Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Day Challange coming to an end

My 30 Day Personal Challenge is coming to an end and I am so excited with the results. Even though I was not able to follow the workouts as planned, in fact not even close I still saw tremendous results. I am really kicking myself for not taking before pictures because I really want people to see! I drank my Shakeology every day, tried to get my Insanity workout in about 5 days a week, Ageless Actives daily and drank my IsaLean and Want More Energy about every other day. I did lose any weight, which was not the intention anyways. However, the abs I had before giving birth have FINALLY returned!! I thought for a while they might not and I was ok with that. So when I noticed the difference I was pretty excited!! For about a year now I have been sharing the benefits I have experienced from drinking Shakeology. My skin has cleared up; my Psoriasis is not gone but has been reduced tremendously. My skin is not as dry as it used to be. Most excitedly, my hair is growing back in!! I had lost a lot of it during college then even more after having McKalyn. My hair is actually thicker than it was when I was pregnant. I noticed today that I have another row of new growth coming in. So when I was approached to try Isagenix I wasn’t sure it would really make a difference. There is no argument about what these products have done for my physique. Even without making a commitment to the nutrition plan I used to follow or the training that I usually endure to compete, I have seen improvement! I can’t wait to see what happens when I actually start training consistently and eating the way I am supposed to!