Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cancer Patients Gain from Exercise

Cancer Patients Gain from Exercise

An exercise routine is a key piece of a healthy lifestyle for anyone, and is just as pertinent for cancer patients as it is for someone who is not affected by the deadly disease. Exercise is powerfully correlated to a lesser chance of the cancer reoccurring and a longer life expectancy.
Increasing life expectancy seems like enough of a benefit but there are also a variety of others. Exercise will lessen the painful side effects from cancer treatments like exhaustion, nausea and depression. The health of cancer patients is compromised by treatments and exercise is able to improve the immune system so patients are able to ward off any possible threats.
People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and especially those who are overweight, increase their chances for many diseases, including different types of cancers. Once someone already has cancer, exercise is a way they can help fight the symptoms. The benefits are endless. Exercise will allow patients to get a full night’s sleep, increases oxygen throughout the body, eases stress, increases muscle mass, allows better weight management as well as an overall improvement of quality of life.

Of course not every exercise routine will be the same for everyone. There are different recommendations and special considerations for patients with different types of cancer. Someone who received surgery to remove brain cancer is going to have a far different routine than someone who is undergoing treatment for mesothelioma. It is a must for cancer patients to consult physicians before they plan an exercise regimen.
No matter what exercises are chosen, it is important that they are enjoyable for the patients. This ensures motivation levels will stay up and the routine will be just that, a routine.

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Raw Vegan Sundried Tomato Sauce

This is the easiest recipe I have ever found and it oh, so tasty!

1 c sundried tomatoes

Place the Sundried tomatoes in a bowl. Fill bowl with water enough to just barely cover the tomatoes. Let soak for about an hour. Pour water and tomatoes into the food processor and process on low until a creamy consistency. TADA!

Why I love my Midwestern Thighs!

Nate Berkus made a very accurate statement this morning. He said that when men wake up and look in the mirror they see everything they like about themselves. When women wake up and look at themselves they pick apart everything wrong with themselves. This is a crisis of the American Culture. Why are women too hard on themselves? The funny thing is, and my husband agrees, guys don’t like really skinny girls! So why do women what to be so skinny? Guys like imperfections so why do we try so hard to be perfect? It is for the approval of other women who to be quite honest, are too worried about what they look like to care about what you look like. It is about time we change this pattern. So next time you get out of the shower and look in the mirror about everything that is wrong look at everything that is right! Time for me to get a little TMI here…. I have always been small chested and have been mildly self-conscious about it my entire life. Well, as many women have experienced, after I had my daughter what I did have well… deflated. I could spend time starring at myself in the mirror obsessing or I can remember the wonder of what purpose they served. I was able to nourish my daughter to give her the best health she could possibly have. And when she spent the 1st 2 weeks of her life it in NIC unit I strongly believe that it was because I was there every 3 hours to make sure she got what she needed that she was able to fight off every illness she has been faced with since. At 21 months old she has had 2 mild fevers and the stomach flu once. I have what my husband calls Midwestern thighs but as Shakeria said, “I can run for cover when I need to.” Find 3 things you normally consider flaws and tell me why you should love them!