Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can You Workout While Pregnant?

People are amazed all the time that I am 27 weeks pregnant and still teaching classes and working out.  However, as long as you were active before you can stay active during pregnancy.  If you have never tried a specific workout style before being pregnant, starting while pregnant is a BAD idea.  Exceptions being Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Pilates.

Here are some simple rules to follow when you are choosing to workout while pregnant:
1. Always check with your doctor.  Just as everyone is different, every pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had to cut way back on my workout regime.  I was sore and tired and was suggested that I take it easy. With this one I feel great energized & in very little pain.  So be smart.
2. Make sure you are consuming enough calorie.  Now is NOT the time to diet. A health pregnancy should gain about 25-35lbs and more for multiples.  Yes eat healthy.  Yes consume nutrient dense foods.  However, do not cut out calories.  On average to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight you should take in an additional 100 calories per day, again more with multiples.   Eat when you are hungry.  If you eat smart & clean you will take the weight off after the baby I promise. Don't sweat it right now.  Enjoy eating and enjoy being pregnant.  I drink a quick protein shake after my classes to make sure I keep my energy levels up. Vanilla Isalean is my go to drink.
3. Be smart and avoid dangerous sports. Now is not the time to try Cross Fit.  Down hill skiing is not the best idea.  Mountain biking not so much either.  You get the point.
4. Dress cool and comfortable.  You want to be aware of overheating.   During pregnancy your body temperature tends to be a little higher as it is.  Every notice you break a sweat in below freezing weather? Make sure you dress comfortable and cool.  Lululemon has the No Limits tank that I LOVE! It's supportive, flattering to the belly & airy. I am also a big fan of their Studio pants. 
5. Stay hydrated! Electrolytes are so very important. They help keep out body systems balanced.  Adding electrolytes to your water will help keep you hydrated and help maintain your energy levels. I love Smart Water and Isagenix Want More Energy Sticks.
6. Avoid exercises flat on your back. During your first trimester you are usually ok, unless you are having multiples. The weight of the baby presses against a major artery that runs along the right side of your spine.  This can cause your blood pressure to drop as well as the blood flow to your baby.  There are a lot of modifications you can do. I will be posting some this weekend on my Youtube Channel.
7. Wear a support belt.. These are a God send! I wear mine all day long but definitely during exercise.  They help take the pressure off your lower back.  I bought a few of them from Pea in the Pod for $18. I keep one in my purse and one in my gym bag.
8. Listen to your body.  If are tired take it back a notch, Avoid getting out of breath.  Be smart here. Again you are not looking to prove anything you are staying healthy for you and your baby.  Killing yourself in spin class will do just the opposite for both.  Your heart rate tends to be elevated during pregnancy and it is advised to keep your heart rate below 80% of your target heart rate. I tend to rely on my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) over a heart rate monitor.I check with myself, am I out of breath? Am I overheating?  If I answer yes to either I cut down on my range of motion and/or my exertion.
9. Stay consistent. Working out 3-4 days a week 30 minutes to an hour is a perfect plan.  Get in a good mix of cardio, weight training and yoga.  Most importantly get on a schedule and stick with it.  If you are working out 2 hours one day then nothing for another two weeks you are loosing the benefit.  It is better to get in smaller bouts of exercise consistently than to do longer workouts.
10. Be wary of abs. I personally suffer from rectus diastasis which is when the abdominals split down the middle.  If you have this condition as well it is not recommended that you do abdominal exercises during the 2nd trimester.  They are out for everyone in the third.  However, there are many great prenatal Pilates classes and videos out there that will help keep your core strong.  If you just can not resist, standing oblique work is safe and doing contractions in table top is as well.  (I will post these soon.)

Great at home yoga workouts for prenatal and non- pregnant mammas.

** As always make sure you consult your doctor before starting a new workout program ESPECIALLY when expecting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Italian Salad

  • 2 C romaine lettuce - torn, washed and dried
  • 1 C torn escarole
  • 1 C torn radicchini
  • 1 C torn red leaf lettuce
  • 1/4 C chopped green onions
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into rings
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, sliced in rings  
  • 12 cherry tomatoes  
  • 1/2 C sliced carrots
  • 1/4 C pine nuts
  • 1/4 C feta cheese
  • 1/4 C grapeseed oil
  • 2 T chopped fresh basil  
  • 1 T oregano
  • 1/4 C balsamic fig vinegar
  • 2 T lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
    1. In a large bowl, combine the romaine, escarole, radicchio, red-leaf, scallions, red pepper, green pepper and cherry tomatoes.
    2. Whisk together the grapeseed oil, basil, vinegar, lemon juice and salt and pepper. Pour over salad, toss and serve immediately. 
    **for protein add grilled wild caught Alaskan salmon

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Food Focus: Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are some of the easiest and most beneficial vegetables to incorporate into your daily routine. Densely packed with energy and nutrients, they grow upward to the sky, absorbing the sun’s light while producing oxygen. Members of this royal green family include kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli rabe, watercress, beet greens, bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

How do greens benefit our bodies? They are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and zinc, and are a powerhouse for vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed full of fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. Their color is associated with spring, which is a time to renew and refresh vital energy. In traditional Asian medicine, the color green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity. Greens aid in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, improving liver, gall bladder and kidney function, fighting depression, clearing congestion, improving circulation and keeping your skin clear and blemish free.

Leafy greens are the vegetables most missing from the American diet, and many of us never learned how to prepare them. Start with the very simple recipe below. Then each time you go to the market, pick up a new green to try. Soon you’ll find your favorite greens and wonder how you ever lived without them.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Cleaning


People like “stuff”. We tend to hold onto it year after year. We save and stock up on things that we don’t know what to do with anymore. Maybe we keep things because they hold precious memories of days gone by, or they remind us of our parents, grandparents, past loves or childhood. To part with these precious possessions seems out of the question. There is a saying that goes, “You have to get rid of the old to make way for the new.”  If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life, try spring-cleaning. Throw out some of that stuff, say goodbye to your past and welcome the new energy of your happy, healthy future. Try these three ideas:


1.     For good mental and physical health, we actually have two “houses” that need to be spring-cleaned: our physical homes and our physical bodies. Just as we accumulate “stuff” in the form of outgrown clothes, magazines, rusty bicycles, tools and random keepsakes, so do our bodies accumulate old food residues and toxins that need to be cleaned out.


2.     To spring clean your body, give it a break from rich and complicated foods by either cleansing or fasting for a short period of time. Cleansing means paring down your food to just simple fruits and vegetables, lots of water and perhaps whole grains. Fasting means limiting most foods and drinking lots of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, teas and soups. Without much energy going toward digestion, more energy is available to the rest of your body and mind. Cleansing and fasting can sharpen your concentration, help you gain insight and promote spiritual awareness. It can also bring improved immune function and better digestion.


3.     While you’re cleaning out your body and home, don’t forget to spring-clean your heart. Throw away negative thoughts and habits you’ve been harboring that no longer serve you. A clean, open heart will allow you to receive all the good that awaits you each and every day. If your heart and mind are cluttered, there is no room for life’s gifts and surprises to enter.