Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Only 3 more months

I can not believe how quickly the time has passed!! In just a little over 3 months I will be giving birth to a beautiful little girl and I couldn't be more excited. It's kinda ironic that I finally get used to all of these weird things that are happening to my body just in time to have it back again. However, I must say, I am very much looking forward to that too. I would love to say that I am one of those beautiful pregnant women that are all belly, but I can't. My ENITRE body has been taken over. Before my belly popped out, my butt popped out and before that my boobs. I must say it is very strange hearing people refer to me as being big busted. Even more amazing when people are in shock to hear that I am pregant. I mean do they really think I am just really fat? But they there is that random guy who think I am so big I must be giving birth tomorrow. Gotta love it.