complete difference in your body.  When your body is in an alkaline (neutral)  state, it burns fat more efficiently, you have more energy and you feel better emotionally.